The American Scripture

Chapter 975: You are in trouble

Early the next morning, Zhen Fan woke up. He looked at Yi Fei, who was hugging him tightly, lying on his chest and sleeping soundly, so he moved his body slightly, not wanting to talk. She woke up, but with a slight movement of him, Yi Fei woke up, and then she opened her eyes vaguely, and when she saw Zhen Fan, she smiled at him, very cute, not at all. It's like a child's mother, like a little girl. ,:.

"Wake up? Let's sleep a little longer!" Zhen Fan squeezed her hand, then got up and looked at Yi Fei who was sleeping on the'bed' and looking at him wearing clothes with wide eyes, and couldn't help but smile. , And then said, "Mia is probably still making breakfast. I will go down first. When breakfast is ready, I will call you again!"

"Not so delicate, I'll get up in bed later, go see Xiaopeng, let him sleep alone at such a young age, still a bit uneasy, but fortunately, the little guy is more sensible and rarely cry at night Make a noise." Yi Fei smiled and patted Zhen Fan's hand, but she didn't expect Zhen Fan to take a step, and suddenly patted his'butt', which shook her hand very elastically, and she couldn't help her face. red. At first, the two of them only slept and didn't do that, but I didn't expect this guy to be injured and uneasy. He made himself happy several times in a row.

What a bull! Yi Fei had such a word in her heart, Bull, isn't she a cow? She was not ashamed or embarrassed, her face turned red, and she urged Zhen Fan to go down. Zhen Fan smiled and kissed Yi Fei's forehead. When she went downstairs, everyone was there. Looking at Zhen Fan, her eyes were very strange.

"Didn't you hurt last night? Why did Yifei scream so loudly? We all heard it!" Zoe hummed at Zhen Fan, blinked again, and walked aside grinningly, holding a glass of water Go to wash. The others looked at Zhen Fan and smiled.

"Well, I won't talk about you anymore, Zoe has already said that, I don't approve of you having **** with her, but there is always a time? It was obviously not the right time last night!" Kristen also looked away. Through learning Chinese medicine and Taoism, she has also been exposed to some Chinese traditions, so she is not very resistant to such a family situation.

At this moment, Yi Fei also came down, but she was a little embarrassed to see everyone looking at her strangely, and hurriedly walked into the restaurant with her head down. At this time, Mia also came out to prepare for everyone. For breakfast, it's just that the new nanny Linda didn't know why, and looked at everyone's expressions somehow.

"Eat breakfast, eat breakfast!" Zhen Fan quickly greeted Yi Fei to sit down, and then began to eat the noodles prepared by Mia. This time it’s spaghetti, but Mia’s taste is very Chinese, and everyone here is familiar with it, except that Linda is not used to it now.

Breakfast was spent in this kind of embarrassing atmosphere. Just after eating breakfast, Bit called on the phone. He hummed on the phone and said, "Zhen, you plan to stay until Christmas. Film? Come here quickly, you are the only one left, all of us are waiting for you!"

"Forget it, Bit, if you say that, it means that I can stay at home for another day. But... I think, I will come over today, shouldn't we be in the Middle East at this time? When to go there? "Zhen Fan asked.

"Middle East? Forget it, I can't go there recently. Let's try our best to take the shots here. Okay, it's better to come over today, or I will make you look good, hurry up!" Said Bit and hung up. It was very loud and violent, but this guy had nothing to do with Zhen Fan.

Bit flew directly back to Los Angeles from the capital, and the shooting plan in the Middle East was not completed. Because of a temporary accident, that is, another car bomb attack occurred in a site controlled by the US military in the Middle East. The US military has issued an entry warning, so Bit and the film crew had to return.

Hashimoto-en stayed in Japan. She originally wanted to follow, but was blocked by her father Hashimoto, because her main acting career was still in Japan instead of the United States. If she disappeared for too long, the newcomer would be Will come out. However, she still sent a letter to Zhen Fan, in a very primitive way.

When Zhen Fan was on the crew, her letter also reached the crew. Her letter was not sent to Zhen Fan’s house, but to the crew, so when Bit "handed over" the letter to Zhen Fan, her eyes were strange.

"Did you cause trouble?" Bit looked at Zhen Fan and said, "The Japanese'woman' pestered you? This is a letter from Hashimoto Garden,'handed' it to you... Man, you have... ...There are enough'women', don't ask for trouble anymore,'women'...I find it troublesome, of course...except for the need for sex." This guy shook his head. He hated iron but not steel, so Shi Shiran walked away.

