The Alchemist of Harry Potter

Chapter 828: Youth and love

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Ouroboros bar, Cairo, Egypt.

In just one day, Valeria's good mood for a holiday in Egypt was completely evaporated by the hot sun outside.

All right.

In fact, Valeria came with her friend Catherine to participate in the International Alchemy Conference and came to Egypt for a vacation.

As early as three days ago, they arrived in Egypt.

When they first arrived in Cairo, they even ran to visit the tourist attractions here, and then they never left the Ouroboros bar where they were staying.

"I hate Egypt, I hate this kind of spooky weather."

Valeria drank the red drink in the glass, looked sideways at the scorching sun outside the window, and complained to the female companion beside her, "It's not good for the skin to stay in this kind of ghost place for a long time."

"Then why are you insisting to follow me, isn't it okay to stay and see the store?" Kathleen slowly read the "Finx Daily" provided by the bar for free, and said without looking up.

"The United States is even more uncomfortable. There are a lot of rules and regulations, and I almost can't breathe." Valeria is not cold about the atmosphere of the American magical world. She patted her chest lightly with her hand, as if to allow herself to catch her breath, and then glared at her friend and complained: "Also, you ran out to play by yourself, so you are embarrassed to leave me in the store to work?"

"Aren't all the profits made during this time belong to you?"

Valeria poked the ice cubes in the cup with a straw, and said confidently: "What do I want the money for? Wouldn't it be more comfortable to find a rich person to support me?"

"Then you just refused Cameron what to do last time, wasn't that guy very rich?" Kathleen asked rhetorically.

"I'm not a fool. The guy named Cameron knew it was not a good thing at first glance. Moreover, he didn't try to chase you in the first place, but he got a dirty nose on your side and then chased me in turn. "Valeria was out of anger when she heard Catherine talk about Cameron, the wizard who had pursued her a while ago.

Cameron is indeed pretty handsome. He is in the same class as Catherine. The family is also rich. But what makes Valeria very upset is that the guy's eyes are always squinted when they see them, and he is pursuing. Catherine ran to pursue her after her failure.

What do you think of her, a spare tire for the car?

What irritated Valeria the most was that Cameron was totally insincere, just looking for a beautiful woman to play with.

Doesn't he know that being young is a woman's most precious wealth?

"Actually, being single is fine."

Catherine knew that Valeria still wanted to find a good home for herself before she turned twenty-five.

The beauty shop of the two is now very famous in the United States. After all, there are two big beauties in the shop. The effect of the beauty medicine is also very good, and it is widely favored by the witches.

With the money, Valeria's vision of picking her boyfriend has become even higher, and the men who have come to her to strike up a conversation have made her refuse.

In fact, half of this is Albert’s pot. He raised the eyes of the two of them, and made a lot of money because of the beauty. Both of them are living very well now, and finding a boyfriend is no longer so anxious. NS.

"Are you really looking for one?" Valeria couldn't understand Catherine's thoughts.

"It's difficult to find a suitable one. I can barely make do with it. It's not as comfortable as coming by myself."

"Isn't there a good candidate?" Valeria stared at Catherine. She thought that her friend had a great affection for Albert.

It doesn't seem to be a strange thing to change from a friend to a lover.

Sometimes friends who have a good relationship can run to the bed to chat, and then they will be together later.

"So, that's why you got the idea of ​​Anderson?" Catherine knew why Valeria ran to Egypt with herself, "Be careful that Isobel broke off friendship with you."

"I didn't say to rob her boyfriend." Valeria pouted, "And, aren't they married yet?"

"They are engaged." Catherine reminded.

"If you don’t get married, you have a chance. And, you said, Albert may be able to make a real beauty potion," Valeria took half of Catherine’s drink and continued to drink. "We both Someone has to sacrifice a bit, otherwise one day Albert really succeeds, and he will surely hide it from us."

"Don't think about it, Isobel will also come to Egypt, you won't have the chance." Catherine also had to admit that Valeria's words were very reasonable.

Who would share valuable research results with strangers who have nothing to do with it?

