The American Scripture

Chapter 1070: 3 angles of gold

There is no need for Zhen Fan to worry about the preparations for Thanksgiving, and it is also because he has no idea how to spend Thanksgiving. Even though he has been in the United States for so long, he still has no idea about Thanksgiving. ⊙, but fortunately there are so many women here, they are all veterans in this area.

Anne is in charge of the decoration, Mia is in charge of the kitchen, Christine, Zoe and Helena help Anne to decorate the villa, which makes it a little festive, and because there will be a dance party after dinner. There are many people participating in this dance, including Emma and others, Tang Shaoyang and his daughter, Cheng Hu and Fei Bingbing, as well as Wei Chao in the Lakers. Now this guy is incredible and has become a superstar of the Lakers. He has formed the Golden Triangle with Bill Bryan and Pete Howard. He has swept the NBA for two seasons and won the championship for two consecutive years. It was a bit of Jordan back then. , Pippen and Rodman’s golden triangle. And coach Mike D'Antoni has been named the best coach for two consecutive years, and his career has entered its peak.

To tell the truth, Wei Chao is now the most powerful star in the NBA. Thanksgiving, the NBA off-season, because Wei Chao is alone in the United States, although he has his team, but his family is not around, so he invited him to be a guest at home and spend Thanksgiving together. Including his coaches were kindly invited.

"I'll think about it!" Wei Chao nodded at D'Antoni, but was muttering in his heart, go to the coach's house for Thanksgiving? Did you get kicked in your head by a donkey? Can you feel comfortable if you go? He talked to D'Antoni, and when he turned around, he saw Howard and Brian were smiling at him, so he spread his hands, "I was invited."

"It's an honor to be invited by the coach!" Howard laughed. "But you will definitely have a very wonderful Thanksgiving, I can swear. Unless Mike has a beautiful daughter in his family."

"Well, you are right. But I have already refused." Wei Chao smiled, "Actually...I don't necessarily have to celebrate this holiday. I can take this time to rest and play for so long. , Needs to be adjusted."

"Go to my house!" Bryan said to Wei Chao suddenly, "Anyway, there is no one in my house. My father and mother are more interesting people. They will like you, and we can go fishing together." He likes fishing in the sea very much. I just never caught a big fish.

"Hey, man, you snatched my line." Howard yelled to Brian dissatisfied, "I planned to invite Wei to my house. This is my plan. No, no, Wei, you do it. Decide. Whether to go to my house or to Brian’s house, what I can tell you is that he is boring and no better than going to D'Antoni’s house."

"Hey. Pete, I'm going to warn you, don't talk about my family like that. We are all fine, remember. We are a very harmonious family." Brian shook his fist at Howard dissatisfied. "I knew you would get in. Wei, it's time to make a decision, let this brash guy know that the worst thing is him, not me."

"Okay, guys, don't hurt your peace for this." Wei Chao quickly opened his hands and pressed down, "We are brothers, aren't we? We've said that we will advance together, don't because This trivial matter makes people think we have a problem."

"Aha—" Suddenly Howard burst into laughter. He pointed to Wei Chao, who was serious and stern, and laughed, "You're such a lie, Wei, we are just joking with you, no one will make us conflict. Come, we want to try you, OK, so let's go to my house!" He clapped his hands and made a decision.

"Okay, I surrender!" Bryan raised his hands and walked to the door, "Don't forget, after Thanksgiving, we still have a very important game. Don't let the wine go to reason."

"He is more and more like D'Antoni, he thinks he is a coach!" Howard smiled at Wei Chao, "By the way, I have to call my mother and tell him that I will spend Thanksgiving at home with you. .I like this kind of holiday. To be honest, I took them from Belleville, Kansas, just to hear my dad scold me. Doesn’t it feel strange? Wei, in fact, I see them one or two sides every year. "

"It’s not surprising at all. I can understand that, just like when I celebrated the Spring Festival, my parents flew here from the other side of the earth to have a meal with them, and then talk to them face to face. In other words. In the past few years...Although some achievements have been made, to say, I miss them a little bit." Wei Chao nodded in sympathy, ", I decide..."

At this time, the phone rang, Wei Chao paused, touched his pocket, took out the phone, looked at it, his brow jumped a few times, and smiled at Howard: "The person who earns your dollars called me. Without waiting for Howard to speak, he said loudly, "Hey, Brother Zhen, it's me. I didn't expect you to call me... It was an accident and a surprise!"

