Chapter 32. Spirit World 2

There are three things that shocked me when I crossed over to Sesaisa’s world.

First, the beach ecosystem was so messed up that it was hard to believe.

I mean, the land is so good, but they reclaimed it to make an oak forest. This needs to be restored first.

This was surprising, but still within the realm of imagination.

But the other two things were beyond my imagination.

[Biin, it’s nice to see you again after another clash. It’s an honor that you willingly visited our humble world. Since I’m here, let me show you how I manage the fish.]

A gigantic, soul elephant-like human was floating around. I instinctively knew from the way it spoke.

[Biin: Just to be sure, are you Sesaisa?]

[Oh. Of course, it’s always the marvelous me. Now that we can meet in spirit form instead of just messages, you can speak more comfortably. Anyway, it seems we are destined to keep cooperating.]

This guy is the type who is rude online but polite in person. Or rather, he becomes more refined.

Instead of messages, I took out the avatar I used in the game and answered in my own voice.

“Well. Fine. Sesaisa. Let’s be comfortable.”

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[Thank you for your kindness! But it seems you also chose a similar trait? I see you talking to my main body in the other world.]

“You too. Did you choose the trait ‘Avatar’?”

Literally, he got an ‘avatar’.

[Exactly. While the mind of a god is good, I thought I needed to feel the flesh and spirit of the beings to truly understand them.]

It’s a mythical trait that creates a player’s duplicate in the world with the same stats and abilities.

Objectively, it’s not as powerful as a similar mythical trait ‘Divine Beast’, so it’s considered a lower-tier trait, but now that it’s reality and not a game, it seems he can control both the outside and inside of the game separately.

This trait suits him better. I have no intelligent beings, so I have to manage the ecosystem purely with my own power, but Sesaisa has creatures that can act as his subordinates.

But what shocked me more than the fact that he got a mythical trait and can multitask without subordinate gods was something else.

“By the way, it’s really amazing now that I see it.”

[Didn’t you see it last time?]

“I didn’t know you could kill the spiritual realm layer.”

[Lament! Really? You had no idea how marvelous the feats of this Sesaisa are?]

The world of Sesaisa was naturally filled with spiritual structures that I had seen in my own world.

The scale was incomparable to that of Elkaider, who had handed over the spiritual realm to me along with knowledge of spiritual studies.

No… To be precise, Elkaider’s spiritual structures gave a more ‘solid’ impression, but Sesaisa’s structures were ‘flowing’. I couldn’t understand what it meant for structures to flow, but that was the only way I could describe it.

The entire world was rotating from above, once from below, and once from underground, circulating all the fragments of the gods to gather an overwhelming amount of magic and divinity, crafting it into a single spell.

I now understood that Sesaisa had to clear the world’s forests to perform this task.

【Still, it’s thanks to you that I could undertake such a task. By directly connecting the flow to the fragments of the gods, life has flourished even more, and we can harvest more acorns, though it’s a problem that acorns don’t grow on the beach.】

“Just grow palm trees on the beach. They’re better than oak trees.”

【The yield doesn’t compare, though.】

“No, well… Reclaiming land to plant oak trees would be useless, so just plant palm trees. I’ll explain in detail later, but for now, let’s quickly address your ecosystem.”

The me in my world was also learning diligently from Sesaisa. Sesaisa, too, seemed to think that even if I disappeared, he had to somehow maintain the ecosystem, listening attentively and asking about my work.

So, as a result, I significantly improved Sesaisa’s world.

Compared to the last time I saw it, Sesaisa’s world had expanded fourfold, and naturally, he planted oak trees all over the fourfold land without considering the quality of the soil or the climate, almost destroying the ecosystem.

After somehow restoring it, my contribution became enormous. However, there was a problem.

“Mr. Bin, you need to give Mr. Sesaisa 20,888 points.”

It meant that my contribution was much less. It seemed like Sesaisa hadn’t done much, but since the knowledge itself was secretive and practical, the contribution measurement turned out this way.

And honestly, 20,000 points felt a bit wasteful. Considering my ecosystem was utterly ruined and my points barely exceeded 50,000, it felt even more so.

“It seems you encountered an easy opponent. There was almost nothing to touch except what you ruined yourself.”

【It was a pathetically weak opponent. Sending a few fish made them all melt away as if swept by a current.】

Sesaisa’s elephant unit was strong enough to hunt Yog-Tosos, so it wasn’t an exaggeration.

When a few crossed over during the dimensional gate stage, it was a disaster. Especially now, with a few hero entities selected, there would be almost no one to handle it.

【But next time, you might encounter a stronger enemy. If you find the points wasteful, you can pass the knowledge to me.】

Of course, it would be absurd for me to hand over all the knowledge I gained from games, self-researched papers, and university studies in ecology.

But since the points were indeed precious, I turned the knowledge I wasn’t familiar with into a book and handed it over.

“How about this? It’s some spiritual studies knowledge I happened to acquire.”

【Spiritual studies? It’s not my specialty, but it’s a valuable field. Let’s see.】

It was indeed Elkaider’s spiritual studies knowledge that I wasn’t familiar with. Sesaisa flipped through the book containing knowledge in the field of spiritual studies and was surprised, responding immediately.

【I’ll buy this right away.】

The angel responded immediately.

“Then Mr. Sesaisa should rather give some points to Mr. Bin.”

【Praise! Then I’ll make up for the lacking part with explanations about spiritual studies and the spiritual realm. How about that?】

“Right now, you’re so ignorant that you don’t even know the difference between magic and mystery, so you have no choice but to listen. Especially if you aim to win.”

Thus began the magic education of the self-proclaimed top expert in general mysticism, Marquis Sesaisa (he insisted on being called that), which even a fool could understand.

