The Ancient Wizards of Hogwarts

Chapter 45: Chase him down, wolves!

"Bai Zi, tell them to retreat!"

Setsuna rushed towards the wolves from the forest, and Ash, who was riding on her back, shouted loudly. At the same time, he took out several potion bottles containing purple liquid from his 'pocket' and threw them towards the troll. in the group.


The potion bottle was thrown on the giant monster, and it shattered when hit by its hard skin.

This obviously failed to hurt the troll, but instead enraged it, roaring and trying to charge at Ash.

However, as the potion bottle shattered, a thundercloud quietly gathered above the giant monster's head.

The giant monster had just roared and ran two steps when a bolt of lightning suddenly struck it!


The giant monster was hacked until it turned black all over, and fell into the mud in an awkward state, causing the earth to tremble.

Soon, another bolt of lightning struck, this time hitting another giant monster next to it.

The thundercloud rained down dozens of lightning strikes one after another, killing all living creatures in its area - or in other words, all giant monsters - indiscriminately.

Because of Ash's reminder, the giant wolves decisively gave up and continued fighting with the giant monster, biting the bodies of their injured comrades and dragging them to a safe place. Only the giant monster remained stupidly in place, enduring Lei Niang's attack.

However, Bai Zi's eyes did not relax at all, and he still stared at the giant monsters vigilantly.

Although these lightning strikes do a lot of damage, they are not enough to kill these giant monsters with extremely high magic resistance. At most, they can only temporarily paralyze their bodies.

After all, the giant monster is famous for its ferocity because of its immense strength and thick skin!

While the thunderclouds were gathering, Ash was not idle. He raised his wand without hesitation, pointed it at a giant monster that happened to escape the lightning strike, and chanted a spell:


The invisible wind blade broke through the obstacles of the tree trunk, passed through the giant monster's body in the blink of an eye, and struck the owl's head along the wound on its neck that was scratched by the giant wolf!

This is falling apart!

There are many destructive spells, such as thunder explosions, shattering bones, blazing flames, and falling apart is just one of them.

But when facing creatures like trolls with thick health and high defense, Splinter is undoubtedly more useful than other explosive spells.

This is a very simple principle - explosion defeats light armor, and penetration defeats heavy armor.

The troll's high magic resistance can effectively resist explosive spells, while the 'cutting spell' similar to the fragmentation has a 'magic penetration' feature, which can cause more direct damage to the troll with high magic resistance!

The reason why Ash prefers to fall apart is not only because it is easy to use against giant monsters, but also because it is concealed enough and almost impossible to be caught by the naked eye.

In other words, as long as the wizard who casts the method of falling apart can learn to cast spells without spells, he can kill people invisible!



Seeing that the thundercloud was about to dissipate, Bai Zi was already shouting to the sky and ordering the giant wolf to launch a siege without Ash's need to speak.

Although lightning strikes cannot kill these giant monsters, it is enough to paralyze their bodies and slow down their movements. If we don't kill them while they are under control, do we have to wait for them to recover before fighting in an "honest" manner?

What did Song Xianggong do?


The wolves roared and pounced on the giants' shoulders, tearing their throats apart with their claws and fangs. However, the wolves have a tacit understanding to avoid the giant monsters that survived the lightning strike and avoid direct conflicts with them that are in good condition.

And every time these giant monsters roared and raised their wooden sticks to hit the giant wolves, an invisible wind blade struck from a distance and cut them in half.

In just a few minutes, the originally disadvantaged wolves regained the upper hand, and the trolls were completely killed or injured. But the benefits of the trolls' stupidity are once again reflected. They are even stupid enough not to lose morale at all!

Even if all their companions are dead, they will still rush forward roaring, completely unaware of fear.

Of course, Ash chose to fulfill them and send them to pieces to reunite with their families.


When the last giant monster's throat was slit by Bai Zi with his sharp claws, this 'war' finally came to an end.

Ash got off Setsuna's back, trotted over to the injured giant wolves, and took out the uplifting potion.

These giant wolves are not only valuable combat power for the future, but also extremely precious experimental materials. They cannot be wasted like this!

Most of these giant wolves were humane. Even though they were dying, they still opened their mouths very cooperatively and allowed Ash to pour the potion in. The effect of the invigorating potion was also very obvious, and the wounds began to scab at an extremely fast speed.

In the process, Ash also confirmed his guess that these were indeed a group of 'them'.

Although a bottle of potion can't make them fully recover, it can't even put them out of danger. But Ash didn't care. If one bottle wasn't enough, he would have to feed him a few more bottles. The energizing potion wasn't worth anything anyway.

After more than a dozen bottles of invigorating potions, these giant wolves were finally brought back from the brink of death by Ash. Although most of them are still a little weak, they are at least able to stand normally. At this time, one by one of these giant wolves, they were all lying on the ground like good dogs, forming a circle with Ash as the center.


Setsuna stood by Ash's side, growling from time to time, as if threatening: You little bitches, don't think I don't know what you are thinking!

Shiroko, who still had blood on his paws, crossed the pack of wolves and came to Setsuna, looking down at her.

Setsuna whimpered and took two steps back in fear.


As the last giant wolf got up from the ground, Ash, who was holding the empty potion bottle, breathed a sigh of relief.

Should I say it or not, this job is quite tiring.

Ash was about to speak when he suddenly caught a glimpse of a dim light from the corner of his eye, and a man's exclamation also sounded in the forest:

"Trolls! So many trolls?"

"Damn, what the hell happened here?"

Carrying a lantern and wearing a coat, a giant appeared in Ash's field of vision. It was Hagrid.

He has always been responsible for guarding and patrolling the Forbidden Forest. There was too much noise here just now, and it was impossible for him not to notice it.

But luckily, he hasn't found Ash yet.

Ash gently stroked Bai Zi's ears and asked softly:

"Baizi, I can't be discovered by him. Can you send me to the area near Hogsmeade at the edge of the Forbidden Forest?"

"I need to get back to school before dawn. Of course, I'll be back tomorrow."

Bai Zi didn't say anything. She just lay on the ground obediently and let Ash ride on her back.


Hagrid finally passed through the corpses of the giant monsters and saw pairs of green eyes in the forest. His pupils suddenly shrank and he pointed the small pink umbrella in his hand at the werewolves vigilantly.

He gets along well with most of the magical animals in the Forbidden Forest. Neither the eight-eyed spider nor the centaur will harm him, but these werewolves are not within his close range.

Although these werewolves had never harmed him before, this was the first time he had been so close to a werewolf, not to mention that the corpses of these giant monsters were obviously the work of these werewolves, so Hagrid could not help but be wary.

However, what he didn't expect was that these werewolves just glanced at him and ran into the jungle and disappeared, as if they didn't want to be his enemy.


Hagrid frowned. He didn't think this was because the werewolves were docile, otherwise the dead trolls would definitely protest. Is it because the werewolves knew the consequences of hurting the wizard, so they didn't dare to attack?

Hagrid didn't doubt this, but the problem was...

Hagrid looked at the corpses on the ground, feeling happy and troubled at the same time.

Fortunately, all those who died were trolls. Centaurs have always disliked trolls, thinking that they were a scourge in the Forbidden Forest, more annoying than wizards.

Hagrid also dislikes these dirty, stupid creatures, although some believe they are related to giants.

What worries him is that so many trolls have died, how should he explain to Dumbledore?

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