The Alchemist of Harry Potter

Chapter 809: godfather

With a "bang", the door was violently pushed open, and a rush of footsteps came from outside the corridor. A figure broke into the hall like the wind, panting and looking at the person reading the newspaper and said: "Today's " Did you read the Daily Prophet? Peter is dead, and that guy is dead."

"Don't worry, it doesn't look like your character." Blake looked up at his old friend, poured him a glass of butterbeer, and motioned for him to drink something first and breathe slowly, "I just saw it in the newspaper and they said Peter He died in Azkaban prison."

"This matter is suspicious." Lupin took a deep breath and said, "He can't die in Azkaban prison so quickly, you know what I mean."

"You suspect that Peter ran away in some way." Black frowned, seeming to be considering the possibility of this. After being imprisoned in Azkaban for twelve years, he is very aware of the prison conditions and has more say than most people.

The words of the old friend are prejudiced. As far as Sirius knows, after being imprisoned in Azkaban prison, many wizards went mad and died within a few weeks, but Peter... Remus thought it was right. Peter had a pretense. Death record, and twice.

Why is it not difficult to have a third time?

"Not only that." After Lupin drank the butterbeer in one breath, he continued, "I heard that Mrs. Peter visited Peter in jail before he died. Later, Mrs. Peter went crazy a few days after returning. , Set a fire and burned myself and the whole family."

"It was not reported in the newspaper, and how did she get into Azkaban Prison?" Black frowned deeply. He felt that Remus's guess was correct, and there was a problem with this matter.

Their old buddy may have really escaped from prison.

The two carefully read the "Daily Prophet" the day before yesterday, and finally found a report about Mrs. Peter's self-immolation in an inconspicuous little corner.

The article is not long, it probably means:

Mrs. Peter couldn't accept her son's transformation from a hero to a murderer, and she went insane.

No matter how you look at it, these two things are suspicious.

Especially Peter died on the third day his mother visited him, and his mother died on the second day of the visit.

"There is a way to determine if Peter is dead," Sirius said suddenly.

"What way?" Lupin asked.

"Find someone for divination." Sirius gave a weird smile.

"You mean Anderson?" Lupin immediately realized what the old friend meant.

"Yes, I heard people say that Mr. Anderson's predictive ability is very strong, and he can even easily predict what will happen in the future." Sirius directly turned Phineas into someone. "I plan to invite him to see Que. At the Diqi World Cup, you can ask him for help at that time, it is much better than we rack our brains here to guess."

Lupin frowned and asked, "Will he be willing to help?"

"Yes," Sirius said meaningfully. "The Mr. Anderson charges a fee, but I think it's not a loss to spend some money to figure it out."

Sirius didn't care very much about the Black family's fortune, at least for him, it was a little bit that Garon hadn't figured out the importance of Peter's life and death.

If Peter did escape, Sirius would not let him go anyway this time.

Yes, Peter is dead!

With a cruel smile on the corner of Blake's mouth, die completely and stop appearing.

Although Albert's actions at the time were the best choice and helped him restore his reputation, it was a pity for Black that he failed to kill Peter himself to avenge James and Lily.

Now, this opportunity may come.

"Don't talk about it, Remus, if you have time, please help me clean up the house." Sirius pleaded, "I thought about bringing Harry to live with him for a while, but I'm all alone. I can't finish it in summer."

"Okay, it just happens that I haven't had anything to do recently." Lupin nodded and agreed, he doubted that even if he gave Sirius a year, he would not be able to clean it up.

"It's great, then you will also go to the Quidditch World Cup with us!" Sirius suggested.

"I'm afraid not." Lupin shook his head and refused.

"Why?" Sirius asked inexplicably.

"Under normal circumstances, the World Cup finals will probably be around August 20th. You know, by then the full moon is approaching." Lupin explained, "I can't take a risk."

Sirius was silent, he almost forgot about it.

"Well, where are you going to start cleaning?" Lupin asked, patting Black on the shoulder. "If you want to clean up this place completely, don't stand there and watch it stupidly."

