The Almighty Little Chef

Chapter 1181: I am very forgiving

   Chapter 1181 I'm very forgiving

  Wen Renyou heard Master Meng raise his eyebrows so solemnly.

   "OK, are there any other requirements? As long as my bottom line is not touched, I am very forgiving."

  Meng Dashao stiffened and said, "Are you talking and laughing?" Looked at Wen Renyou.

   "No, I didn't know about this before, and my parents were timid and didn't participate in the hope that there are a lot of parents."

  Master Meng decided to tell Wen Renyou what she knew. Since she had found it, she had noticed something after all. Even if she didn’t realize it now, she would find out sooner or later with her ability.

  The storm will only be more violent at that time, it is better to sell it now and let her raise her hand.

As for the idiots of the Meng family, Young Master Meng didn’t want to clean up the mess for them. Before, he was thinking about Meng. Self-reliance.

   "It's easy to say." Wen Renyou nodded and looked at Meng Dashao quietly.

  Master Meng told Wen Renyou one by one what he knew.

  From Meng's uncle and aunt who participated in the disappearance of Jiang's little princess, to the photo he found and speculation about Ruan Cuicui's family.

   "Ruan Ruan..."

   "Ruan Cuicui, that's her original name, and Ruan Ruan is my daughter's nickname." Wen Renyou smiled nicely, but he felt a shudder inexplicably.

Dashao Meng corrected, "I tested Ruan Cuicui, she should know that her parents were involved in this matter, and what role she played here, I can’t make a final conclusion, this is all I know, you Look……"

  Wen Renyou was covered with a mysterious and murderous breath, and he put his fingers on the table and knocked.

   raised his head and looked at Meng Dashao, "I speak up. As long as you and your parents are not involved, I will definitely not do anything. You are very good and very unexpected."

  The last sentence is Wen Renyou's sincere compliment.

  This young man Meng is very good, with brains, means, and wit.

  If the Meng family hadn't restricted him, he would definitely fly higher.

  Sold Wen Renyou away from Dashao Meng with a sigh of relief.

  The things that have been buried in her heart, for fear of exploding at a certain moment, and now that she said it, she felt that her burden was instantly relaxed. Maybe she should get what belongs to her first when she hears that the owner of the family has not done it!

  Just do it. Meng Dashao did not hide himself at all. He got a lot of money and left the imperial capital with Meng’s father and Meng.

  Wearing the people to be vigorous and resolute, immediately let people go down for investigation, his eyes were violent.

  And Jiang Xiaofei is raising her baby in the crew...The filming life is very enjoyable.

   Gu Lan, who always loves to find faults, calmed down after Mrs. Xu and Mrs. Xu came to visit the class.

  It’s no good if it’s not quiet. She dare not provoke the future second wife of the Xu family. If she angers Concubine Jiang, the Xu family will vent her anger for Concubine Jiang. Anyway, she definitely won't stand up for her!

  It's better to be safe and stable.

  And this stability did not last long.

  After all, I was suffocating in my heart, and I didn't dare to go upright, so I could only pierce the villain behind.

  At this time, the female No. 4 who just entered the group, and Gao Lixia, who had old grudges with Xiaofei Jiang, are the best targets and targets for complaints.

   But will Gao Lixia be so stupid? Obediently listen to Gu Lan's words to find Jiang Xiaofei uncomfortable?

  I had this idea before. After all, He Shen was talking about Concubine Jiang every day, which made her genuine girlfriend feel insulted.

  (End of this chapter)

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