Zhen Fan shrugged, smiled indifferently, and then opened the letter. The letter was written in English and there was nothing in the content. There was no such strong longing in it. Hashimoto-en is not the kind of person who ‘shows’ his emotions, so he is just introducing some of his life in Japan, there is nothing special about it. There is hope to come to the United States again, and then it's over. Yes, that's it.

A very homely letter is like chatting with a person about homely, and then after the chat, when it's okay, go to have a meal, and then take a rest. Zhen Fan also looked relaxed. He didn't like that kind of strong emotion, so this letter made Zhen Fan smile and relax a lot.

After reading the letter, Zhen Fan walked towards Bit and said, "Which scene is my scene?"

"We have to wait. I'm thinking about whether we are shooting you fighting with submarines and airplanes in the sea. Anyway, the shooting here is basically almost done, and there are still ten days left at most. Also... We need some special lenses to shoot in the sea, and...Should we composite or shoot directly in the sea?"

"I know what you are calculating, shoot in the sea, only people can see the real thing." Zhen Fan said and shook his head. This made Bit very happy. He really made this idea. He knew that for ordinary people, it might make a very dangerous shot, but for Zhen Fan it is not.

This scene shows Zhen Fan driving a plane to chase the submarine. Then when he saw the submarine about to dive, Zhen Fan drove the plane down towards the submarine, and hit before the submarine dived. Then Zhen Fan got out of the plane and jumped into the sea before the plane hit the submarine.

Then the submarine received an impact, and the heavily armed personnel crawled out of it to "shoot" at Zhen Fan. Zhen Fan had to avoid bullets in the water, and had to dive into the water and swim onto the submarine to kill the armed personnel who had crawled out. , And finally got into the submarine and killed the main villain inside, and captured the submarine.

The most difficult shot is the shot of driving a light aircraft diving down from the air and hitting a submarine. This shot was taken last. After the scene in the submarine was filmed, the collision was finally shot. The light aircraft hit the submarine and caused the submarine to explode. In order to make the explosion better, a detonator was installed next to the submarine. So when the plane hits, it will be detonated by the person responsible for the explosion, so the scene will look very shocking.

Bit also made a big deal, cloned a full model of such a submarine, and then sacrificed a light aircraft. It was a big expense, so he asked Zhen Fan to succeed in one go. In fact, these can be filmed by computer synthesis, but Bit requires realism, and there is a transfer of the right to shoot live broadcasts. To make some money from this to make up for the ‘spending’ fee here.

The cost mainly comes from the entire cloned submarine. Zhen Fan has no problem with how Bit'spends' money, and flying a plane into a submarine is a gimmick, and it can attract the attention of reporters and the media. As long as Zhen Fan agrees, Bit will speak out about this dangerous scene.

Americans like to watch these dangerous scenes, especially real dangerous scenes, such as real people living in the wild, that is really nothing, they abandon people on the deserted island, live broadcast these brave people eating grass on the deserted island. Days. Until people collapse. There is also a hunger strike by hanging oneself in the air to challenge the limits of mankind. Anyway, there are so many "flowers", the more thrilling the "excitement", the better the ratings.

Seeing Zhen Fan agreed, Bit was very happy. He knew that Zhen Fan could deal with all of this calmly, but the American people didn't know, so this is where his confidence lies in his plan to sell this live broadcast at a high price. After talking with Bit, Zhen Fan sat and watched Emma filming.

When Emma finished the filming, I came over to chat with Zhen Talking about some things about Zhen Fan’s trip, Emma also said with a smile: "Why didn’t the Japanese'female' follow one another? stand up?"

"She sent this!" Zhen Fan raised the letter in his hand.

"Aha, I knew... You seduce her?" Emma smiled, and walked straight to a nearby RV for rest. "Come over and help me zipper!" She is now wearing a long skirt , There was a long zipper on the back of the skirt, Zhen Fan walked over with a smile, and closed the car's door.

"Koruo has already gone to her other crew. But... she doesn't seem to give up on you. You provoke the'woman' really fast!" After Zhen Fan pulled her zipper down, Emma He didn't hesitate to change clothes in front of Zhen Fan while chatting with Zhen Fan.

"Are you talking for her?" Zhen Fan smiled.

"No, I'm reminding you, don't provoke too many'women'!" Emma said, she passed the clothes, turned around, and touched Zhen Fan's face with her hands. I know you are very special, but'women' are troublesome creatures, including me, so you are in trouble!" You are reading, if any!

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