The two were busy all afternoon and still failed to clear Harry’s room. They found a nest of foxes in the bedroom. In order to eliminate these annoying pests, Sirius used a lot of foxes killer. Make a mess of the whole room.

"I feel like I am about to become a house-elf. Maybe I should ask Dumbledore to borrow some house-elves to help with the cleaning, so I can get it done quickly."

Sirius sat in a chair tiredly, eating simple food made by Lupin, and cleaning the room was clearly not his strong point.

He didn't do that in the end.

In fact, Sirius hoped that his old friend could move to 12 Grimmauld Place to live with him, and the two could take care of each other, but Remus refused his kindness.

"Jaime's son is incredible like him." Sirius said in a low voice, seeming to fall into the memory, "Really alike."

"Harry is more quiet, unlike James who always likes to be handsome in front of girls, and he doesn't talk too much." Lupin missed his old friends a bit.

"But Harry likes to make trouble too." Sirius smiled happily.

"Yes," Lupin said, "Harry is brave, but also reckless."

"I have almost never seen a Gryffindor student who is not reckless." Black could hardly hide the smile at the corner of his mouth. "I remember you said that Harry's patron saint is also a stag."

"Yes, Stag." Lupin nodded and said, "I appeared in the Quidditch game last semester."

"However, Harry doesn't seem to have had a good time these years. I plan to take the time to visit his Muggle relatives." An unpleasant flash flashed between Sirius' eyebrows, "If it weren't for Dumbledore..."

"Dumbledore has his own considerations," Lupin interrupted, "I will go with you then."

"Stop talking about this, let's talk about you!" Sirius changed the subject.

"Me? Still the same. At first, I wanted to work for the Ministry of Magic, but I was rejected. You should be able to guess the reason. Finally, relying on my father's relationship, I got a zero-hour job at the Ministry of Magic and did half a job. Moon." Lupin's mouth showed a helpless wry smile. Thanks to my father's house, I won't have no place to live. Afterwards, I have been working part-time, you know, I did not keep working for too long, if anyone finds out that I am..."

Luping paused, chuckled, and continued: "Then, I thought if I could open a store by myself, I wouldn't have to worry about being discovered, but it didn't open..."

The reason is naturally that I did not make enough money to open a shop.

"What then?" Sirius found that his old friend had not had a good time all these years.

"Later, I had fewer and fewer opportunities to work in the magic world, so I could only do odd jobs in the alley. When I was not working, I went to the Muggle World shop as a salesperson, sometimes as a cleaner, anyway. It’s a very piecemeal job, and I have a barely living life."

"We can open a store together," Sirius suddenly suggested: "Anyway, I have nothing to do. I have to find myself a decent job."

Lupin was silent, and was honestly touched.

Of course he knew that Sirius proposed to open the shop for him, at least he could have a stable job, and he didn't have to work everywhere.

"I'll talk about this later." Remus was a little moved, but didn't immediately agree, because he didn't know what shop to open.

In recent days, the Dursleys have been shrouded in the shadow of fear.

This incident started a few days ago, one morning after the Dursley family went to King's Cross Station to pick up Harry Potter.

Vernon saw that his nephew suddenly took out a letter from his pocket and handed it to him, saying that his godfather asked him to pass it on. The content of the letter was probably:

A man named Sirius Black claimed to be Harry's godfather and said that he would visit them in two days and talk about Harry.

In Vernon’s impression, Potter had no godfather, but his little hope was ruthlessly shattered by Harry.

"He is my mom and my dad's best friend, a convicted murderer, but he escaped from the magic prison a while ago, and is willing to keep in touch with me through the owl and learn about my situation."

To this day, Vernon still hasn't forgotten the look on Harry's face when he said these words.

What made him even more frightened was that such a murderer actually planned to come and visit them, and this immediately made the Dursleys panic.

Vernon even wanted to call the police at one time, but he had no choice but to meet the murderer named Black.

Because even the police could not stop the murderer named Black from appearing in front of them.

"When will he arrive."

Vernon asked with trembling lips. His face was very pale, and he could see that he hadn't been doing well these days.

"It should be coming soon. The agreed time is eleven o'clock."

