The Alchemist of Harry Potter

Chapter 821: Dark horse

Genius remembers this site address in one second: []https://fastest update! No ads!

At breakfast the next day, Albert flipped through the latest issue of The Bullfighting Daily and found that his odds had actually dropped. To be precise, the odds for winning the gold prize had dropped to 6 times. It was obviously the Bullfighting Daily. 》They found that someone had pressed a large amount of Kanon on it, and they were so frightened that they quickly lowered the odds.

Even if the "Bullfighting Daily" has an abnormal brain, you will realize that something is wrong when you find that someone has thrown a large sum of money into it.

So far, basically no one thinks that the 17th (Albert) will win the Gold Award for the excellent spelling technique of Banabs Finkley.

However, there are actually several people betting in it now, and they are still investing a large sum of Galleons all at once.

What does this mean?

No one knows better than those who started the gambling game.

In fact, what Albert didn't know was that his odds had been lowered three times.

The first time Bud cast 500 Galleons in it, the organizers saw that there were other people who were preparing to gamble on the 17th to win the gold medal, so they were so scared that they lowered his odds to 7 times.

Later, the "Bullfighting Daily" discovered that someone had cast hundreds of Galleons into it one after another, betting that Albert would win the gold medal, and had to lower the odds again.

No way, there must be a demon if something goes wrong.

The odds are so high, if you really lose, you don’t even lose all your underwear.

"Those guys are really timid." Bud put away the newspaper, smiled and said to Albert: "I'll take care of that for you."

"It's normal to smell something wrong. The gambling is to make money. Who wants to make a loss-making trade?" Albert disagreed with this, and continued to read the relevant reports in the Bullfighting Daily.

The Spanish magic circle has paid a lot of attention to the Banabs Finkley's excellent spelling technique competition. The most promising gold medalist at present is the Mr. Animagus who is good at transforming magic.

Of course, Albert's popularity is also very high, but he feels that the popularity is deliberately made by the "Bullfight Daily".

Is this digging a hole for yourself?

To be honest, Albert really doesn't have any psychological pressure on the wool in the gambling field, and there are not many such opportunities.

Once the identity of the prophet is spread, it cannot be done, otherwise it will easily attract hatred.

When Albert was flipping through the newspaper to look up the list of sixteen players, he noticed that there were only three players under the age of thirty.

Among them, there is a player named Noe, who seems to have just graduated from Boothbarton School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

Albert still remembers that in the first round of the performance, this person took out a handkerchief from his pocket and turned the sky full of butterflies. Finally, he performed a trick to make the butterflies gather in his hands and turn into a handkerchief again. That scene made Many viewers were impressed.

However, this person's appearance is relatively average, and he exudes a sigh of depression, which is really not very flattering.

The other was the mature wizard who had lined up behind Albert. He was said to be a native of Spain, whose name seemed to be Anthony.

In the first round, he showed everyone the changes in water polo through transformations and spells.

The difficulty is not high, but it demonstrates his spell-casting techniques very well, so it gets a very good evaluation.

Is currently one of the most qualified to compete for the championship.

At about ten o'clock, Diana, the owner of the bar, came over to inform the players to go to the second floor to participate in the competition.

"see you later."

When Albert got up and left, he found that many customers were waving at him to cheer him up. Obviously, many people pressed Albert to pass the second round.

Albert smiled and waved to them, and followed the crowd to the second floor.

"You are really welcome." The decadent man named Noe suddenly said to Albert: "I heard Louise mentioned you, she always said you are a genius. After seeing you, I suddenly understood that Louise Why did Silk reject me."

"No, I think you might have made a mistake. I already have a girlfriend. Miss Louise knows and has seen my girlfriend." Albert looked at the decadent man in front of him and corrected him.

He felt that Louise's rejection of the guy in front of him was completely the decadent breath on him.

If this Mr. Noe can be more confident, he won't be easily rejected, after all, good people always have their own shining points.

