The Alchemist of Harry Potter

Chapter 902: Christmas ball

The walls of the auditorium are covered with shiny silver frost, the ceiling is starry night, there are hundreds of mistletoe sprigs and garlands of ivy hanging, it is not difficult to see the professors of Hogwarts A lot of thought was spent on this Christmas ball.

  The Warriors came to the main guest seat to the applause of Dumbledore and the referees.

  No one saw Karkaroff, and Mr. Crouch didn't come. He was replaced by Percy Weasley, Albert's acquaintance.

   Percy smiled and waved to Albert, and handed away an empty chair beside him. The meaning was already obvious. Albert took Katrina and sat down beside Percy.

   "I have been promoted, and now I am Mr. Crouch's personal assistant, and come here to attend the Christmas ball on his behalf." Percy said in a bragging tone.

   "Congratulations, I suddenly discovered that you have the potential for workaholics." Albert smiled and picked up his own menu, looking at the recipe on it.

   "Working hard is one of the ways to get promoted quickly." Percy didn't care about Albert's ridicule, "Mr. Crouch is very good at handling all kinds of things."

   "Do you really think that?"

"What's the meaning?"

"Your luck is good now, but you won't be so good soon." Albert waited for Dumbledore to give everyone a demonstration and ordered a pork chop. He also ordered a French fried foie gras for himself. Katrina said: “I suggest that you don’t order steaks. There was a lot of trouble a while ago. There may be problems with cattle in Europe. I dare not touch any beef-related foods except milk. You It’s a good experience to try foreign food."

   Harry, who just had a bite of Hungarian goulash, his expression suddenly became quite exciting.

   Katrina glanced at Albert, and then ordered a French fried foie gras. She cut a small piece with a dining knife and put it in her mouth, and found that the taste was really good.

   "I think maybe you will soon be transferred to the assistant of the Minister of Magic."

Albert ate some French fried foie gras, and found that the level of the chef can only be said to be average. After all, the house elves cannot be compared with those who study culinary skills, and they still have to cook in large quantities, and the taste can be above the level. Not bad.

   "The Minister of Magic's assistant?" Percy was a little startled. He didn't suspect that Albert was lying to himself, but didn't understand what it meant.

   "How could I suddenly become an assistant to the Minister of Magic? Will Mr. Crouch become the Minister of Magic? But the election for the next Minister of Magic still needs..."

   "When did Crouch's health start to get worse?" Albert interrupted Percy's self-talk and asked.

"Since the World Cup, he has been wrong. This is not surprising-the work is too hard. Moreover, Mr. Crouch is not as young as before." Percy was absent-mindedly eating, as if still thinking about becoming magic. The affairs of assistant ministers.

   Albert also continued to nag him, chatting with Katrina about the dishes on the plate, and by the way, he led the topic to travel and talked about some of the countries he had been to.

   He hopes that Katrina will be able to travel around the world after graduating from school. It is not safe to stay in the UK in recent years unless she is willing to hide.

   "Are you planning to travel, too?" Katrina understood Albert's meaning, but she didn't understand why the other party wanted her to travel.

   Does he think he is in the way?

   This is not right, Albert's words always make her feel inexplicable.

   "Yes, I planned it." Albert ordered himself another pan-fried fish steak, and continued: "Except for some terrible countries, there are still many good places for travel."

   Katrina was a little confused. She slowly ate the food on the plate. Sometimes she responded in agreement. Every time, the food was the same as Albert, but she had to say that the taste was really good.

   "Are you curious about what I want to do in the future?" Katrina asked, raising an eyebrow.

   "No, I just want to give you some kind reminders to prevent you from encountering some bad things." Albert reminded kindly.

   "So, you suggest Isobel to write a book." Katrina stared at Albert for a moment, and suddenly said, "I think she might not be interested in those things. She didn't even write a diary before."

   "Oh, what does Isobel like?" Albert asked, and he really didn't know much about Isabel's interest.

"Actually, I don't know. Almost no one knows what she is thinking." Katrina glanced at Albert and said in a stroll: "It's like no one knows what you are thinking, to some extent , You are very similar, and they match very well."

