The American Scripture

Chapter 898: Lodging

The arrival of Zhen Fan made Miles ecstatic. He knew he might not last long, but if Zhen Fan came, the result would be different. (This time he was stepping into **** with one foot, and now the vitality is in front of him, so when he saw Zhen Fan, he had never laughed before.

His character has changed very much now. When I used to be a vampire, the face of a dead person all day was as cold as the snow in Alaska. And now he became more and more like to laugh. Maybe this is the kind of human being? pleasure. There is also credit for love. Being a man is far better than being a vampire. He even regretted sometimes, why didn't he turn to Zhen Fan's side earlier.

"I do have a bug in my body. I am worried that it will use my body as its delicacy, and it will have a full meal every day. Then it broke out of my body. God, this feeling is really uncomfortable. I can't suppress it." Miles Simon did not dare to move, because he felt that he was really unable to suppress the bug in his body more and more.

"What you said is basically correct. It will eat your internal organs first, and then... Then it doesn't eat meat, so it has to break out and return to its owner. So... you are not here. It's safe. Because as long as the bug is in your stomach, that person will track you down!" Zhen Fan smiled, "But... after you have suffered this big loss, will the headquarters let him retreat? "

"Of course, he was also injured, probably not better than me!" Miles smiled, but he smiled. The muscles on his face twitched a few times, because he was really worried about the bug in his body, "But... Master, if you can take out the **** bug in my body now, I will tell you in detail. After that. I can't suppress that **** little thing. I always feel that my intestines are already regarded as a Chinese meal by it. I just wait for the time to come and start to enjoy it."

"Haha, I see, don't worry, your intestines are used to hold food, not to turn into food. That bug can't escape." Zhen Fan smiled and walked in front of Miles. This is just a lesson, let you know. In fact, besides us, there are many strange things in this world, but we haven't encountered it yet!"

As Zhen Fan said, he patted Miles on the stomach. Myers stood up suddenly in pain. Then he slammed his belly and bowed, leaning forward, making a "cuckling" sound in his throat, and suddenly a black bug spurted out of his mouth and fell to the ground. After twisting it a few times, he remained motionless. Up.

"Oh, my god, what the **** is this?" Miles took a look at the black bug that he vomited out on the ground. Lean down and want to look carefully. Suddenly the black bug twisted a few more times, making Miles take a step back suddenly. I hit the chair behind me and almost fell.

"Haha, Miles, you are a little too timid!" Zhen Fan laughed loudly, "It's a little prank." It turned out that the twisting of the black bug was Zhen Fan's trick.

Miles smiled awkwardly, and then said: "I'm just being more cautious. This...this thing seems to be a snake? A black snake? Oh, my God, was this thing in my stomach just now? Oh shit, such a disgusting thing, what a pervert! That old thing is such a pervert!"

"People who play the head drop technique are abnormal!" Zhen Fan laughed loudly, and then stretched out his hand to pick up the dead black snake that can no longer die. This is exactly the same as Long Zan Putuo's head drop technique. , Really is a master and apprentice. Zhen Fan couldn't help but nodded. It seems that this Bayu can give Miles Simon a successful head down, and he is considered a very capable person.

"Go and see for yourself. If you can't suppress this thing, I just said your fate, your internal organs will be eaten clean by this little thing." Zhen Fan said and said the little thing. The black snake threw it to Miles Simon, and Miles Simon caught it as soon as he reached out.

Thinking that such a disgusting thing once stayed in his body, Miles Simon couldn't help but retching a few times, and then quickly sent it toward the outside. He felt that his stomach was turning out. When I was a vampire in the past, I didn't feel disgusting when sucking blood. But after he became a human being, he gradually became more like a human. So when I see something so disgusting, I can't help but feel like vomiting.

"Oh—" Miles vomited outside.

Zhen Fan couldn't help but smiled. He was happy with Miles' change, which proved that Miles had become more and more a person rather than a vampire. This is a qualitative change.

After waiting for a while, Miles walked in with an ugly face, with nothing in his hand, Zhen Fan smiled and said, "Where is that bug? Have you eaten it?"

As soon as Zhen Fan's words fell, Miles couldn't help but ran outside again, and then Zhen Fan heard a retching sound. Obviously this guy couldn't stand it again.

