The Almighty Little Chef

Chapter 302: Serving rice (fifth)

  Chapter 302 The meal (fifth)

  Director Meng and Director Xu conducted the selection of audition personnel, and this Tong Xue was brought in by him.

   "Humph!" Director Xu knew he couldn't tell him, and snorted.


  Everyone looks at the shooter.

   "What do you guys see me doing? Can't you try?" Jiang Xiaofei touched her nose and said innocently.

  Although I said to try, but you are too honest!

  Squad leader Zhao was taken aback for a while and looked at the target.

  Nine Rings!

  Ten rings!

  Blinked vigorously for fear that he might be wrong.

   swallowed and looked at Xiaofei Jiang, "Have you practiced before?"

Xiaofei Jiang nodded.

  What do you guys do after practicing this! ? Squad leader Zhao wants to ask Director Meng and them now.

   "You have all practiced?" Squad leader Zhao looked at the other three.

  The three nodded unexpectedly.

   "Okay! Then you shoot directly! See how it goes!" Squad leader Zhao waved his hand.

  Jiang Xiaofei Tong Xue also re-fired with the three.

  Although there are some gaps between several people, it is not bad as a beginner.

  Jiang Xiaofei ten rings.

  Tong Xue Seven Rings.

  Zhao Tianmei Sixth Ring.

  Wen Jie Five Rings.

  Mo Fenghua Fifth Ring.

  Everyone looked at Jiang Xiaofei, amazing! Of course, men admire, sigh, love, and have little love in their eyes. The woman wanted to throw a knife.

envy, jealousy, hate!

  Tossing for so long, it's almost a bit faster.

  Director Meng led Director Zhang and Director Xu to a few people.

   "Thanks for everyone this morning! Now you can go to dinner! Squad leader Zhao will take you there! We will still gather in the playground at 2:30 in the afternoon for an audition!"

  Farewell to the three directors, and the five were taken to the restaurant by the team leader Zhao.

  The meal specially prepared for this group of them happened to be the squad leader Zhao and the others.

  "You can take as much as you eat! If you take more! No matter who you are, give me all! Don’t waste a grain of rice! Let’s eat! Ladies first!"

  Squad leader Zhao, they waited for a few people to finish their meal before serving.

   Braised pork, pork stewed vermicelli, potato shreds, cold cucumber, and a pot of vegetable soup.


  Bing brothers were very satisfied, and waited for the girls in front of them to finish before they started.

  Tong Xue didn’t complain this time. She came from the bottom of the population. She didn’t know how much effort she had put in to climb to this position. How much food was worse than this?

  At the hardest time, I ate steamed buns and pickles for a whole week.

  She has no habit of wasting, even if she is rich, she has not forgotten the taste of starvation back then, serving her own portion according to her own appetite.

  Tong Xuesheng's mostly vegetarian dishes, so he put a few pieces of braised pork, after all, he still has to keep in shape.

  Wen Jie is even more exaggerated, only two chopsticks dishes, two pieces of meat, and the rice has only passed the bottom of the bowl.

  Jiang Xiaofei looked at Wen Jiesheng’s food and then at her small body, she finally knew why Wen Jie was in poor physical fitness.

  Mo Fenghua is similar to Wen Jiesheng, but she has more vegetarian dishes.

  Zhao Tianmeisheng has a lot of people. She has to eat a good meal all morning after being hungry. As for weight loss, that's something to go back.

  Jiang Xiaofei, who looked at their appetite, and the brother Bing on the side were stunned. Eat so little, let’s feed the birds!

  No wonder all of them have lost their weight into spare ribs.

  It was Jiang Xiaofei's turn. Jiang Xiaofei slowly filled a large bowl of rice. The dishes were not at all polite. Two spoonfuls of braised pork were scooped. Pork stewed vermicelli and other dishes were also filled with a few spoons.

  Squad leader Zhao frowned as she watched the movement continue and walked over.

   "You have to eat all these when you fill them!"

  (End of this chapter)

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