The American Scripture

Chapter 962: Referer




The sky in Japan is a bit light rain. Today’s filming has been completed and it is progressing relatively smoothly. The filming in Japan has basically been completed. Now I have to attend a talk show featuring Zhen Fan, Bit and Robles, Johnny and Hashimoto Garden. Go together. After all, it is for the promotion of the movie and for the Hashimoto Garden.

What happened in the United States, in the eyes of the Japanese, was far less attractive than its own entertainment program, and the TV station also came forward to clarify that it was just a filming scene. But with such a realistic scene, many Japanese have some expectations for Godzilla, which is not invented by the Japanese. Not only was the Japanese media shut down, but even the US media reached an agreement, and no more reports about Godzilla appeared.

The U.S. government spent a lot of effort to cover up this incident, and of course the effect was very good. There are almost no reports of monsters now, and all the truth has been covered up very well. So much so that what happened that day was considered by many to be a trailer for a movie.

There is nothing to say about the talk show. The host is a very beautiful young woman named Cai Caixi. The smile is very charming, and the figure is good, a little choppy. The host program is very friendly, and the English level is also very good, even better than the translators around Zhen Fan and others.

Everyone around Zhen Fan, Bit and others has a beautiful translator who translates Japanese to Zhen Fan and others in a soft voice. The whole process is very dedicated, which also makes Zhen Fan and others feel very considerate. Then she became emotionally happy, and she was willing to play casually to answer Cai Caixi's questions.

The content of the chat is varied, and Cai Caixi's conversation always leads people into a more relaxed atmosphere. So they all talked more casually and happily, but in the end the problem came to Zhen Fan and Hashimotoen. Naina Xi directly asked Hashimoto Garden a question.

"Recently, there is a saying that has been circulating on the Japanese Internet, that is,'prince and princess'. Our Japanese princess has found her own prince." Nanaki paused here on purpose, and then observed Hashimoto. Yuan's appearance, seeing her covering her mouth in surprise, she continued to smile. "Yes, in the hearts of our Japanese citizens. You are their princess."

"Ah—" Hashimoto Garden finally yelled, looking surprised, looking around, her long hair following her to the left and right. And the swaying of the waves, plus the long white dress she wore today, looked like a beautiful and pure princess.

"Surprised, isn't it?" Nainaxi laughed, "Actually... this shouldn't be surprising. You have always been a princess in the hearts of Japanese people, so if there is a scandal, it is directly related to you. I just want to know. Now, what does your prince look like? Can you tell those who like you?"

After a brief "panic" performance at Hashimoto Garden. He calmed down and laughed: "Actually...every woman has a prince in her heart. I am also a woman. There is also a prince in my heart. But... I don’t have time to think too much, because of my own. There are many things, so... I generally don’t comment on scandals."

Seeing that Hashimoto Garden was not fooled, Nanako changed her statement: "Since I haven't thought about the type of her prince, then... is there anyone to refer to in real life?"

"A candidate for reference?" Hashimoto Park was stunned. Then he smiled, "Is this still a reference?"

"Of course... of course there is a reference!" He finally fell into his own rhythm. Cai Caixi was very happy, and she pointed to Johnny, Robles, Bit and Zhen Fan next to her and said, "Now there are four very good men here. If I ask you to use them as reference candidates, Which one do you think is closer to what you think...I mean, it is close, so you must choose one!"

This seems to be a question that cannot be rejected. Hashimoto Garden laughed, and then said: "Of course I know that these four are very good men. I respect Mr. Jackson very much, just like my father. He is very strict, but also very kind and strict. A father can give his daughter a lot of valuable experience growing up in life, so..." She bowed slightly to greet Bit Jackson.

Hashimoto Garden is still a very smart girl. She cleverly resolved the guessing relationship with Bit Jackson, and then said to Johnny Depp: "Mr. Depp gave me the feeling He is a very rigorous artist. As long as he wants to, he can sculpt works that can be passed down to the world, so I respect him very much and have been learning from him, so he can be my teacher."

There was a burst of applause from below, applauding Hashimoto Garden's wit. And Johnny actually stood up, made a very gentleman's bow to Hashimoto Garden, and smiled: "It's a great honor to hear Miss Sonoko's comment. This makes me very happy. To be honest, I am very I like Miss Yuanzi, but... She doesn't like me, it's a shame!"

