The Alchemist of Harry Potter

Chapter 891: The first project ended

Krum’s low score caused dissatisfaction with some Quidditch fans, but the four referees collectively gave seven points. He is not Albert, and there are not so many supporters, and Bagman’s explanation is fine. .

Krum let the nest of dragon eggs be scrapped, and the dragon eggs are very precious, and it is normal for some points to be deducted.

"Well, let's welcome the last warrior to enter, the youngest warrior ever, Harry Potter from Hogwarts." Bagman exclaimed happily.

However, after Harry Potter entered the playing field, the auditorium was shrouded in a mess of noise. Some spectators began to curse Harry with vicious words, and there were people who threw things at the playing field.

If Albert is the most popular warrior, then Harry is the least popular warrior.

"My God, don't do that." Bagman screamed, trying to stop people from throwing things at Harry.

"When did Potter become so unpopular?" Albert was a little surprised at the bad comments of the savior.

"This matter is mainly related to Slytherin." Lee Jordan heard Albert's words and said helplessly, "That group of guys deliberately aroused everyone's envy and jealousy of Harry, and they even distributed it to everyone for free. The badge of "Sweet Stool". In fact, they also want to discredit you, but you have too many supporters, so you can only give up in the end."

Speaking of the changes in Hogwarts, no one knows better than Lee Jordan, who likes to inquire about gossip news.

"Most people are not idiots regardless of right and wrong." Albert really finds it difficult to understand what the group of people are thinking. "Could it be that they believe what others say?"

"Don't tell me, there are a lot of people like this." Lee Jordan was a little embarrassed when he talked about this. He used to be like this, but after becoming friends with Albert, he began to learn to think proactively. He knew that most of the students were just jealous of Harry, and they just made fun of everyone.

Many times, Slytherin students took the lead, including throwing things on the field, which is also a good thing they did.

I don't know whose boots, with a "slap", landed at Harry Potter's feet, and the game was immediately enveloped in an inexplicable embarrassment.

"A Slytherin student?" Albert murmured, "It is indeed their style. If it were me, I would probably hang up the badger for two days first!"

Katrina looked at Harry Potter holding a magic wand on the field, frowning and asked, "What is Potter doing, is he casting some kind of magic, it seems to have no effect, is it too nervous that the magic is ineffective?"

"It hasn't expired, what he used just now should be a flying curse."

"Flying curse, how do you know." Several people around cast inquiring gazes at Albert.

"Probably summoning my own flying broomstick. I also thought about using that tactic." Albert took some popcorn from a paper cup and threw it in his mouth. Of course he would not say that this was his idea for Harry. .

"Then why don't you use it yourself?" Katrina asked curiously, knowing that Albert was also a very good seeker.

The reason why Albert gave up using the flying broomstick was more that he was worried that he could not fly fast enough to sweep the six stars. If he also has a firebolt, he naturally doesn't mind riding a broomstick to easily get the golden egg through the fire dragon.

"Harry Potter stepped on the broomstick and flew!" On the referee's bench, Bagman yelled, "As the youngest warrior, Harry is undoubtedly weaker than the other warriors, but he used Use your own smart brain to make up for your shortcomings and give full play to your own advantages."

Just as Bagman yelled, Harry easily avoided the breath of the Hungarian hornet amidst all the exclamations and screams.

"My goodness, he flies so well!" Bagman exclaimed. "Did you see that, Mr. Krum?"

Above the playing field, Harry was implementing his plan step by step. He hovered over the Hungarian hornet and threw a Stunning Charm at it. The Hungarian hornet must be tempted to leave the nest, or he will never be able to approach the eggs.

The trick is to keep harassing it. The fire dragon has always been very irritable, and he definitely couldn't bear to provoke him to chase him, and then the opportunity came.

The Hungarian hornet was forced too hard, and opened his mouth again to breathe at Harry, but Harry swiftly avoided it.

The dragon uttered an angry roar, spread its wings and pursued Harry, but it didn't know that it had been fooled.