"Zhen's call?" When Howard heard it, he immediately pricked his ears, but he still couldn't understand Chinese. Although he can speak a few words in Chinese now, if he really wants to listen to the Chinese, that is to catch the blind. I didn't understand it, just like listening to the heavenly book, but Zhen still understood it.

"Yes!" Wei Chao covered the microphone and said, before letting go, "Brother Zhen, how long have we not seen each other? I really miss you, but you are a busy person, and I also play games all day. The arrangement is very tight, and I have to go back if I don’t play, and sometimes I have to participate in national team games and training."

"Don't talk about those useless, come on, come tomorrow, let's spend Thanksgiving together, have a good chat!" Zhen Fan couldn't help but laugh and curse. In front of Zhen Fan, Wei Chao has always respected him, because Wei Chao is now Zhen Fan’s achievements were basically made possible by Zhen Fan. Wei Chao is grateful to Dade and never forgets Zhen Fan’s help.

"Invite me to spend Thanksgiving?" Wei Chao was taken aback, then laughed, and said loudly, "Actually...I told Howard, he invited me just now, but I haven't answered him exactly yet. Soon, just wait for half a minute, immediately..."

Wei Chao covered the microphone, then smiled at Howard, "Well, now I have one more choice. Zhen called and he invited me to spend Thanksgiving together. Do you say I promised you or promised him? This is really troublesome for me, Pete, can you give me an answer?"

Howard froze for a moment and frowned. Obviously, he was also in a dilemma. Because of Zhen Fan, he also reached his golden age, and his achievements were so great that he might become the greatest star in NBA history. One, he can even stand shoulder to shoulder with Jordan, but now Zhen has also invited Wei Chao.

Howard frowned and thought about it, and then he clapped his hands suddenly and laughed: "Hey, Wei, this is easy to solve. I want to spend Thanksgiving with you, and you want to spend it with Zhen. Thanksgiving, then... I have a good way to make us all do what we want."

"Let's talk about it, don't go around in circles!" Wei Chao smiled when he looked at him. Howard is not a person in circles, he is very straightforward, so he will basically say the answer immediately.

"Of course it's me and you. Let's go to Zhen's Thanksgiving dinner together. How about? I am a genius for this idea?" Howard laughed, and then nodded to himself, "I find that I am really good Talent to deal with these intractable diseases, right, Wei, let's go together and talk to Zhen, no, I personally told him that he will not reject me!"

"Hey, Howard, have you forgotten your parents? You didn't take them from Belleville, Kansas to make them cold benches!" Wei Chao bared his teeth at Howard and said in a low voice, "You How can you treat your parents like this? I was moved by you just now!"

"I spend Thanksgiving with my parents every year, and they are more than my son, I also have a younger brother and a younger sister, and an older brother. Damn it, can't I eat turkey without me? But I spent time with Zhen. There are not many opportunities for Thanksgiving, so...I'm going to make a decision." This guy Howard immediately changed his mind. He was still playing with a deep expression just now, and it was already another face, which made Wei Chao couldn't help but be astonished.

"Okay, okay, I hope Zhen will let you participate!" Wei Chao said to the phone, "Brother Zhen, Howard wants to say something to you, he may have some unpleasant thoughts... …Yes, it’s Pete Howard, this guy might want to attend your Thanksgiving dinner. Of course there is a party in the evening!"

"Let him answer the phone, this guy, I haven't seen each other for a while!" Zhen Fan asked Wei Chao to hand over the phone to Howard, and then heard the voice coming from inside, Zhen, I'm going to attend your Thanksgiving dinner, I will dress up, I know you have some friends in the movie circle, mostly beautiful women... OK, OK, I promise I won't mess around, I'll take a look and see Not breaking the law, right? Okay, okay, I know, for sure, then let's do it! "Speaking, he hung up the phone very neatly, and said with a long sigh of relief, "He agreed, God, he agreed, I have to go back to prepare the dress, will he invite some female stars in the movie circle to go? ? "

Is this the real purpose of this guy? Wei Chao couldn't help but laughed, then shook his head, and said to him: "Do you think about it and let Bill go with him, or you can give Bill a call."

"Of course, of course... We are the Golden Three Musketeers, we can't live without Brian's, I will call him right away, man, I think he will definitely go, I promise!" Talking about Howard, he really took out He called Brian on his cell phone, and then talked about himself and Wei Chao attending Zhen Fan's Thanksgiving dinner.

"Are you coming, the three of us can't be separated, let's go together!" Howard said loudly.

There was a silent voice over there: "Well, the golden triangle, you can't separate anywhere, let's join Zhen's Thanksgiving dinner together, I will call Zhen now!" After saying that, they hung up over there. (To be continued...) u

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