Chapter 18. Transaction 2

[Bieen: Sesaisa. I’ll fix the ecosystem here, so give me 4 points for every 1 point I raise here.]

[Sesaisa: Same condition for me. 4 points per contribution.]

[Bieen: I understand some losses, but if the <Life> score drops by more than 300 points, stop immediately^^]

[Sesaisa: Agreed. The combined <Mystery> and <Technology> scores must not drop by more than 300 points.]

For manipulating the opponent’s ecosystem, I use my divine power instead of the opponent’s. Since the opponent can use as much as I use, we agreed on the initial amount to use.

This amount of divine power should be roughly enough. Now, let’s start modifying the ecosystem.

First of all! The only life form in that ecosystem is the elephant-human. The only species, with a huge brain, immense strength, and tremendous mystery.

Sesaisa’s elephant species seemed to have been modified from an originally native life form, having a similar ecology to real elephants.

What is the ecology of elephants? In nature, the role of elephants is to eat ‘trees’.

That’s why there are so few trees in the African savannah plains.

Elephant herds roam around, breaking and eating everything. The African savannah plains are so vast that trees grow back into forests while the elephants move.

By the way, the dense forests of North America were created because humans killed off creatures like ground sloths that occupied the ecological niche of elephants.

“Ah. Yes. I see.”

In short, these guys are herbivores. Herbivores that eat trees and slowly digest them with their large stomachs. Plants are hard to digest, but if you can digest them, you can get fat just by eating wood.

But Sesaisa recklessly increased the number of this species, disrupting the balance of nature and literally crushing the forest.

So when there was nothing left to eat, Sesaisa, who knew nothing about biology, arbitrarily evolved these elephant-humans to eat insects and meat, but that only made their energy efficiency worse.

So they ate all the forest, all the bushes and ground plants, all the insects and animals, and then had no choice but to pray to the gods for food.

First, I modify the environment.

Seeing the remaining seeds and fragments of the gods here, I restored their genes and revived the oak trees that were originally in the forest.

It seems that they were gigantic creatures that produced an enormous amount of acorns.

Those elephants are responsible for removing the excessively growing forest, and judging by the bones left in the forest, there were rodents, herbivorous mammals, and reptiles that ate an enormous amount of acorns? These species don’t seem to exist on Earth. Also, birds? And medium to large carnivores that ate them.

The fact that such a good ecosystem could be destroyed made me feel a terrible pain as if my blood was boiling, but I do what I have to do.

First, I modified the restored oak trees with divine power. By excessively endowing them with divine power, I made them larger and more lush, covering an area of about 15 square kilometers entirely with oak trees.

[Sesa: You idiot! Who can’t create plants using divine power?]

[Bean: Oh, how can the ecosystem function if the forest isn’t restored? Wait, what are you doing?! The water in my nectar oasis! Where did you put it?!]

[Sesa: I just threw it into a nearby valley because it seemed like it was diluting the nectar. How can you absorb magic with that structure?]

[Bean: You damn idiot!!!]

I hurriedly returned to my world and adjusted the water and jelly that filled the valley, and Sesa tried to feed all the oak forest I had painstakingly grown to her elephants, so I desperately stopped her.

[Bean: Then I’ll reduce the size of the elephants.]

[Sesa: What? No!!! Then their brains will weaken, and their mental strength and mystery will diminish!]

[Bean: We can just increase their numbers.]

[Sesa: No! Absolutely not! We can’t reduce their size!]

Oh, really? Is there a reason they have to be big? Well, it seems like a lot of manipulation was done to their brains, nervous systems, and souls, which I don’t fully understand.

Then let’s change the method a bit.

More conditions and restrictions were added to what we shouldn’t do, and I continued tuning the ecosystem.

First of all, an oak tree is a general term for a tree that produces acorns. Even in another world, there must be creatures that have convergently evolved in this way.

And an acorn is a tree fruit. It is nutritious enough to live on just acorns. However, the downside is that it tastes terrible.

By human standards, it’s inedible, and even squirrels prefer peanuts over acorns if they have a choice.

However, acorns are produced in enormous quantities. In an oak forest, millions of acorns fall to the ground every autumn. It’s enough to sustain the entire ecosystem.