When the Hungarian hornet left the nest to chase Harry, he was taken by Harry riding a firebolt and slid in the sky. When the time came, Harry suddenly accelerated and dived and flew towards the fire dragon's nest.

When Harry passed over the lair, he managed to get the golden egg.

"Look!" Bagman hissed, "Look! Our youngest warrior successfully got the golden egg!"

The entire playing field suddenly boiled, people were shouting, screaming, applauding, and their voices were deafening.

However, Harry, who was overwhelmed by joy, didn't realize that the Hungarian hornet had been chased and killed.

Seeing that the **** thief actually dared to steal his own egg, the Hungarian hornet was so angry that the dragon's breath almost burned the oncoming Harry to ashes, and almost lit the fork of the firebolt.

This time, Harry paid the price for his negligence. Although he avoided the oncoming breath, he failed to avoid the tail drawn by the Hungarian hornet, and the whole person and the broom were severely drawn a distance.

A long spike on the tail of the Hungarian tree wasp plunged into Harry's shoulder, and his robes were soaked with blood.

Harry felt a sharp pain in his shoulder, but his legs still clamped the Firebolt, and he didn't let himself fall. The audience was screaming in his ears, his spirit trembled for a moment, and he accelerated again, throwing away the Hungarian hornet who was trying to attack again.

Dragon trainers have rushed over, trying to calm the anger of the tree wasp.

Harry looked at the Hungarian hornet entangled by the dragon trainers, he couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief, and began to descend towards the entrance of the field.

He still has lingering fears, and the wound on his shoulder is very deep. If the position he hurt was... he was too careless, otherwise he would not be hurt at all.

However, I finally passed the first project and successfully survived.

After Harry landed steadily to the ground, Professor McGonagall, Hagrid, Sirius and Lupin hurried over to greet him.

"Okay, I'll talk about it later. Potter now needs to go to the emergency tent to find Mrs. Pomfrey." Professor McGonagall interrupted a few people wanting to say aloud, and led Harry toward the emergency tent.

The first aid tent was near the entrance of the venue. Madam Pomfrey stood at the entrance of the tent. After discovering that Harry was injured, she pulled him into the tent for treatment.

Mrs. Pomfrey completely healed Harry’s very serious injury within a few minutes. For the therapist, ordinary injuries can be easily healed by using magic. The real trouble is actually those causes. Injuries caused by magic.

"You succeeded in Harry." Sirius walked into the medical tent and said to Harry. "If you can be careful at the end, so much the better."

"Okay Sirius, it would be great for Harry to complete the first project." Lupin didn't have much thoughts. To him, Harry's safety is more important.

"In the end, I was really overwhelmed." Harry carefully checked the healing of his wounds, and reflected on himself, "I should be careful."

"Harry, it's too good for you to have no facts!"

Ron and Hermione hurriedly walked into the medical tent, and breathed a sigh of relief after seeing Harry okay.

"Okay, let's see your score." Sirius noticed Madam Pomfrey's gaze and smiled and motioned everyone to go to the stands to see the final score.

"Harry, you had a chance to get full marks." Ron said regretfully. "However, he was injured in the end. It is estimated that some points will be deducted."

"Someone got full marks?" Harry asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Albert got a perfect score." Hermione said admiringly. "It took him only a few minutes to easily subdue the fire dragon."

"Subduing the dragon?" Harry repeated.

"Literally." Sirius comforted, "You don't have to compare with him, that guy can't be regarded as a student at all. He came to participate in the Triwizard Tournament just to bully others."

When the group of them returned to the stands, Harry noticed that the gazes of the people around him were very complicated. He ignored the others and turned his gaze to the referee's bench and found that Karkaroff was no longer there.

Probably noticing Harry's puzzled gaze, Hermione recounted the mess that Karkaroff had done with the previous confusion.

Harry couldn't help but his eyes widened. It was hard to think that someone could not even have a face in order to win. Karkaroff was kicked out of the referee's seat, purely self-inflicted.