"Isabelle is not writing a book?" Valeria asked puzzledly: "Speaking of which, I remember she used to say that after graduation, she wanted to inherit her father's dream and continue to study magic?"

"People always change, and why do you think she and Albert came to Egypt?" Catherine put down the newspaper and looked at her friend, and said angrily, "Just to prevent you from taking advantage of her absence. The man who went in and slept with her. I dare say the photos you sent last time must have caused Isabel's vigilance."

"Should it not be the Spanish report that caused Isabel's vigilance?" Valeria felt that it should be the Spanish female singer's pot.

"No woman knows enough to let her boyfriend stay with other beautiful women."

"Why don't I go and tell her straight, Isobel must know my careful thoughts, she is very good at dementia." Valeria thinks I can talk to Isobel, as long as she doesn't grab each other The contradiction between the two parties is not irreconcilable. After all, men are all lascivious, especially good men who don’t lack women. One day when a lover suddenly appears outside, it’s better to put it under your nose, and then they can open a beauty shop together.

"If you dare to tell Isabel, you probably won't even have to do it with friends." Catherine snorted, she thought Valeria was whimsical, and this guy wanted to go to England to partner with Isabel. She actually knew that life in the United States made Valeria feel very unfree.

In fact, most outside wizards hate the atmosphere of the American magical world.

"They are here."

Valeria waved to the door, and saw young men and women who had just entered the bar approaching here.

"Why are you here just now?"

"When exchanging gold coins on the goblin side, I ran into a little trouble." Isobel pulled the chair away and sat down opposite Catherine.

Albert put the suitcase at Isabel’s feet, then went to the bar to find the bartender to do the room registration, and ordered a few iced drinks with the gold coins he had just exchanged.

The waiter quickly brought the drink over with the plate, and Albert got his room key, and their room was booked by Nicholas who had come in advance.

"The weather here is too hot. If you want to go for a walk, just wait for the evening." Albert sat down next to Isabel, took a sip of the iced drink, and felt a bit like the sour plum soup of the previous life, cool and refreshing.

"Let's go together tonight." Valeria nodded in agreement. She took a sip of ice cream and asked Albert with a smile, "This time you came to the International Alchemy Conference, do you still want to make a pioneering contribution? Go back with the gold award?"

Although Valeria's words seemed like a joke.

However, this is not impossible. Catherine said that Albert is very good at alchemy.

"Where is Catherine?" Albert did not answer, but instead asked, "Are you here to compete or..."

"I just came here to learn more with Grandpa Nicholas. Maybe I can find some inspiration here." Catherine secretly looked at Isobel with red cheeks, but was surprised to find that Isobel didn't have makeup, but it was better than the last time I met. It's more beautiful. Many people in the bar secretly looked at their gazes, and a small part of them moved to Isabel. "

She suddenly became a little jealous, and Albert must have really developed a more effective cosmetic medicine for Isobel.

"What about you, are you really going to win another gold medal?" Catherine asked rhetorically.

"Naturally, we have to fight hard. It doesn't matter whether we can win or not." Although Albert said, everyone who knows him knows that this is a kind sentence: it means that the emphasis is on participation.

However, every time Albert finished saying this, he would easily take the champion away before leaving, making the players who participated in the competition with him grit their teeth.

"This is the result of my research." Kathleen said as she took out a box. After opening it was a medicine bottle with a light gray liquid in it.

"Plant extract?" Albert guessed what was in the medicine.

"Yes." Catherine nodded and asked, "What is your result?"

"I have achieved some results in the research of mandela grass." Albert took out a palm-sized box, opened it and pulled out a bottle of... wine?

The glass bottle really looked like a wine bottle.

"This is a potion?" Both of them were a little uncertain, because they had never seen a potion in a wine bottle. "

"This is Mandela straw wine." Albert introduced to the two with a smile, "I call it youth and love."

"Can mandela grass also be brewed?"

Catherine and Valeria looked at each other, feeling that they had gained a lot of knowledge, but they didn't expect that mandela grass could make wine. Moreover, they all guessed that this thing in front of them must have any special effects, otherwise it would be a laughingstock to take a strange bottle of wine in the competition, and Albert obviously would not make jokes about his reputation.

