The Alchemist of Harry Potter

Chapter 851: No coincidence

"So, we are going to the Far East next summer?" Luke held the steering wheel and stared at the road ahead, chatting with Albert in the back seat.

"Yes, next summer, it will not be safe here in the UK. It is a good thing to leave as soon as possible, so as not to get into trouble." Albert put his cheek in one hand, looking sideways at the pouring rain outside the car window, and rubbed a fat cat next to him. Niya said: "Foreign languages ​​must be studied carefully, and you have to go to study there. Herb will buy a house there, and then everyone will live together."

"I thought I had to wait for you to marry Isabel before the family emigrate." Sansa in the passenger seat couldn't help asking, "What about your wedding?"

"Come back then, anyway, magic is very convenient." Nya scratched Tom's ear and asked casually: "How many years should we stay abroad?"

"About four years, it's time to study abroad." Albert estimated the time and felt that as long as there are no accidents, Harry Potter should be able to eliminate Voldemort step by step, and he is pushing behind to eliminate Voldemort's soul. The task of the device will definitely be easier.

As long as there is no Horcrux, Voldemort, who can be killed, will be much less threatened than before.

"Next year, can I really go to Hogwarts?" Niya asked about this again, which is what she cares about most now.

"Yes, I have fortune-telling." Albert reached out and touched Nia's head to comfort him, "If Herb and Daisy don't come back, Isobel will pick you up."

"How do I get to Hogwarts school and do a train?" Niya asked.

"I don't know, I'll help you ask at that time."

"I always think it's a wonderful thing for wizards to go to school on a steam train." Sansa thought it was incredible. There are basically no steam trains in the UK now.

"It's really amazing." Albert continued the topic: "Actually, there are several other trains to European countries at Kings Cross Station."

"To European countries, take a train?" Luke was a little surprised, "I thought you could drill a fireplace."

"How did they cross the sea?"

"The wizard allows the train to pass through the sea. I have taken it once. It's okay, but the speed is very slow. If you want to travel around Europe by train, it will take a long time." Albert added, "The price is very expensive. boring."

It was raining heavily outside, and the car was talking about the magic world, and occasionally a few laughs could be heard.

I don’t know how long it took before the car finally arrived outside King’s Cross Station. The rain outside was heavier than before. Nya held up the umbrella high and tried to cover the rain for Albert who was carrying the luggage, but the effect was not very good. The rain wetted most of the clothes on the two of them.

"Remember to write to us." Luke gave Albert a hug, and Sansa also kissed him on the forehead.

"Be careful on the way back. If you have a cold, remember to drink the cold medicine I left for you. There are labels and instructions on it. Don't make any mistakes." Albert took the cat cage from Niya and placed it on the cart again. After giving her a hug, holding an umbrella, walked toward the station with a single trolley.

The pedestrians at Kings Cross Station were in a hurry, Albert walked leisurely towards the partition wall, and when no one noticed, he immediately passed through the wall.

The Hogwarts Express train has stopped on the platform, and the locomotive is emitting thick smoke. There are many Hogwarts students and parents talking on the platform, mixed with various pets, which is really noisy. , His ears were filled with various buzzing sounds, as if someone had used closed earplugs to listen to a spell on him.

As Albert joined the crowd with his luggage, he put a hand on his shoulder from behind, and then a familiar voice rang in his ears.

Albert turned his head and looked, Lee Jordan and his father did not know when they came to him.

"Ludo Bagman gave us a bunch of copy Gallons." Mr. Jordan led Albert toward the entrance of the train. "I took it for the goblins of Gringotts to distinguish, and found that there were only a dozen Gallons inside. It's true, all the rest are copies."

"I have contacted Fred and George, and their situation is similar." Lee Jordan added.

"Have you ever found Ludo Bagman?" Albert kept his voice low. He noticed that many people were staring at him. Being too famous is sometimes not a good thing.

"I found it." Lee Jordan's father gritted his teeth, "but it's useless. He doesn't admit it, and his attitude is very perfunctory."

"He probably has no money." Albert guessed.

"You mean to forget it?" Mr. Jordan couldn't believe it.