"Okay, Master, let's not talk about this topic, I have already thrown away the bugs!" Miles entered again, and he began to say to Zhen Fan, "Let's talk about that old guy. That complete bastard. To be honest, this time I did meet a very powerful opponent other than you. Sorry...I couldn't get back Nancy Vergara's soul. He slipped away, and I...I can do nothing!"

"This matter is not your fault." Zhen Fan shook his head, "Thailand's head-down technique is indeed impossible to prevent. You don't understand it, so...what's wrong with you? You did your best!"

"This is the head drop technique?" Miles couldn't help but exclaimed, then sat down heavily on the chair, patted his heart and smiled, "Fortunately, fortunately, Master, I have read some Taoist books. After passing this technique, it seems to be from the Maoshan technique, and then spread to Thailand."

"Just know!" Zhen Fan nodded, "Don't underestimate the people of the world!"

"I see, Master, I will definitely practice harder." Miles nodded, this time he didn't laugh, nor could he laugh. If Mia came, he would definitely not be as embarrassed as himself.

"Well, you can take a break first. I have to sleep. You know, I just flew directly from Thailand to New York. I didn't even go back to Los Angeles. So I'm tired. If you can't sleep, you can Try to think about how to avoid his head-down technique." Zhen Fan said as he walked into the room.

Miles couldn’t help, and he didn’t want to sleep anymore. After what happened just now, he felt that he was indeed a little complacent. He came here alone without considering the situation of his opponent at all, and suffered from the consequences of becoming a human again. The first failure, and this failure was almost tragic, and almost killed him.

He admired Zhen Fan's methods more and more. His Taoism was almost purely natural. With just a gesture, he could turn corruption into a miracle. He was a god-like person, perhaps even more surprising than a god. The more I thought about it, Miles felt that he should follow Zhen Fan to learn, stop being impetuous, thinking that there are few people in the world except Zhen Fan and Mia who are his opponents.

Miles sat outside alone, thinking about how to solve the head drop technique, but after thinking about it, he didn't have a clue, and it was too early to see the sky. He wanted to ask Zhen Fan how to find the old man. Then came the soul of Nancy Vergara, because the later the time was delayed, the worse it would be for Nancy Vergara.

"What's the matter? You want to save someone?" Zhen Fan's voice suddenly came from behind.

"Oh, yes...ah, are out!" Miles turned his head to see Zhen Fan, and quickly stood up and said, "I can't think of a way to break the head drop technique for the time being, but Master, you must Yes, so now we can save people first, and then go back to Master and teach me slowly!"

"Haha, you think well, well, sooner or later we will have to resolve this matter. Bayu met his strongest opponent. Before he is sure that you are dead, he will not treat Nancy Vergara. What did your soul do. And... we broke his head-down technique. He even more dare not hurt Nancy? Vergara!" Zhen Fan smiled, "It's better to find a place today. Get some sleep, and then do this thing again!"

"Tomorrow?, are you so sure that he won't hurt Nancy? In case he is angry because of his injury, he might kill Nancy when he gets angry!" Miles said. I dare not listen to Zhen Fan again. I always feel that something is wrong, but I can't tell.

"Haha, if I were Bayu, I would not do what you said. Do you know what the consequences will be if the head drop technique is broken?" Zhen Fan said, looking at Miles. As he listened, he smiled and said, "Once the head-down technique is broken, the person who dropped the head will be backlashed, and the person who dropped the head will be backlashed. In severe cases, he will even lose his life. Tell me, after he was hit by you, He was still bitten by the head-down technique, do you think he might hurt Nancy? If he is not dead now, Nancy is his best means of life-saving!"

"But... well, listen to you, let's find a comfortable place to spend the night, and we will find that **** tomorrow!" Miles shrugged, helpless, now only listens to Zhen Fan, I hope What he said is correct.

The two of them were walking on the road in the suburbs, and then they found a small town in the suburbs. Of course, Miles had to do the lodging. However, after asking several, this was just a bunch of small houses of old couples. Found a place to live in. After the old woman agreed, Miles turned her head and blinked and smiled at Zhen Fan, and then proudly gave her shoulders, spread her hands, showing that she was very capable. Zhen Fan laughed. Miles is really like a college student like this. (To be continued...)

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