The Ancient Wizards of Hogwarts

Chapter 33 Bloody Lessons

"Everyone has his own thing, right?"

Ash saw the teasing look in the older cat girl's eyes and complained.

In terms of date of birth, he could not only be Professor McGonagall's senior, but also her grandfather.

But can he still let Professor McGonagall call him grandpa?

This is definitely not possible.

Of course, it would not be impossible if Professor McGonagall could be replaced by Harry, calling her grandpa instead of daddy, and changing the location to her dormitory...

"Just a joke."

Professor McGonagall quickly changed the topic and continued:

"Professor Weasley once said that her biggest regret in life was not being able to teach you the complete Transfiguration. So as Professor Weasley's last student, I will be responsible for carrying forward Professor Weasley's legacy and teaching you to become a A qualified Animagus."

"You are free to choose your time to take the Transfiguration class, and you can always ask me questions you don't understand until you graduate."

Professor McGonagall said it very tactfully, but Ash could understand it - if he couldn't become an Animagus in seven years, it meant that he didn't have the talent in this area, and there was no need to continue to waste time.

"Thank you, Professor McGonagall," Ash said sincerely.

Professor McGonagall has a good heart after all, even though he doesn't need it.

Professor McGonagall showed a kind smile and pointed in the direction of the door:

"Mr. Black, you can leave first."

"Whether it's taking a Transfiguration class or leaving on my own, I won't object."

That’s what you say, but if you say that, what else is there to say?


In the Transfiguration classroom, the door to the office on the right side of the podium was suddenly opened.

This caused the originally chirping classroom to fall silent immediately, and all the freshmen sat upright, waiting for the teacher's arrival.

However, it was not Professor McGonagall who came out of the office, but a boy who looked about their age and a cat.


Harley waved to Ash excitedly, not caring about the weird looks from the people around her.

Hermione was also a little surprised. She moved to the right and there was no one next to her.

The tabby cat jumped onto the podium and stared at all the students quietly.

Ash sat down next to Hermione, and Harry next to him immediately showed a happy smile:

"Ash, Cassandra just told me you wouldn't come. She was really lying to me!"

"I don't!"

Cassandra retorted loudly.

Harley asked, "But Ash is here, isn't he?"

"How do I know?"

Cassandra muttered under her breath: "Ravenclaw students just shouldn't be here."

Ash showed a gentle smile and said softly:

"I was supposed to go to Charms class, but I wanted to go to class with you more, so here I am."

Hermione was a little worried: "But will this violate school rules?"

"just kidding."

Ash rubbed Hermione's thick brown hair and said with a smile:

"Actually, Professor McGonagall has something to do with me, so I'm here."

Harley was about to ask curiously what was going on, but Ash made a silencing gesture to her.

Harry covered her mouth and looked in the direction of the office, so was Professor McGonagall in that room?

The classroom was quiet, and it was obvious that most students were aware of this incident.

They began to lower their heads and read pretending to be serious, until they heard the sound of the door being secretly pushed open behind them.


Ron and Neville tiptoed into the classroom and were immediately relieved when they found that there was only a cat on the podium.

Then, then they knew what the Animagus was and what extreme joy brought about sorrow.

"Ten points from Gryffindor."

Professor McGonagall, who transformed from a cat back to a human, said in a stern tone:

"Transfiguration is the most complex and dangerous spell you have in your Hogwarts curriculum. Anyone who tries to cause trouble in my class will be asked to leave. He will never be allowed to come in again. I have warned you." .”

"Now, go back to your seats and start class."

"Is it really that dangerous?" Hermione asked nervously in a low voice.


Ash looked serious and warned seriously:

"You have to know that a wizard has to learn at least hundreds of spells in his life, and almost all of these spells are integrated into the spells course. Only Transfiguration can support a Transfiguration course alone, which is enough to explain a lot. matter."

"This is not only because of the complexity of transfiguration, but also because of the dangers of transfiguration. Improper use of transfiguration can easily lead to death. I have at least hundreds of examples here, so never use transfiguration on other people casually! "

Hermione nodded obediently, and Harry silently kept Ash's words in mind.

Professor McGonagall certainly heard the whispers of several people. After all, they were sitting in the front row, so it was difficult not to hear them.

But Professor McGonagall didn't care. The thing they were talking about was related to Transfiguration, and it coincided with her thoughts - she would never use Transfiguration on her students! And unless there is a desperate situation, she will not easily use transformation on others.

"It's just...where did he get hundreds of examples?"

Professor McGonagall was a little concerned about this matter. After all, although transfiguration is dangerous, most wizards know it well. They will not use transfiguration on other people casually. Even if they use it, they can succeed most of the time. Therefore, similar accidents It's actually rare.

Over the past few decades, there have been fewer than ten related accidents - cases in which people were injured or killed.

So Professor McGonagall really doesn't understand, where did Ash get the hundreds of fatal accidents?

According to her understanding, the accident rate of transfiguration a hundred years ago should be about the same as it is now.

But she soon realized that Ash was just deliberately scaring Hermione and the others. This was the same as many wizards who would deceive children by saying, "If you don't sleep at night, you will be captured by a troll."

Professor McGonagall figured this out and stopped caring. Instead, she raised her hand and pointed her wand at the desk:

"Vera Verto!"

The light from the top of the wand flashed, and the desk immediately turned into a lively pig. It was obviously a table just now, but now it was like a real pig, cooing and rushing towards the classroom door because of fright.

And Harley and Cassandra, sitting in the middle of the front row, were exactly the targets of the pig's collision!

Harley and Cassandra's faces turned pale and they wanted to dodge but their bodies refused to obey.

Professor McGonagall did not stop him immediately. She just wanted these students to understand why transfiguration was dangerous.

In fact, the pig was actually under her control and would not really hit it.

And just when Professor McGonagall was about to lift the transformation spell, Ash had already drawn out his wand and pointed it at the pig:

"Vera Verto!"

The angry pig turned back into a table with a 'pop'.

Professor McGonagall put away her wand and showed approval.

Sure enough, as Professor Weasley said, Ash does have extraordinary talent in transfiguration.

She has read Principal Black's diary, but she will not be prejudiced against Ash because of it. After all, those were Blake's selfish interests, and Ash was just an innocent victim.

Hermione raised her hand curiously and asked:

"Professor, are we going to turn the table into a pig too?"


Professor McGonagall raised her wand and waved it gently, sending matches one by one to the freshmen. She said:

"You need to turn this match into a needle."

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