The Almighty Little Chef

Chapter 157: noodle

  Chapter 157 Noodles

  It was originally planned, but it was just ahead of schedule.

  "Little...Little Concubine, I..." Sun Meili was a little nervous, for fear that because she did not do well, Jiang Xiaofei would fire herself.

"Don't worry! Let's hire another waiter to do the work you did before. You go into the kitchen. I will focus on training you to teach you how to cook. When I am away, you will be the manager of the store. "Jiang Xiaofei patted Sun Meili on the shoulder and smiled to her.

   "Sister Xiaofei, don't worry, I will do a good job!" Sun Meili said with some excitement, patted Yue Xiong's mouth.

"Go! Just write down the internship period for one month, two thousand and eight a month, four thousand a month after you become a regular, your salary will also change, and we will sign a contract later." Jiang Xiaofei confessed Sun Meili wrote on the small blackboard what he was going to sell today.

  She decided to sell noodles, Jiangzi noodles, Zhajiang noodles, and cold noodles today. These three are tentatively set. Each is limited to 50 servings, and each serving is 88.

  Not enough flour, she ordered five bags of flour, fresh meat, vegetables and other things from the platform.


Xu Yanxiu remembers that chasing girls has to be thick-skinned, and be careful not to leave, so he has not contacted Jiang Xiaofei these days, but there are not a lot of peeping at the screen behind him. Jiang Xiaofei’s circle of friends and Qianwen every day Go to see four times a day in the morning, at night, and before going to bed on time.

  In the morning, he went to see Jiang Xiaofei’s Qianwen as usual, and found that countless people poured in. Various comments were not very comfortable except for a few comments, but most of the others were joking with kindness.

  The few emoticons sent by Xiaofei Jiang were all preserved, and she laughed when she looked at Jiang Xiaofei's smiling face and Tsundere's expression.

  The Motezhu aside looked at his boss who was struck by lightning. Did he discover something extraordinary? Mote helped weaken his sense of existence as much as possible, he was afraid that Xu Yanxiu would discover his existence.

  After saving it, I thought that these photos of Jiang Xiaofei must have been seen and saved by others, and I felt jealous for a while.

   As soon as he looked up, he saw an obstructive Motezhuo, and suppressed the smile on his face.

   "Mote help, is there anything else this morning?" Xu Yanxiu asked without a trace of fluctuation.

  But Motezhu just heard a different feeling from it.

  As a caring special helper, Motezhu was very quick to say that there was no work in the morning.

   "Hmm! Then I'll leave first." Xu Yanxiu patted Mo Tezhu on the shoulder.

  After people left, Mote helped relax. If it were not for the high salary, he would have left long ago. Fortunately, the salary of nearly six figures as a special help is particularly reassuring.

  Xu Yanxiu drove the car and came to You Ranju. It is still early, so there are not many people, but there are a few old men sitting on a table where they are playing chess.

  The three elders are the old Feng, Li, and Liu who used to let Fengdao come to redeem people because they didn’t bring any money.

Since the last time they ate the Buddha Jumping over the Wall made by Concubine Jiang, they came several times later, but they didn’t get it when they came late. Later, the three of them have a long memory, and they came here after eating in the morning and practicing in the morning. , And carry the chess with me to pass the time.

  The beautiful girl was not there before, and although the dishes were good, it was far inferior to what she made by herself. Today, seeing that beautiful girl came, several people plan to show their talents.

  (End of this chapter)

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