The American Scripture

Chapter 1012: Che Yingxi's thoughts

"Hey, how am I singing?" After Kristin sang a song, he handed the microphone to Zoe who rushed forward and grabbed it. Zoe has the potential to be a microphone. She sang a country music song. It sounds pretty good. As a member of the Korean idol group PBF , Cha Yingxi, singing is her profession.

"Yingxi, you should sing too!" Li Caiyan urged her daughter on the side, "You will sing better than them. Go and give it a try. Maybe it will attract Mr. Zhen's attention. He is very popular now. The big Hollywood stars, and the big director Bit Jackson, tsk tsk, are really amazing, and...Mr. Zhen is still so rich...daughter, daughter, don’t go..."

Originally, Che Yingxi wanted to sing. Although she didn't think her mother was so eager for quick success, she did want to attract Zhen Fan's attention. But after my mother said this, she suddenly lost interest. The things that I think very beautifully are all said to be vulgar by my mother.

When she left the hall alone, she looked at the sea in a daze. After experiencing such an ordeal in the United States, she felt that something in her heart was changing, and she no longer placed too much emphasis on things like fame and wealth. When I first entered the entertainment industry, it was to the greatest extent that I yearned for the life of drunken fans and the seemingly beautiful reputation. But after experiencing life and death once, these have faded.

"What is someone thinking?" A voice came over, it was her father Che Mingzhe's business. As soon as she turned around, she saw her father with his hands in his suit trouser pockets, and then stood behind him facing the sea breeze. . But looking at her with very close eyes, a little worried, but more appreciation.

"It's nothing, Dad. I just wanted to come out and breathe!" Cha Yingxi smiled, "It's just... I feel something has changed. There are many things that I didn't understand in life. After this hardship, I think clearly I’m wondering, do I love singing or just like the scenery like bubbles in it!"

"If you can think of it this way, it means that you have really grown up, and Dad is very pleased!" Che Mingzhe smiled, then looked at the brilliant lights in the yacht's hall, and sighed, "If you didn't meet Mr. Zhen, I think...our family might...not talk about this. Have you thought about it, where do we get off the boat?"

"Disembark?" Che Yingxi was taken aback, then looked at Che Mingzhe, "So soon? Are we going back?"

"Of course, you can't always stay on other people's ships, right? Our credit cards and passports are still there. Now we can leave this big ship after leaving the California waters, and then fly directly back to South Korea. Che Mingzhe nodded, "Our journey should end here. The experience is rich enough for us to write a book."

"Okay...Dad!" Che Yingxi lowered his head and responded dullly.

Che Mingzhe looked at his daughter with such an expression, he couldn't help but was taken aback, and then he understood a little bit, and asked tentatively, "Are you...thinking about what your mother said? In fact, you don't need to care about what she said... you Mom is that kind of person, but...she still loves you very much!"

"Actually... I don't blame her, it's just... I do have this kind of thought in my heart. It's strange. I want to get his attention, but I can't let myself do it like this. It's very contradictory." Yingxi decided to tell her father what she was saying. It was too hard to hold back alone.

"No... you really like him, right?" Cha Mingzhe opened his mouth. Although Zhen Fan saved his family, he doesn't have to agree with him, but think about it and understand. No matter who sees a person like Zhen Fan, whether it is appearance, fame, temperament, affinity, as well as a wide upper social circle, as well as the humor and strong strength displayed from time to time, she will be tempted. Her daughter is sure No exception.

"No... it's impossible. We... only met for two or three days... but it was these two or three days, but I felt like him for a long time." Che Yingxi murmured, and then There was no answer, "Christine is elegant, beautiful and famous, Dad... let's leave here tomorrow!"

"Well, now that you have decided, then do it. When the next time you dock, you don't have to be clear, we will leave!" Che Mingzhe nodded, he could not persuade his daughter because of this. It’s useless. It’s hard to be persuaded by people’s emotions, "If... you decide to leave, why don’t you go to the stage and sing a few songs? Even as farewell, or to show Mr. Zhen a real Of you."

Che Yingxi's eyes lit up, and then he nodded firmly. Now she can finally be sure that this is the time she most wants to sing. It's not just purely for performance as before. So she nodded to Cha Mingzhe, and walked into the hall calmly. After Zoe had finished singing a song just now, she walked over and said in a low voice to Zoe, "Can I...may?" The finger points to the microphone.