Noe looked embarrassed, he realized that he seemed to have made a mistake.

The two followed the crowd into a living room, which was surrounded by a semi-arc with more than 20 chairs, and some of the chairs had numbers on them, apparently for them to sit in the same seat.

The five referees have all been seated. After entering the living room, the contestants choose their own numbers to sit in. Albert also walked to the chair with number 17 attached.

As soon as he sat down, he noticed the envy and jealousy gaze from the next door.

"This person is afraid of being sick." He murmured, focusing on the stage in front, completely unaware that the famous female singer next door was looking at himself curiously.

As for the middle-aged wizard who is good at Animagus, now he stood in front of them with a sullen face, nodded to several referees, and began to show his best at transformation magic, in fact, with Albert Turning a table into a lion is almost the same, it's just a gradual process of gradual change.

That person was like a conductor. Every time he waved his magic wand, what was in front of him would undergo a transformation, constantly changing into various appearances. He disappeared after bowing.

After Mr. Animagus’s presentation was over, warm applause gradually sounded in the living room.

Sure enough, the sixteen players who can appear here are not easy.

However, the scoring session after the performance was a bit unexpected. The score of this highly regarded Mr. Animagus was not as high as expected.

Two seven points, three six points.

This is the evaluation given by the five referees: barely passing.

The players below all began to whisper.

Albert guessed the reason for the low score, probably because he didn't show his spellcasting skills in the performance just now, or that the level of this person is very average.

Next, it was Albert's turn to play.

He took a deep breath and waved his wand lightly.

Countless blue sparks flew all over the sky, and then as Albert stretched out his left hand, the sky sparks began to converge into a blue bellflower flame on his palm.

Albert stretched his left hand to his mouth and blew lightly at the flame. The blue bellflower flame was actually enveloped in a water ball.

Following Albert's fingers, the water polo slowly floated into the air.

Swinging an elegant arc on Albert’s magic wand, the surface of the water polo gradually freezes, and a thick layer of frost is frozen, as if it has become a blue ice egg, and the orchid flame inside seems to be leaping. life.

Before everyone reacted, the ice egg suddenly exploded into countless broken ice, and a firebird with blue bellflower flame broke out of its shell. As Albert waved his movements, more and more flames melted into the fire. In the bird, let its body gradually expand, as if the firebird has grown up.

It waved with Albert's wand, rolled up the blue bellflower flame and passed over everyone's heads, and finally turned into sporadic blue flames, which gradually disappeared.

The surroundings suddenly became quiet and terrible, a crisp applause sounded, sporadic applause more and more, and finally the city was swept across the city, even several referees raised their withered palms and clapped enthusiastically.

Everyone found that they underestimated the No. 17 player. The opponent has high attainments in the field of silent spells and wandless magic.

In the end, Albert won an eight, three nines, and a ten. With a score of forty-five, he directly crushed Mr. Animagus, who was originally favored by everyone, and that score was like a big mountain crushing everyone. Heart.

Although the others have not yet demonstrated their techniques, they all realize that it is very difficult to beat Albert in points.

Mr. Anthony, who was sitting next to Albert, looked ugly, as if someone had stuffed his mouth with shit.

Of course, he is not the only one who has the same ugly expression, as well as the special correspondent of the Bullfighting Daily who takes pictures and records next to him. Their faces were green, and they obviously hadn't forgotten their newspaper's hype about Albert. This is digging a hole and burying themselves in it!

Albert is obviously already qualified to compete for the final championship, and the players who were optimistic at the beginning were ruthlessly crushed by the opponent.

If he wins the championship, he even wins the gold medal...

The special reporter's expression became more and more ugly, and he wanted to rush out to pass the news to his own newspaper, asking them to quickly lower Albert's odds, or else they would lose all their underwear this time.

"How did you do it just now?" Yanila blinked and asked. She had never seen such a magic before, it was really unimaginable.