I modified the elephants’ diet from pure wood and various omnivorous foods to a preference for acorns. Since the population is small, the modification was easy.

I also elongated their short, inefficient hands and arms, making them long and thick, and made their abdomens thinner to accommodate their internal organs. Since they won’t be eating a wood-based diet, they don’t need a large stomach.

I kept the size of their skulls and brain functions but made them slightly softer. They became more like ‘human’ elephants than ‘elephant’ humans. I also modified their trunks, making them shovel-shaped and creating a structure that allows them to store a lot of items in their nasal cavities, so they can scoop up acorns with their trunks and use their hands to grab tools and tear apart trees with their grip strength.

The acorn-eating elephants thrived madly. Their breeding season is during the acorn harvest season once a year.

During that time, they eat acorns like crazy, fatten up, and then give birth. During the rest of the year, they eat leaves, fallen leaves, and branches with their long fingers and arms.

Most of their activities are spent on magic research? Magic practice? Meditation? Something like that. I had those who could use magic help expand the forest.

I also restored other creatures, prioritizing the restoration of squirrels, birds that eat squirrels, and foxes.

And I made the roots of the oak trees deeper and larger, and made them produce an enormous amount of fruit. Enough to live on acorns all year round.

Then these guys learned how to store acorns that open only once a year, built houses with trees, made tools, and started cooking. The scores for 〈Culture〉, 〈Technology〉, and 〈Industry〉 unintentionally skyrocketed.

[Biin: I used up all the divine power I aimed for. Choose some traits. 〈Life〉 surpassed 926 points, so you get 2. Culture, politics, and industry all went up by 2 levels each.]

[Sesaisa: What?! That never goes up even if you die! Oh, and I also raised the Nectar Spring by 1 level and the Apjuice level by 2 stages.]

What? You raised the Nectar Spring by 1 level?

They looked at each other’s worlds in astonishment.

What the hell did this crazy guy do? The Nectar Spring reached level 7. Even the size of the oasis is the same. It’s the same, but… the magic concentration just doubled. The only resource used was divine power, so how did you do it?

[Sesaisa: You, what the hell did you do? How did you raise the life score so high with that divine power?! How did the other scores go up?]

[Biin: No, I want to ask, how the hell do you do it?!?!]

I only used common means to raise it, but Sesaisa also says he only used common means.

He explained that the flow of fragments of surrounding gods and spiritual structures was a mess, creating the ecosystem below, so he restored it and made the magic of the entire world condense into the Nectar Oasis according to simple magic principles. He said there was nothing he couldn’t do with the power of Yog-Tosos.

What is that? How did you do that?

[Sesaisa: Can you raise the 〈Life〉 score even more?]

[Biin: I just did the basic work, but if you want, even 3 or 4 times more?]

[Sesaisa: I also just did the basic work? Wait a minute. If I teach this Yog-Tosos a few pieces of magical knowledge, its combat power will double… Wait and see.]

With twice the available resources, I continued the ecosystem modification work.

Not all land needs to be oak forests. The most important first land is suitable for an oak forest that produces acorns, but near the lake, valley, and hills, other creatures can be planted.

I am not an environmentalist who blindly calls for ecological harmony. I did it because it was most suitable for my play, but I recognize that Sesaisa’s world must be a world for elephants only.

So, I remodel all the worlds into forms for oak forests and their civilizations. It’s an ecological civilization work.

“Wow… The master of mass extinction knows how to play like that while playing anti-intellectualism?”

“Sesaisa, ha… Don’t even mention it. He just bulldozes the forest with knowledge of mystery.”

No matter what the angels babble, Sesaisa and I alternately check the state of each other’s worlds, making sure the other side isn’t up to any tricks or mistakes, and continuously develop each other’s ecosystems and magical environments.

Now, the oak forest is managed not by elephants but by trained squirrels.

The squirrels almost scatter acorns everywhere, and the birds also eat the acorns and spread the seeds over a wider area through their droppings.

I remodeled all the oak trees to adapt to all environments of Sesaisa’s ecosystem, but left the biological function of spreading acorns. No matter how much the elephants thrive, they can eat acorns and oak trees anywhere in the world.