"Of course, why not?" Of course, Zoe had to behave a little more gracefully, and also heard that the girl is a member of a Korean idol group, of course, the girl's mother told her personally. So nodded and handed the microphone over to Che Yingxi generously.

Che Yingxi has her own backing tape, so she doesn’t need a band, and after the live DJ tunes it up, the music begins to flow. This is her favorite song. It feels like singing is very lively and lively. The kind, accompanied by a youthful dance.

Zhen Fan was talking and drinking with Bit and the others. He suddenly heard a Korean song. He was taken aback, then subconsciously turned his head to look on the stage and saw the Korean girl Che Yingxi singing and dancing on the stage. I have to say that the Korean dances make such a young girl jump up and look **** and charming. It is very attractive to men.

From time to time, she cocked her little hips, and from time to time pouted her lips, twisted her waist and threw her legs. It was really pleasing to the eye. With the lively songs, Zhen Fan couldn't help but attract the past. He smiled and said, "What do you think? Christine will definitely not agree."

"What are you thinking about!" Zhen Fan gave a white look, then smiled when he looked at Gary who was drinking, "You are quiet, and Gary never said this. He is a good man."

"Also a drunkard!" Bit was very polite, but Gary was too lazy to argue with him, raised his glass and smiled at the two of them, and then took another sip in comfort.

Did you finally attract him? Che Yingxi couldn't help feeling trembling with excitement in her heart. When a song is finished, she still wants to perform, but someone in the audience can't wait to come up, it's Yi Fei. Seeing everyone performing on stage, she could sing pretty well, so she couldn't bear it.

Che Yingxi had no choice but to marry the microphone to Yi Fei regretfully. She knew that this woman was also one of China's most popular female stars, but she didn't know why she was also on this ship. After all, very few people know about this scandal of Zhen Fan, and most of them don't know that Yi Fei has been taken down by Zhen Fan and gave birth to a son.

It was a noisy night, and it slowly disappeared until one o'clock in the morning. Naturally someone came to clean up the mess. After a night of sailing, the yacht docked at the port of San Diego, ready to rest here for half a day to replenish fuel, food, and water. And the yacht will undergo a simple overhaul.

As the yacht docked, a group of people who had lived in the ocean for a few days cheered and rushed to the eighth largest city in the United States. The economic strength of this city is very good, second only to Los Angeles and San Francisco in California.

After getting off the yacht, Che Mingzhe's family stood on the dock and said goodbye to Zhen Fan. He handed Zhen Fan a business card and said, "This is my address in Korea. I very much hope that Mr. Zhen can go to Seoul, South Korea. I also very much hope to be a guest at my home, to express my life-saving grace to you. A little bit!" He said sincerely.

"Goodbye by chance!" Zhen Fan nodded faintly. He couldn't talk about a good relationship with this Korean, but just met together and saved their family. As for what to say to be a guest at his house, I am afraid that there is no such thought in it at all.

Che Mingzhe naturally knew what Zhen Fan was hiding behind this faint demeanor. He was a big man, and there might not really be much overlap with a small man like himself. So he nodded sadly, shook hands with Zhen Fan, and prepared to say goodbye.

"Mr. must come to my house when you have time. We have a villa in Seoul. It is much better to live in than a hotel. My daughter is good at It tastes better than what I do. Some, you are welcome to come and taste it!" Li Caiyan said more explicit, but Zhen Fan just smiled faintly and didn't care.

However, Cha Yingxi felt a little embarrassed and pulled her mother by the corner of her clothes. Finally let her shut up, and then walked to Zhen Fan and bowed and said, "Thank you, Mr. Zhen. This is a little gift from me, a little bit of my heart, please don’t refuse, okay Is it?" She didn't know when there was an extra jade pendant on her hand, in the shape of a golden phoenix inlaid with jade. It looks very beautiful.

"This is... from our ancestors. Yingxi has been with her since she was a child." Li Caiyan didn't know where she came out of her. She smiled and said to Zhen Fan, eagerly trying to see from Zhen Fan's face. To some look she wanted to see.

"Mom--" Cha Yingxi raised her voice and called out.

"This...too expensive!" Zhen Fan couldn't help but want to return the jade pendant to Che Yingxi.

"No, not at all." Che Yingxi bowed to Zhen Fan and said, "Although it is a family heirloom, it is not worth a lot of money, but... you saved us, it really can only be A little bit of thought, please, please accept it!" He bowed again. Make Zhen Fan a little embarrassed and refused again. R1152

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