Albert smiled slightly at the other party, but made a hush gesture to signal the other party to watch the performance on the stage seriously.

Yanila curled her lips, but she had to admit that she was too small to look down on the guy in front of her. He really might win the gold medal for Banabs Finkley's excellent spell-casting technique.

At least, the champion can't escape.

Yanila still remembers what happened last night. Bud took a sum of Gallon and asked her mother Diana to help place the bet, and all of them squeezed Albert to win the gold medal.

It is not difficult to see from the extent of the drop in odds this morning, it is obviously not only his mother who was asked by Bud, and the Kanon used to bet is most likely from the guy in front of him.

The expression on Yanila's face suddenly became very tangled, and she no longer paid attention to the game above, but stared straight at Albert's profile, not knowing what she was thinking.

It was not until the player made a mistake on the stage that the girl turned her gaze back on the stage.

Yes, mature male Anthony made a mistake.

Because he happened to catch a glimpse of Yanila staring at Albert's side face in a daze, and his emotions fluctuated violently, causing magic errors.

Anthony finally completed his performance, but the score was not much better than that of Mr. Animagus, and finally ended sadly with 35 points.

That mistake really caused him to lose a little bit of points.

"It's useless for you to stare at me like this. I already have a girlfriend." Albert met Anthony's eyes and reminded helplessly.

After speaking, he opened his pocket watch and let the other person look at the carvings inside.

That is a painting of Albert and Isabel.

The expression on Anthony's face is wonderful.

Because of Albert's move, he told him straightforwardly: I have a girlfriend myself, and it is not inferior to Miss Yanila.

In fact, Albert can fully understand the other party's mood, but that guy seems to be in the wrong direction. Isn't it good to try to win the gold medal?

Oh, I almost forgot, the champion and the gold medal were wrapped up by him.

However, this guy in front of you definitely doesn't know!

If you don't know how to work hard all day, you know that envy and jealousy are bad, and he also has a very handsome face, and he doesn't know how to make use of his own advantages.

Don’t you know that licking a dog never ends well?

Moreover, you are too embarrassed to hit the idea of ​​a girl who is almost half his age, and Albert despises him from the bottom of his heart.

Ignoring the loser next to him, Albert continued to watch the performance on stage. However, he found that there are not many wizards who actually get high scores, and most players only hover around 35 points.

With the exception of Albert, the current highest score is forty-two. He is a forty-something wizard and has a very special way of acting.

He didn’t know where he got a training doll, and then used all kinds of magic in front of everyone. A bunch of simple spells fell on the hapless doll, and the movements were quite neat. He has his own unique insights in casting spells, and he seems to be a very good combatant.

Albert suspected that the other party was likely to be an Auror-like character.

That fighting skills really have nothing to say.

Another outstanding person is the decadent man Noe. This guy turned a sea of ​​roses into a sea of ​​roses, then turned the petals into butterflies, and turned up a butterfly storm, giving Albert a feeling of rainstorm pear blossom needles.

Albert felt that turning the rose into a butterfly is purely redundant, and that this kind of attack is actually very resistant, and the problem can be solved by just holding up the protective cover.

However, Albert felt that the opponent's ability to score high should have something to do with his spelling technique. After all, this game is more of a spellcasting technique, instead of showing magic.

It's just that Albert really didn't understand how the opponent's spells were used.

In the end, there was a middle-aged woman who passed the forty-point threshold. The magic performed by her was equally mediocre, but she also got a high score of 41.

A total of four players were selected for the third round.

The final round of competition will start tomorrow.

After the game, Albert got up and left, ready to talk to Bud. This game made him realize that his understanding of the game seemed to be wrong.

When he was about to leave with the flow of people, he found that several reporters were approaching him, pretending to interview him.

No way, who made Albert the biggest black horse in this game.

However, Albert was really not interested in the interview, and he didn't give them a chance. One of them got caught up in the crowd.

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