The Almighty Little Chef

Chapter 225: Blocking

   Chapter 225

  The blood in my heart almost couldn't control the collapse.

  Wait for her next time! snort!

  It's already over ten o'clock after finishing the work. In order to perform well tomorrow, Jiang Xiaofei decisively goes to bed and prepares to refresh herself.


   "I and Bai Su are waiting for you downstairs at your house!" Xie Jin drove the car early in the morning and took Bai Su to Jiang Xiaofei Community.

  "Okay! Get down now!" Jiang Xiaofei hung up and walked down with her things.

   "Hello, Miss Jiang! How did you win the heroine in Director Zhang's movie?"

  "Hello, Miss Jiang! Do you have a good personal relationship with Qin Feiyang?"

  "Miss Jiang, may I ask..."


  Jiang Xiaofei was blocked by a few reporters carrying things when she stepped downstairs.

   As expected of the media, with this little mouth, Jiang Xiaofei was completely blinded by the other party before she could speak.

  Xie Jin and Bai Su also saw a group of people carrying cameras stuck in the car.

   "Broken! Hurry up! Bai Su go down to pick up!" As soon as Xie Jin saw the situation, he realized that Concubine Jiang was blocked.

  Xie Jin took Bai Su and ran to Jiang Xiaofei, and the two guarded Jiang Xiaofei and left.

   "Sorry! Our little concubine still has things to do, please forgive me!"

  "Thank you, please!"

  The three of them got into the car after turning seven and eight turns, but the group of people outside did not get the news how to leave.

  Pat the door hard outside.

  Xie Jin took a look at the situation. Some of the grandparents also came out early in the morning for morning exercises, and more and more people came around.

  It will be even more difficult if you don’t leave for a while!

  Xie Jin drove the car out slowly.

  Waiting to get rid of those who followed, the three of them all heaved a sigh of relief.

   "Huh! I finally can't see it!" Jiang Xiaofei said weakly while lying in the back seat.

   "I can't stand this anymore? You will face more in the future! Get used to it!" Xie Jin couldn't pour cold water.

   "Someone chased it to show that Xiaofeijie is now well-known and popular! Xiaofeijie, you should be happy!" Bai Su said with a smile.

   "It makes sense!" Jiang Xiaofei nodded her head to confirm the reason.

   "However, when did you move your house? There must be a lot of people in your house recently." Xie Jin said abruptly.

  "I will try to move soon!" Jiang Xiaofei was thinking about how to move.

  Xie Jin shook his head looking at the man in deep thought behind.

   "Okay! I'll talk about it after the move, you will read the script now, and go to the crew later, don't lose the chain." Xie Jin said.

   "Little concubine, this is the script." Bai Su took out a script from his backpack after Xie Jin finished speaking.

   "Thank you!" Jiang Xiaofei thanked her.

  Look at what I put under my feet.

   "By the way, do you have any cakes here?" Jiang Xiaofei asked the two.

   "No need, little concubine! I have eaten this morning!" Bai Su said with embarrassment.

  After all, I have only met Jiang Xiaofei a few times. She is not too embarrassed yet, a little cautious.

  Xie Jin also noticed the things Jiang Xiaofei brought before. It turned out to be pastries. He still remembered the taste of the things Jiang Xiaofei made before.

   "Eat! But wait a while!" Xie Jin said politely.

  Think of Jiang Xiaofei’s good craftsmanship, and then think about Lin, who was robbing himself of dinner at the time, Xie Jin wondered if this was a good deal of money near the water?

  The three people were taken to meet the director when they arrived on the crew.

  Director Peng looked at the girl in front of him and looked up and down.

  Well, it looks good! The temperament is good, the eyes are clear, it seems that the brat has a good vision!

  (End of this chapter)

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