"You can write to Bagman, or send a yelling letter, urging him to pay back the money, but if you want to get Garon back from Ludo Bagman, I am afraid it will be difficult. It is said that he borrowed a lot of Gallon from the goblin. I’m being debt collection.” Albert stopped and suggested to Mr. Jordan: “Of course, you can unite with other wizards who have been trapped by Bagman to form a debt collection group to negotiate with Bagman and allow him to negotiate with Bagman every year. There are also some Garoons. It is better to get the money than to be directly squandered by Bagman."

"What if he can't afford to pay?"

"If Bagman can't pay it back, let the debt haunt him until he dies."

"Really worthy of you." Lee Jordan smiled and gave a thumbs up.

"That's all." Mr. Jordan had no better way. Before leaving, he took out a letter from his robe pocket and handed it to Albert. He blinked and said, "The part that belongs to you, I have already deposited it. You are in the vault of Gringotts. This is a letter from the fairies. You can also find relevant information in Gringotts."

"Happy cooperation." Albert smiled and stretched out his hand.

Mr. Jordan shook his hand and said heartily, "I hope there will be another time."

"I think there will be."

Albert put his luggage on the train and went to the carriage with Lee Jordan. He received countless curious eyes along the way. People stared at him unabashedly. Some even put their faces on the glass windows of the carriage. Ai Bert felt like a cherished animal in the zoo.

After entering the box, Albert immediately closed the door and pulled down the curtains, blocking people's sight from the car, and he couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

"You are really welcome."

Lee Jordan doesn't envy Albert's attention, but rather gloats. The gazes of those girls made him a little scared, as if he was about to take Albert alive!

"Not everyone is like Lockhart, who likes to be noticed." Albert raised his wand and tapped his clothes lightly. A large amount of water vapor quickly evacuated from his body and was swept out of the window by a gust of wind. He was originally uncomfortable. All the dampness disappeared.

"Fred and George must be angry. They lost a lot of Gallon." Lee Jordan sat down opposite Albert and helped him open the cat cage and let out the fat cat inside.

"I can only say bad luck." Albert shook his head: "If they come to me before placing a bet, I will tell them not to bet on Bagman."

"Then why don't you remind us?"

"The part of your bet can't actually be taken back." Albert touched Tom's head and looked at the platform through the window glass of the car: "So, whether you bet or not, it doesn't make much sense."

"You are generous, so a lot of Kanon, give up if you give up."

"You can't be too greedy."

When Albert saw Lee Jordan pick it up, he seemed to think of something, "By the way, Sirius's magazine is now on sale, and the sales should be pretty good."

"The Dark Mark of the World Cup caused a lot of panic." Lee Jordan waved to Fred and George on the platform. "Many people think this is a bad omen. I think this matter may tell you. There will be turbulence in the British magical world."

"It's true. You will know why next summer."

"Can't you say it now?"

"You certainly don't want to know it now."

"Who can tell?"

"Are you sure?" Albert said softly, "Many people don't want to believe it."

"The mysterious man is back?" Lee Jordan couldn't help swallowing, feeling that he really asked a terrible question.

"Do you regret it?" Albert opened the door of the carriage.

"What regrets?" Fred and George, who were all wet, walked in.

"The return of the mysterious man." Lee Jordan said.

"It's not funny." Fred and George shivered together.

Suddenly, there was a dead silence in the carriage.

"Albert, do you know what will happen at Hogwarts this year?" George asked, turning off the subject.

"I heard that we are going to prepare for a match, like the Triwizard Tournament." It was Lee Jordan who answered them. However, he doesn't seem to know much.

"The Triwizard Tournament jointly organized by the three schools has related records. Each school will select a warrior to participate in three magic events. Later, people often die, and the competition ceased." Albert lifted up. Pointing the wand at the two of them, a lot of water vapor began to emerge from Fred and George, and Lee Jordan quickly opened the window to get the vapor out.

"Dead?" The three looked at each other.

"literal meaning."

"It seems dangerous, do you plan to participate?"

All three felt that the warriors at Hogwarts were none other than Albert, and unless he voluntarily gave up participating in the competition, he basically didn't need to consider other students.

"It should be signed up, I feel the Triwizard Tournament is very interesting." Albert said with a smile.

