The Almighty Little Chef

Chapter 814: Spit out bitter water

   Chapter 814

  "Wait for this period of time, we should really talk to them." Jiang Jian smiled maliciously.

  The two were a bit dissatisfied that they concealed this matter and did not tell them, but they could understand it, but understanding did not mean that they would not be asked to settle accounts!

   "Indeed! Qin Feiyang's having a child made my parents start urging me." Peng Yue was a little annoyed and vomited bitterly.

His parents knew that he had a good relationship with Qin Feiyang, Jiang Jian, and Jiang Xiaofei. Knowing that Qin Feiyang had such a big child, he almost clapped his hands and applauded. Of course, this clapping and applauding is not gloating, but really happy and envious. .

  If their son can now come back with such a big baby bump, their old couple can jump up happily.

   "Ahem!" Jiang Jian patted his shoulder to express sympathy.

  "When do you think this will go through?" Jiang Jian asked him.

   "It's hard to tell." Peng Yue shook his head.

   "If the guidance is good, it will pass quickly. By the way, you can also rely on the baby to circle a wave of fans and go up one level. If...the consequences are disastrous."

   Jiang Jian also became silent.

  Relying on the baby to achieve the Jedi counterattack. This really works. Because of this incident, the program crew came to the live broadcast room to watch the baby one after another.

  【This little cute is a flying baby? Sure enough, it's in the same mold as Feiyang. 】

  【Fortunately, this child is not like his mother, otherwise he will be black all his life! 】

  【The milky little baby, coming in the arms of the aunt! A super well-behaved baby, who will help Xiaofei Jiang with work, and is very caring~]

  The next day, the task arranged by the program group is that all temporary parents take their children to the nursing home to accompany the elderly orphans. It is necessary to prepare a program. Each parent must bring one of the children. Then the elderly will vote according to what they like!

  According to the results of the votes, today’s ingredients are allocated.

   "Performance?" Che Ran shouted.

  He is a little frightened, he can act, after all, this is his job, what kind of show...

   "What does Teacher Lin want to perform?" Roy asked Lin Feiran on the side.

  "I haven't thought about it yet." Lin Feiran shook his head.

   "I recited it when I took the art exam! I can't sing or dance! I can't do anything."

  The car turned his sight on An'an, and looked up at him.

  Looking at the cool kid standing there, the car burned and opened his mouth: "An An, what show do you want to perform?"

  An An glanced at him, that look was full of disgust and contempt.

  "Dance!" Two words popped out of the mouth.

  "Dancing...dancing?" The car shuddered and looked at An An.

  "Do you know how to dance?" He was a little unimaginable that An An was twitching, lifting his hips, kicking, bending over, twisting his butt...

   "Of course!" An An seemed to be a little dissatisfied>_

   "Thank you so hard." The car smiled with a guilty conscience.

   "Together!" An An did not give him a chance to refuse.

"I will not!"

"I teach you."

  Jiang Xiaofei watched the conversation back and forth between the two with a lot of fun.

   "What dance are you dancing?" She asked the point.

   "Hip-hop." An An answered with a cold face.

   "Hip-hop." Jiang Xiaofei nodded and said she knew.

  Good street dance, good street dance, the car burned a sigh of relief, at least the street dance looked cool when he jumped, and he was a little looking forward to it.

  Later, he realized that good looks and good jumping are not the same thing! I didn't know how many times I fell all over, and I only learned a little bit of hip-hop.

  (End of this chapter)

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