And since they seem to like fruits and grass as a special treat, I added such plants. I greatly increased the ecological diversity and combined monsters and plants to create magical creatures that support all parts of their culture, technology, and industry.

The elephant people cut down the giant trees, share them, hold festivals, and thanks to the acorns set to be scattered differently every season, they can hold acorn festivals just by following the designated orbit of the world.

With their excellent intelligence, they built villages, developed commerce and tools, directly farmed oak trees, and made dishes and medicines from acorns and various plants.

There are many more things I want to touch, but this should be enough.

[Sesaisa: Praise. This great mystery.]

Applaud. This beautiful ecosystem.

The World of Biin

Life LV.7: 9,367 (+1,067) Acquired 1 new excellent trait.

Military LV.6: 6,632 (+2,633)

Industry LV.4: 1,464 (+631) Acquired 1 new general trait.

Technology LV.5: 2,021 (+1,861) Acquired 4 new general traits.

Culture LV.0: 0

Politics LV.0: 0

Mystery LV.6: 4,385 (+2,519) Acquired 1 new general trait and 1 excellent trait.

Faith LV.5: 3,098 (+1,327)

Total Score LV.5: 26,967 (+10,038)

The World of Sesaisa

Life LV.5: 2,291 (+2,058) Acquired 3 new general traits.

Military LV.6: 5,232 (+1,343) Acquired 1 new excellent trait.

Industry LV.4: 1,526 (+1,447) Acquired 4 new general traits.

Technology LV.5: 3,566 (+347)

Culture LV.5: 3,236 (+3,003) Acquired 3 new general traits.

Politics LV.5: 2,676 (+2,499) Acquired 4 new general traits.

Mystery LV.6: 5,459 (+456)

Faith LV.5: 3,244 (+333)

Total Score LV.5: 27,577 (+11,486)

[Sesaisa: Oh, this beautiful world!!!]


Sesaisa really simply strengthened my world. Raised the level of the Nectar Spring, raised the Apjuice to level 7, and raised the Yogurt-Sauce to level 5.

And the overall magic pressure of the world was raised to a crazy level, which was then consumed by the Apjuice and the jellies, causing the overall life and combat power of the world to skyrocket, even now.

I can only say this.

What the hell did you do? I don’t understand.

[Sesaisa: Oh my god. Oh my god. Oh my god. These useless chunks of meat have developed a civilization! The flow of the meat is working perfectly!]

[Biin: Wow. I don’t know what you did, but the level of the Nectar Spring and even the legendary creations have all risen significantly. This is amazing.]

“I will calculate the points for both sides.”

Right. The points raised are only calculated based on contributions. In other words, even if the other side didn’t touch it, the points wouldn’t be received if it rose on its own.

Ah, damn. This is troublesome. Didn’t they do so much for me that I might lose tens of thousands of points?

“Sesaisa-nim, you need to give 344 points to Biin-nim.”

Wow. I’m actually getting points. Didn’t they do more for me?

But if you think about it, it was a close call.

[Sesaisa: Biin, you are truly the top expert among the meat.]

[Biin: Yes, yes. Sesaisa-nim, you are truly the best in magic! The top master!]

[Sesaisa: Wait a minute, this isn’t right. I still have a lot to teach you. Anyway, you’ll win the next match, so let’s do this just in case.]

“Player ‘Sesaisa’ has requested a ‘Non-Aggression Pact’. During the duration of the Non-Aggression Pact, you will not be subject to world conflicts except in unavoidable circumstances.”

Not an alliance proposal, but a non-aggression pact. They’re openly saying let’s settle this in the later stages. Until then, they plan to suck up all the ecological information I provide.

But I also needed their magic information… Yeah. The magical knowledge I learned from the game isn’t enough.

If I want to be the best among a billion people, I need to know enough about magic not to be deceived. I need the help of the top expert from a world where magic exists.

I accepted Sesaisa’s proposal. The next conflict. Sesaisa will probably win. I also have a very high chance of winning.

“The world conflict will begin soon. Only the surviving players will advance to the next round.”

It’s not too late to talk then.

“A moment of silence for the player who will face the Lord of Extinction, and for the player who will face the equivalent magical elephant army…”

From noble mtl dot com

Well, meteors always fall suddenly.

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