The American Scripture

Chapter 982: Angus' conspiracy

It's arrogant enough to dare to make such an announcement in the police station. Obviously, Charles Carter also wants to handle this matter in a high-profile manner. And I have to say that he is very clever in doing this. Only with a high profile can Zhen Fan escape this war of words easily. Yes, this is just a battle of words, not a troublesome lawsuit, in Charles' view.

"Hey, Charles, I am here." Zhen Fan waved to Charles.

"I know, I know, don't worry, I will bail you out, they don't want to take advantage of you. I want everyone to understand that the person who wants to sue you is just to be famous. For personal gain!" Charles Carter walked over and embraced Zhen Fan.

"Mr. Zhen, we must complete all the inquiry procedures... You know, this is the rule!" Officer Marlene Griffith said hesitantly to Zhen Fan, "If you are finished, you can still follow the procedures. Mr. Zhen is on bail! Now... can we make an inquiry?"

"Of course, let's go in!" Zhen Fan said.

"Don't say anything for a while, let me take over everything, boss!" Charles said in a low voice, "I will make them unable to ask anything. This is an obvious frame of abuse!"

"Mr. Carter, I hope not to interfere with our inquiry process!" Another male police officer said to Carter.

"Shut up, Officer Carpenter, I will take over the inquiry here: You go do your business, are you free?" Marlene Griffith frowned and said to the guy who was about to make trouble. One sentence, and then led Zhen Fan to sit down there, and Charles sat next to Zhen Fan. Looking at Officer Marlene Griffith with a smile.

"They said you killed the great white shark, in fact. We saw it during the live broadcast. We transferred the video on the Internet and the video of the local television station in Los Angeles. In fact, it also showed that you killed the great white shark. According to California Animal Protection Related provisions, I am afraid you will be charged by the prosecutor." Marlene Griffith said to Zhen Fan.

"Of course, I know, first of all I admit..."

" don't need to say anything, I will take over everything!" When he heard the word "admit", Charles Carter became nervous and quickly said to Zhen Fan. He was afraid that Zhen Fan would say something that would not be beneficial. When his words came, he quickly stopped Zhen Fan from continuing.

"No. Carter, let me finish, I know how to say it. I don't have any place to be guilty." Zhen Fan nodded at the card character, then turned to look at Marlene Griffith and smiled." But... that great white shark attacked me! You know, when you are alive and dead, you don't have to be soft on your enemies. This is also my rule."

"I can understand, okay. Now the second question, how did you do it?"

"What?" Zhen Fan looked at Marlene Griffith with some doubts, "You mean to ask, how did I kill the great white shark? It's very simple. Before it kills you, just kill it. . So what you see now is me sitting here, not a great white shark. Of will not accept your accusations, unless you hold a court in the sea!"

"Aha—" Charles laughed exaggeratedly. Obviously, Zhen Fan's response did not have any disadvantages, on the contrary, he was a little dissatisfied with the police and judicial departments making fuss. Because this case is totally inadmissible.

"Okay. This is the end of my question! You can go, but you have to go over there to go through the bail procedure. I will notify the prosecutors as soon as possible to let them move the case forward and start the court as soon as possible." Marlene Griffith Suddenly stood up, smiled at Zhen Fan and stretched out his hand, "Actually... I like your movies and your magic."

"Has this passage been recorded?" Zhen Fan asked with a smile, "If so, you will be unemployed!"

"You are very humorous, but... I'm not as stupid as you are. I didn't have any video recordings at all for this inquiry. Well, I wish you all the best! Goodbye, Mr. Zhen!" Marlene Griffith holds After stopping Zhen Fan's closing, she squeezed it tightly, then released it, smiling as she watched Zhen Fan go out.

After Zhen Fan went out, she suddenly stretched her head out and smiled at her: "Oh, I almost forgot, I want to invite you to dinner, do you have time? Maybe today!"

"No, if I have dinner with you, then I will wait to be investigated. I am the police officer in charge of your case. Someone will sue me for obstructing justice. Do you want me to lose my job?" Marlene Ge Reeves smiled, "But... if the court pronounces a verdict, I would still be happy to accept your invitation!"