Can    not be matched?

   This is already engaged!

   "What about you?" Albert asked casually, "What do you like?"

   "Me? I haven't thought about it for the time being, I plan to graduate from school first." Katrina is indeed a little confused, she has been chasing Isobel's back.

   "Think about it first, anyway, there is still a long time before graduation."

"Perhaps, after I graduate, I will study beauty medicine. Kathleen and Valeria once invited me. They seem to be interested in opening a chain of beauty shops in the UK, saying that this thing is very profitable." Katrina is really interested in beauty medicine, she is actually using it now, and the effect is very good.

  A beauty shop again?

   Albert felt depressed and liver aches. He found that most of the beautiful girls he knew had been dragged by those two guys to open a beauty shop.

   "I remember my sister seemed to care about this too." Katrina recalled.

   "Don't go to work at the Ministry of Magic?"

   "I remember you didn't like the Ministry of Magic." Katrina said.

   "The Ministry of Magic will be unlucky in a while, it's always right to stay away from there," Albert murmured.

   Katrina looked at Albert in surprise, and she felt as if she had guessed why Albert wanted her to leave England to travel elsewhere.

"what about you?"

   "Definitely not in the UK."

   Albert turned his gaze to the other warriors, and Harry was tangling with that plate of Hungarian goulash, because he already remembered what Albert said. Fleur Delacour is criticizing Roger Davis for the decoration of Hogwarts, Hermione is teaching Krum to read her name correctly, and she smiles when she meets Albert's gaze. .

Although English is the international lingua franca, many people don’t actually speak it. Fleur Delacour speaks terribly, and even pops out two sentences of French from time to time. I really don’t understand how Roger Davis understands it. of.

  Perhaps, he didn't understand at all, but just responded like a fool, busy responding, "That's right, that's it, that's right."

   Of course, Albert is very doubtful that Fleur can understand it. There are only a few students who can understand several languages ​​like Yanila.

  Perhaps, you know your mother tongue, and then you know French, because you have spent several years at the Busbarton School of Witchcraft and Wizardry in France. You must know French to stay in France to study, but other languages?

   Albert has studied English for nearly ten years in his last life, but in the end not all of it was returned to the teacher. He does not deny that there are self-taught talents, but such people are rare and rare, and wizards are not linguistic geniuses, otherwise the ancient magic texts will not be excellent.

   After everyone had eaten the Christmas party dinner, Dumbledore waved his magic wand to clear an open space, and then turned into a bunch of musical instruments such as drums, guitars, and lutes.

  Before everyone reacted, a group of men with thick hair and black robes that were deliberately torn to pieces came onto the stage.

   That's right, man.

   The so-called "weird sisters" are not a pair of sisters, and they have no contact with the sisters. This is actually a band of eight sloppy wizards that look like tramps.

   "I really don't appreciate the so-called trend."

   Hearing thunderous applause erupting in his ears, Albert whispered.

   Before Katrina could speak, he heard Fleur Delacour’s slightly mocking voice: "Your taste is really special."

"Perhaps, you should ask other audience members." Albert shrugged, took Katrina's hand, and walked into the brightly lit dance floor. He put his hand on Katrina's waist and the other hand Pinch the opponent's hand and start dancing to the music.

   Anyway, the four warriors reacted fairly to the "weird sisters" on stage.

   "What were you talking about?"

   Katrina does not understand French, she is being led by Albert to dance, and is careful not to step on Albert's feet.

   "Miss Delacour's taste in the band on the Tucao stage." Albert said softly, "Just relax and just follow my rhythm."

   "I quite like the songs of the weird sisters." Katrina said, humming the song.

   "Isobel once said the same thing." Albert asked curiously: "Did Isobel teach your dance?"

"Well, I practiced for a long time during the summer vacation, and I often stepped on her feet." Katrina found that she had never been as relaxed as she is now. She was taken slowly by Albert in a circle without any strangeness at all, let alone worry. Can't keep up with the beat.

   "Do you often dance?"

   Katrina gradually relaxed and began to enjoy the dance.