The audience burst into a commotion. Someone was whistling loudly. Obviously, they were very happy that their goddess of the nation was favored by Hollywood's most popular and powerful superstars, just as excited as if they were beaten in blood. Even Cai Caixi couldn't help applauding.

"Okay... I know, I'll be the next one!" When Johnny finished speaking, Robes Downey stood up and smiled at Hashimoto Garden, "I guess I may not be a father or a teacher. , Because these are occupied by them, what would I be? Oh-it must be brother, right?"

"Yes, this is really what I want to say!" Hashimoto Garden also stood up, bowed to Robles, and smiled, "You are very humorous and attractive, always letting you The human body feels the relaxation after the tense atmosphere on the set, and is always able to take care of the performances of newcomers like me, so... I think you are like your brother, making everyone feel relaxed and trustworthy. For me, I am Think so!"

"Aha-what did I say, what did I just say? I know that is the case. Are you making a movie now? Why don't I have a script, but don't be afraid, even if I don't have a script, I can say what I need. , Hey, Bit, my part is over, cut!" He said Chase himself, and everyone immediately felt very happy.

Hashimoto Garden sat down, then smiled and nodded to the host Nainaxi, indicating that he had finished speaking. But Nainaxi didn't do it. When the critical time came, she began to tease again: "Miss Hashimoto Yuan, there is a very important person you haven't expressed your feelings yet. I believe Zhen is also certain. Want to know what kind of image you are in your heart?"

"Yes, the image of Mr. Zhen in my mind is like this!" Hashimoto Park nodded, some of them were afraid to look at Zhen Fan. Originally, these were all off-topics discussed yesterday, but I did not expect to appear today. At the official recording site, "I'm telling him..." Hashimoto Park stopped and looked at Zhen Fan.

"We know our father, teacher, and elder brother. Is the next one we have to guess..." Naina Xi smiled exaggeratedly, and then looked at Hashimoto Garden. "If you don't say anything, audience friends may be There is a good guess? Do you need our audience to guess it?... Miss, what do you want to guess?"

Cai Caixi was able to adjust the atmosphere and handed the microphone to an audience at the scene. The audience was a ten*-year-old girl. The girl looked very excited when she took the microphone and made a "v". With the gesture of victory, he shouted loudly: "Couple, this is my hope, and also the hope of people around me. I hope they can become a couple, please!" He said that he actually faced Zhen Fan. Bowed to Hashimoto Garden.

"Is there anyone else who wants to express his thoughts first?" Cai Caixi decided not to let go of this opportunity to invigorate the atmosphere, there are too many topics to talk about.

So the microphone was worn in front of the audience, but the only answer was that I hope that Zhen Fan and Hashimoto Garden will become a couple. So after this paragraph was completed, Nainaxi looked at Hashimoto Garden and smiled: "Look, the audience is very enthusiastic. The kind of relationship they hope it possible for you?"

But after Bit, Johnny, and Robles listened to the translation, Robles couldn’t help blowing a whistle, then raised his hand to make trouble and said: "For I hope so. Becoming a couple seems to be a very good thing. But... Zhen, I am a little worried for you, don't you afraid Christine knows?"

Suddenly there was a loud noise from the audience. Yes, now people remember that Zhen Fan is Christine's fiancée, so everyone suddenly felt that the emotion and the speculation about the relationship just now were just a joke, so they were also amused by their serious answer.

Hashimoto Garden's face was obviously darkened, but in such a public place, she was very good at regulating her emotions, and she smiled at Nainaxi and said, "I just said comparison, it's not really true. Zhen is a very good man. Personally, I really hope that my prince is him."

"Papa Papa" Miss Naina Xi took the initiative to clap her hands, and then said with a smile: "This is the true voice of Ms. Hashimoto Garden. So many of your admirers all over the country will take Zhen Mr. Zhen is a reference object. If that is the case, I don’t know if anyone would dare to invite you to a date. Because... Mr. Zhen is really great, and he is also the youngest billionaire in the world. It is the result of the latest ranking of the world’s youngest billionaires in the Forbes rich list. Mr. Zhen easily surpassed the prince of the beach, but... the prince of the beach is over age!" (to be continued)








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