First of all, he was surprisingly good at teaching for a scholar. Though, how should I put it, he taught like a racist.

【The place where beings like you live is the material world. But there exists a world called the spiritual realm, which most beings cannot perceive.】

“Is it different from the spiritual world I got from Elkaider?”

【Yes, it is different. The material world refers to all areas where matter is concentrated, and your world literally means only your world. The spiritual realm refers to all areas where spiritual flow exists, and the spiritual world is just your spiritual world.】


And there was something similar to the spiritual realm and spiritual flow in Panwol, but the expansion pack that added that mechanism was poorly completed.

Looking back now, it might have been an attempt to somehow implement the reality of another world, which either failed or succeeded too well for the humans of the material world to understand.

【Then let me explain what spiritual flow is, since you know nothing. It’s like explaining what ‘matter’ is to someone who naturally resides in that realm, which makes it rather difficult to explain.

Think about what constitutes the material world. The material world is divided into ‘matter’ and ‘force’. Matter is what has mass, and the formless flow that moves and acts upon that matter is force.】

“Ah, the realm of chemistry and physics. I get it.”

【Yes. The spiritual flow is the same. It consists of ‘flow’ and ‘spirit’. The important thing is that it is the opposite of matter. In the material world, there is an abundance of matter, but the types of forces are surprisingly few.】

“Four, if our world’s physics is correct.”

【Yes. But in the spiritual realm, it’s the opposite. The types of flows are virtually infinite. But the ‘spirits’ that the flows act upon? Well, I support the theory that there are three.】

“Can’t you be sure?”

【It’s not proven yet. Anyway, the ‘flow’ that moves the ‘spirit’, and the manifestation of the flow’s influence in the material world is what you call ‘mystery’. What you simply call magic.】

“······So? What exactly does spiritual establishment study?”

Honestly, it feels like I’m listening to a fantasy setting book. It really is a fantasy setting.

【Spiritual establishment is literally the study of making spirits that respond to flows resist the flow and stay in place. Building structures in the material world is very easy. Just stack things up, and they take shape.

The problem is in the spiritual realm. Everything is flow, and building structures with spirits that either resist or conform to the flow is extremely, really extremely difficult. The player who gave you knowledge might not have a deep understanding of spiritual establishment, but they had practical knowledge, so they could build a spiritual world.】

So, in essence, it’s the study of building magical structures.

“Alright. I understand up to that point. So, what exactly does a ‘spiritual world’ do?”

【Simply put, it is a space that moves, filters, or changes the type of flow, or accumulates it in the form of spirits. What can you do with it? Well, I’ll explain that directly to you over there.】

I entered Sesaisa’s world and listened to the explanation to understand the situation. I naturally continued the explanation I was hearing from Sesaisa’s main body, which had crossed over to my world.

“Here. This is a crude temporary spiritual world. It looks like trash made with advanced technology to me, but fortunately, there’s a blueprint, so improvement is quite easy. The main function of this spiritual world is to use the flow to condense ‘spirits’. When the condensed spirits reside in beings, they are called 〈mana〉, and when they reside in beings like us, who are composed of flow, they are called 〈divinity〉. The power that beings use to condense 〈divinity〉 in the flow is called 〈faith〉.”

“Ah. Wait a minute. So, it’s like a device that generates divine power?”

So that’s why faith increased when I installed the spiritual world.

“That’s right. But in my opinion, it’s a really crude method. This is the basics of the basics. Divinity and magic are just unrefined prototypes. They need to be processed once to be transformed into a mystery with specific functions.

This has the basic function of gathering the surplus and unnecessary flows of the world and turning them into divinity, but that’s not enough.

I passed on the detailed knowledge to Yog-Tosos, and I was going to personally attach a spiritual realm later, but since there’s a piece of trash made with good technology here, let’s modify this a bit and make it.”

With that, Sesaisa began to tinker with the spiritual realm received from Elkaider using his divine power.

It was similar to the manifestation of divinity that creates and evolves life. Perhaps there is truly no significant difference. The workings of life and the workings of mystery, that is.

“Alright. It’s ready, so let’s activate it. It will make what you wished for come true.”


A sound, somewhat like a vacuum cleaner or washing machine, absurdly like a household appliance, was heard.

The spiritual realm circulating throughout my entire world. That spiritual realm was greedily sucking in the magic of my world, the flow created from the magic, and the divine power, the life force emitted from the nectar, all those unnatural forces were being sucked in to operate that single device called the spiritual realm.

And after a while, the spiritual realm spat out something like melted ice cream. It was a slightly mushy but non-elastic substance.

『Essence of the Dessert Legion

Description: A substance that mimics the pure life material nectar. It can be used as an energy source by beings collectively referred to as the Dessert Legion, and it can absorb not only the 〈life〉 magic but also some 〈earth〉 attribute magic to ingest mineral components.』

My eyes widened.

This spiritual realm could serve as a limited supply base outside the nectar spring.

Now, it was made in a form squeezed from the sky for the supply of Yog-Tosos, but considering Sesaisa’s explanation that the spiritual realm can be installed on the ground and works even better, it makes even more sense.

“By slightly changing the form of the spiritual realm, various properties can be added. Hmm. Doing this makes me short on points again? I’ll take some nectar.”

Take as much as you want. This is an achievement worth it.

From now on, this 《spiritual realm》 needs a name.

《Creamland (The Lands of Cream)》. This land that produces this ‘cream’ supplying energy to my creatures in the spiritual realm should rightfully be called this.

“It resembles the name of an otherworldly place that should not be dared to be approached.”

It’s much superior. It’s only natural that C is higher and superior to D.

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