The panel task of the Triwizard Tournament is definitely very good, he naturally did not intend to miss it.

Moreover, if you want to realize Niya's wishes, you also need to participate in the competition. As for the threat of Barty Crouch Jr., Albert didn't care at all.

Because the enemy hidden in the dark is really scary.

For someone like Barty Crouch Jr. who has been seen through, Albert can arrange him in minutes.

"I don't understand why Bill and the others are not willing to tell us." Fred was a little depressed. "Do they really think there will be unexpected surprises when we know it?"

"I think this is purely a bad taste. If they really want to surprise us, they shouldn't disclose the news in advance. Knowing without knowing it is a surprise." George curled his lips and took it out of the bag. A box of biscuits is placed on the table.

"It's the same character as yours." Lee Jordan suddenly turned into a big canary after eating a small piece.

Both Fred and George couldn't help laughing.

"Damn canary biscuit." Lee Jordan murmured and ate the whole biscuit. As if to combat the arrogance of the Weasley twins, he brought up the topic just now, "Albert thinks the mysterious man is back, and the Dark Mark is a sign."

The laughter of the Weasley twins suddenly stopped, and they looked at Albert stiffly.

"I didn't say that." Albert shrugged.

"Of course you didn't say it, but that's what you meant." Lee Jordan continued to use it to fight the twins' arrogance.

"Actually, we guessed it a long time ago. Albert had said before that the British magical world would be in turmoil." Fred and George looked at each other and put on a posture that everyone would die together.

The atmosphere in the carriage became more and more weird.

"Don't worry, even if the mysterious man really returns, we still have the savior Potter." Albert said comfortingly.

"Are you serious?" Lee Jordan suddenly wanted to laugh, but couldn't laugh.

"Of course serious." Albert nodded, "Harry Potter is called the savior for no reason."

"Well, we have Potter." The three looked at each other, agreeing with Albert's words. To be honest, people are more willing to believe in Dumbledore than Harry Potter.

Moreover, the sky fell, and there was a tall man against it.

I don't need to worry at all.

Anyway, it's up to Albert what to do, and they follow along. Since Albert has foreseen this matter very early, he will definitely be prepared, and they don't need to worry about it at all.

"You said, why didn't the mysterious man die?" Fred seemed to be worried about being heard by others, so he kept his voice low. "He even came to Hogwarts to steal the Philosopher's Stone."

"Actually, I'm even more curious about why he looks so ugly and doesn't have a nose." Albert couldn't help but joked. They had all seen Voldemort through Bogut.

There was a sucking sound from the carriage, and the three of them did not expect that Albert would dare to tease the mysterious man, even though his appearance was really ugly. UU reading

At this time, the car door was knocked.

It's Harry, with a magazine in his hand.

"Sirius asked me to give it to you." After Harry Potter handed the magazine to Albert, he seemed to have something to say to him.

"Something?" Albert glanced at the cover of the magazine, feeling that Blake and Lupin had the same aesthetics.

"Do you know what will happen at Hogwarts this year?" Harry asked in a low voice.

"You mean the Triwizard Tournament." Albert asked in surprise. "Sirius didn't tell you."

"He has been busy with the magazine recently." Harry said helplessly.

"It seems that he likes this job very much." Albert told Harry about the Triwizard Tournament, and asked with a smile, "Why, do you want to participate, too?"

"No, it sounds dangerous." Harry shook his head quickly. Although he did have similar thoughts in his heart, he also knew that with Albert's ability, he could easily win the championship 80% of the time.

"Don't rush to deny it." Albert said suddenly, "I have a hunch that you might be involved."

"Get involved?" Harry was a little dazed, not understanding Albert's words.

"Since you went to Hogwarts to go to school, I have summarized two things." Albert raised his index finger and said, "First, there are accidents at Hogwarts every year, and things are related to you. At least you are involved. By."

"Don't deny it in a hurry. You can think about it after listening to me." He raised his hand and interrupted. "Second, the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor at Hogwarts has problems."

Harry was speechless, because it seemed, indeed, as Albert said.

"It's just a coincidence," he said dryly.

"Is it really just a coincidence?" Albert narrowed his eyes and said.

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