"Yes, but it's more troublesome. This is a magic wine with some special effects and a very good taste." Albert said meaningfully, "After drinking it, the human body will experience the vitality of youth and the beauty of love. So I call it youth and love."

"Can I taste it?" Valeria asked.

"Wait until you find someone you like!" Isabel helped Aite refuse. She has drunk this thing and naturally knows its effect.

The weird name of "Youth and Love" was given by the two together.

"Any other results?" Catherine asked. To be honest, using the so-called "magic wine" to participate in the International Alchemy Conference is still a bit unreliable.

"This can be regarded as the result of my research." Albert took out a flat container, which contained the improved flying ointment after upgrading to level 3.

Before anyone else could speak, he smeared a little flying ointment on the glass cup after drinking, and the cup floated swayingly, as if someone secretly used a floating spell on it.

Catherine also smeared a bit on the newspaper, and found that the newspaper had also floated.

"It's incredible," Valeria murmured.

"This thing is also made of mandela grass?" Although Catherine couldn't think of any use for this thing for the time being, she couldn't help but sympathize with Albert's opponent.

"Is this kind of ointment a product of alchemy?" A young and handsome wizard walked towards them, looked curiously at the cup and newspaper floating in the air, and then fell to Albert's oil on the cup. On the anointing, he smiled and said to Albert, "I think you should have also come to participate in the International Alchemy Conference! My name is Aria, I am glad to meet you."


Albert stretched out his hand to shake the opponent.

"Are you exchanging your alchemy achievements? Can I join you?" Aria stared at a few alchemy works on the table, and politely introduced herself, "I also have a good experience in alchemy. To be honest. It’s been a long time since I met a young colleague."

"Sorry, our table is full." Catherine said quietly, "There are already reservations in the two places next to it."

After that, she ignored the handsome young man, looked directly at Albert and asked, "Where is my grandpa?"

"They met acquaintances on the road. They are probably still chatting. They should be here in a while." Albert gave Aria, who had a slightly stiff cheek, an apologetic smile.

"Sorry, I interrupted, let's talk at the exchange meeting tomorrow!" Aria gave Albert a polite smile, turned and walked away.

"That guy's intention is really obvious." Catherine curled her lips in disdain.

The other party seemed to come over to talk to Albert about alchemy, but Catherine knew very well that the guy had been watching them secretly a few days ago. I really thought she didn't know?

"After all, there are three big beauties here, and Mr. Aria is still so handsome, and he will definitely want to pursue you." It's not difficult for Albert to guess the purpose of the uninvited young man.

Pursuing beautiful women, it's normal to meet them in a bar.

"What if he asks your Isabel?" Catherine asked.

"I will reject him directly." Isabel said calmly.

"What if he chases after him?" Valeria asked.

"I'll take him to the hospital." Albert said with a smile and narrowed his eyes. "However, I don't think I have a chance. Aria is obviously a smart man."

"Are you smart?" Valeria didn't think how smart Aria was. She could be called smart if she was able to see through her intentions at a glance?

"Of course, he talks to me, not to you, because strange girls are especially wary of strangers when they are abroad." Albert said calmly, "Even if he is handsome, he will still be wary when he comes uninvited. His movement is untested, if everyone becomes friends first you can lower your vigilance."

"Well, that guy actually bet people and soaked one of you." Isobel said suddenly.

The atmosphere around became a little weird, and Catherine squinted her eyes and asked, "Are you sure."

"I'm a photographer. The Mr. Aria just now doesn't know Occlumency." Isobel took a sip of his drink and said lightly, "It's not difficult to know what he thinks."

"Albert must have had a hard time," Valeria teased.

"Albert is very good at Occlumency, I can't see through his thoughts, and I don't want to spy on other people's thoughts at will." Isobel said calmly, "Of course, I don't have the habit of sharing boyfriends with others. "

"Don't say that, I won't rob you, and I can help you watch him." Valeria said it tactfully, but Albert understood.

What's the matter with this guy, are Ukrainian girls so open?

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