   "No, I don't like dancing very much."

   Albert was dancing lightly, leading Katrina to dance. The two looked at each other. Albert saw the smile on Katrina's face. It was sweet and cute, a bit like Isobel. Perhaps as Katrina said, their sisters are actually very similar.

   "It's not like you don't like to dance." Katrina is a little obsessed with the feeling now, and even hopes that the music will never stop.

   "That's because I learn everything quickly." Albert said cheeky.

   After the four warriors danced for a period of time, others also entered the dance hall, and the warriors were no longer the center of everyone's attention.

   The dance level of most students is actually very average, or even bad, so it is not pleasant to dance. For example, it is not pleasant to be stepped on by the partner, especially when it is just starting to run in.

The slow, melancholic piece that the weird sisters just started playing was actually a break-in time for the dancing partners under the stage. The organ played the last trembling note, the band on stage stopped playing, and the auditorium broke out again. Applause.

   "Continue?" Albert asked. Naturally, he would not use Katrina as a tool man, and just throw him aside after using it once. Look at the savior Potter over there. After the first song ended, he hurriedly led his partner out of the dance floor, obviously not planning to continue dancing.

   "This tune is great!" Katrina's eyes flashed brightly, and a faint smile appeared at the corner of her mouth.

   Tonight, he belongs to him, at least for now.

   The second song has a much faster rhythm than before. This time, Albert speeds up a little bit. Katrina, who has relaxed completely, is in a good state, and quickly gets used to the rhythm of the song.

All the girls near    looked at them with envy, but those envious and jealous gazes seemed unable to disturb the two who were immersed in the dance.

   As long as Katrina did not refuse, Albert invited her to continue dancing and let her dance to the fullest.

I don’t know how long it took. Albert noticed that Katrina’s breathing began to become rapid, her cheeks were slightly flushed, and fine beads of sweat ooze from her forehead. He knew that Katrina’s physical strength was reaching its limit. She moved to the edge of the dance floor while jumping.

   "You need to rest for a while." Albert found an empty seat and asked Katrina to sit down and rest. Dancing is an extremely physical activity. After a few jumps, her physical strength is almost drained.

   "I'll get you something to drink."

"No, we've brought it for you." Lee Jordan brought Luna towards this side, and handed two glasses of Butterbeer to them. He said with envy, "You can jump. It's awesome, I bet countless girls will come over and invite you to dance."

   "You didn't go dancing?" Albert took the butter beer and asked, staring at Li Qiaodan for a while.

   "I danced and danced very mediocre, so I gave up." Li Qiaodan shrugged and asked, "When will you take Luna to dance for a while?"

   "Let me rest for a while." Albert took a sip of Butterbeer and said to Luna, "You don't mind waiting for me for a while!"

   "Don't mind, you guys are great dancing." Luna said happily.

   "Oh, yes, this is for you." Albert handed Katrina the handkerchief.

   "Thank you." Katrina took the handkerchief that Albert handed over, and UU read wiped the sweat from her forehead.

"Where are Fred and George?" Albert glanced at the desserts on the table, picked up a piece of chocolate cake and slowly tasted it, and handed Katrina a piece. It won't end until twelve o'clock."

"Where are they?" Lee Jordan complained, pointing at Fred and Angelina, who danced enthusiastically not far away. "The guy Fred always said he couldn't dance, but he danced better than most people. Much better, George is dancing with Shanna, and Shanna doesn't seem to be looking for a partner."

   "You danced better than I expected." Yanila walked towards this side, and a beautiful little silver-haired girl followed her.

   "It's been a long time, big brother." Gabriel waved to Albert to say hello.

   "Long time no see, Gabriel." Albert handed the cake to the other party.

   "Thank you, I just ate it."

   "It should be my turn next!" Yanila asked, ignoring Katrina's gaze.

   "Someone has already come first, I'm afraid you have to wait a moment!" Albert took out a candy from his pocket after destroying the cake and threw it into his mouth to quickly regain his vitality.

   "You can really spell it!"

  George brought Alia and Shanna to Albert's side. He just saw this scene and couldn't help laughing and teasing.

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