Harry's final score was 45 points, Bagman gave 10 points, Dumbledore and Crouch gave 9 points, and Mrs. Maxim gave 8 points.

"I'm very happy that the first project ended successfully." Bagman cleared his throat and said, "Now I invite the warriors to the tent. I have something to say to the warriors."

"Bagman probably wants to talk about the second project."

Albert glanced at the golden egg in his hand. He remembered that the thing seemed to be in the water to hear the secret hidden in the golden egg.

"Then I'll go back first." Isabel kissed Albert on the cheek and said, "Your college will hold a celebration banquet. You'd better not be absent."

"Let Bit send the photos to my dormitory." Albert reminded.

Looking at Albert’s leaving back, Isobel turned his head and said to Katrina, "Do you mind walking with me!"

"Something?" Katrina raised her eyebrows.

"Our sisters haven't had a good chat for a long time." Isabel motioned to Katrina as he walked.

Albert didn't know what the Sisters McDouger was talking about. When he came to the tent, everyone was already waiting for him in the tent.

"Everyone is here," Ludo Bagman said cheerfully, "I only have a few words to say."

"First of all, you all did a good job!"

"There is also the second project that will start at 9:30 am on February 24th next year." Ludo Bagman took the golden egg in Albert's hand and specially gave the warriors some tips, "Before that , You can rest for a long time, so we leave you a riddle, as long as you solve the clue in the egg, you will know what the second project is and be prepared in advance!"


Harry looked at Albert suspiciously. He felt that this man didn't need to solve the mystery at all. He only needed to look at his crystal ball to easily understand what the second project was.

After Bagman signaled that they could leave, Krum did not leave immediately, but went directly to Albert.

"I'm sorry about Karkaroff, but that is his personal meaning, and does not represent Demstrang." Krum kicked all the questions directly to Karkaroff. " To be honest, many people didn't understand how he became the principal."

"Well, then you don't need to spend any more time to understand the reason, Karkaroff will soon cease to be your principal." Albert said calmly.

Krum was a little dazed, but he still didn't understand what this meant.

When Albert walked out of the tent, only Shanna was waiting for herself outside.

What about them?

"We are exchanging coins for everyone. Those three guys took this opportunity to make a lot of money." Shanna said with a smile, "You look so handsome."

"Thank you, let's go back!"

"Is that golden egg also part of the game?" Shanna asked curiously when he noticed the golden egg in Albert's

"Yes, this is a riddle." Albert handed the golden egg to Shanna and said, "Used to pass the time for the warriors."

"I dare say that riddles can't help you." Shanna made an open gesture.

"At the celebration banquet in the evening, a golden egg will definitely be opened, and it will definitely surprise everyone at that time." Albert said meaningfully.

"Surprise, I'm looking forward to it." Shanna waited for the surprise Albert said at the evening celebration.

The inside of the golden egg is empty and there is nothing, but as long as it is opened, it will make a terrifying, piercing scream inside.

"Is this the surprise you're talking about?" Shanna raised her glass irritably and touched the glass in Albert's hand lightly.

"Isn't it a surprise?" Albert joked with a smile.

"You knew it a long time ago?" Shanna asked, raising her eyebrows. "What is that sound, is it from the Ghost Band?"

"That should be the singing of the murloc."

"The murloc's singing?" Shanna's eyes widened in disbelief. "I dare you to say that no one will hire their singer."

"That's not the point." Albert took a sip of Butterbeer, looked at Hermione and asked, "Is there something Hermione?"

"The second item is in the water?" Hermione asked.

"It should be in the lake to be precise." Albert corrected.

"You are very generous, I dare say she will tell Potter this secret." Shanna reminded.

"Everyone is cheating anyway, and sooner or later they will figure out the secret of the Golden Egg." Albert didn't care. He actually let Hermione know about it on purpose. If possible, he didn't want Batty to get a survival map. .

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