"No problem!" Zhen Fan gave a whistle, then blinked at Marlene Griffith, and went out to go through bail procedures with Charles. The procedure was simple, so Zhen Fan came out with Charles soon.

"I promise, you don't have to go to court, everything is done by me. I can arrange for you to arrange the trial in the court in advance for up to three days. And...if possible, there may be a pre-trial settlement." Charles faced. Zhen Fan said, "Although this is the best way, I guess that guy wouldn't do it. I know him, a guy who wants to use you to become famous, you have to show him something."

"You can handle this?" Zhen Fan looked at Charles Carter with a smile but a smile. "You are the person in charge of my lawyer team. Don't tell me you can't do it. No matter what method you use, as long as this person has a heart Bad, if you really want to use my fame, don't be soft-hearted like a maiden, you know?"

Charles was so frizzled by the man, he quickly said: "Everything is okay, wrap me around, I will let this guy take the blame, I promise, boss!" Then he raised his hand and made a vow. .

"I believe in you, Charles, I have always trusted you, so I entrusted you with a heavy responsibility and don't let me down!" Zhen Fan said, patted him on the shoulder, and legal problems were solved by law. Zhen Fan dealt with these ordinary people more and more by using some relatively normal means.

Charles personally sent Zhen Fan to the villa, and then drove away by himself. He wanted to convene his team of lawyers to conduct a detailed study of the case, make a plan, and strive for a hit.

"Fan Zhen has been released on bail!" At this time, in an apartment in Los Angeles, a few men and women were discussing something in the room. Suddenly it was a few of the leaders who protested on the set, and Ange Blake is among them. One of them reported the latest developments, and some of them were inquiring about the news at the police station.

"It doesn't matter, as long as we go to court, we will win. We will have a gathering at the door of the court. I believe there will be many reporters at that time. He is a celebrity, and this is enough. As for how the court decides, It doesn't matter anymore, isn't it?" Angus Blake grinned.

"If this is the case, you will win more people to vote for you in your election within the organization, because then, you will be a fighter image, really tmd is so talented, Angus, I I really admire you more and more." One of the women smiled at Angus Blake, "You are such a badass!"

"Yes, I have always been a badass. I have provoke celebrities before, but today this one is obviously a big fish. After this time, our reputation will definitely rise. Don't worry, our plan is seamless, and ...There was no failure, did he? Zhen fell into our trap, and he is our prey!"

"Well, I admit it, you are unparalleled in this aspect of intelligence, you are a genius." The woman said, winking at Angus Blake and winking, "So... …You can tell me, since when have you been eyeing Zhen? He is a tough guy. I heard that his lawyer Charles is going to sue you!"

"Sue me? This is impossible. I sue him because he killed the great white shark. This was broadcast live on TV. Everyone has seen it. What can he sue me? Sue me to improve my reputation through this and go. Our organization wins fame and wins elections? Judges will not entertain such lawsuits."

"Well, badass, then... Tell me, why are you so keen on protecting the position of chairman in the organization? This is a poor organization, **** it, you haven't even bought a necklace for me, is it your salary? Will it improve?" The woman looked at Angus Blake with some, baby, don’t you understand it, if I get the chairmanship, then this is the most It's time for money. Do you know that many of our factories fail to meet environmental protection standards, pollute water sources, and cause gradual extinction of organisms? I know, and I also know which factories and companies are evading the government's attention. They have a lot of falsification, but it’s not possible with me. I will find their evidence and then file a complaint in the same way..." Angus Blake laughed, "If they withdraw my complaint from me, then ...There is only one way to, dollars can stop a person's mouth, and our financial resources will continue to flow! "

"Well, you really are a genius!" The woman smiled charmingly, then stood up, "Enough, guys, I'm going home, this **** ghost weather, if I go back late, my daughter will cry eight o'clock tonight...I have time, we can discuss together, how much dollars can you make, okay?" He said with a wink, which made Angus Blake big. Laughing, slapped a slap on the woman's hip, causing the woman to scream, then jumped up and cursed. He twisted his **** and left.

After the woman came out, she drove away directly, turned a few turns, then stopped, walked to an alley, and threw something from the cleavage of the bra into the trash can. Then I drove away. (To be continued...) R1292

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