Harry raised his head and looked at the clock on the wall, holding back his smile desperately so that his face didn't show any expression. He did not tell the Dursleys that Sirius was innocent and had restored his reputation.

Dudley shrank in the corner of the sofa in extreme horror, and Aunt Petunia was also horrified.

In fact, Vernon wanted to let his wife and children leave and face the infamous murderer Blake by himself, but Aunt Petunia did not agree. Even Dudley did not leave, even if they were very afraid of visiting soon. Their murderers.

What the Dursleys didn't know was that Sirius Black, the murderer who was about to visit them, was dressing up for the meeting. He was playing with his suit in front of the full-length mirror to make himself look more formal.

Ten years of living in Azkaban has taken away a lot of Blake's things. In the mirror, he is no longer as handsome as before, and he has no youthful looks.

However, since the crime was cleared and his reputation restored, Black rekindled hope, and his body, haggard by Azkaban's ten-year prison life, was rejuvenated.

"That's it!" Black looked at himself in the mirror, and asked Lupin, who was also wearing an old suit next to him.

To be honest, Sirius didn't like such clothes, but Remus thought it was necessary to wear them. This was a very formal meeting.

To be honest, Lupin didn’t want to go. It was Sirius’s family affair after all, and he was just an outsider, but he was worried that his old friend would mess things up. He had a lot of dealings with Muggles. Obviously it is clearer how to get along with them.

After all, this meeting was for Harry, and they had to think about it.

"Surrey County·Little Huijin District·Lvzhen Road 4!"

Lupin took out the note Harry had written to them from his suit pocket, read the address on it, and took out his pocket watch to look at the time and said: "The time difference is over, we should also set off."

They did not Apparate directly to No. 4 Privet Road, but appeared near Privet Road to avoid causing trouble to Harry.

The use of magic in the Muggle living area requires special care. Once magic is used around a minor wizard, the Ministry of Magic will think that the minor wizard is using magic, and it is very troublesome to explain.

"That's it." Lu Ping looked at the number plate on No. 4 Priveng Road and rang the doorbell.

After the doorbell rang, the Dursley family of three in the living room huddled together in horror, and Harry hurried to open the door.

After waiting for about tens of seconds, the two heard rushing footsteps from the door, the door was opened, and Harry's surprised face appeared in front of them.

"Professor Lupin, why are you here too." Harry couldn't help asking.

"I don't worry about Sirius." Lupin said with a smile.

Sirius looked at Harry's living environment, then followed Harry into the house, and saw the Dursley family shrunk in the living room. They looked terrified.

Compared with the surprise on Sirius's face,

The Dursley family who saw the legendary murderer enter the living room was astonished at the moment, because Lupin and Blake's dressing was so normal.

"I'm Sirius Black." Sirius Black took a deep breath and said something that had been repeated countless times in his heart: "James and Lily’s classmate and friend, Harry Potter’s godfather, I think Harry should have told you about me. Next to me is Remus Lupin, a classmate and friend of James and Lily, and a professor at Hogwarts."

Sirius had selectively forgotten the fact that Remus was a former Hogwarts professor. Harry also noticed this, but didn't say much.

"I think I should have made it clear in the letter. I'm here to talk about Harry's custody and custody." Sirius knew that the family was not good to Harry, but he still suppressed his anger and irritability by force. Be as polite as possible.

"When we adopted him, we heard that you weirdos have nothing to do with him." Petunia said, staring at Black closely.

"For some reason, Mr. Black was regarded as the side of mystery... the dark forces; he was imprisoned in Azkaban-Prison, UU reading did not discover this major mistake until not long ago by the Ministry of Magic." Lu Ping explained. "This error has been corrected, and Mr. Black has restored his reputation and freedom."

The Dursleys all stared at Harry. Although the wizard made them frightened, they were even more angry when they were being played around.

"We need you to allow Harry to come and stay for a while during the next summer vacation." Lupin frowned and said, he could feel that these Muggles were not friendly to Harry.

"Didn't you guys want custody? I agree, but why..." Vernon wanted Harry to get out immediately, so that their family could be back to normal again.

"Harry's mother used an ancient magic to protect him. This magic may have something to do with family, affection or blood." Sirius said impatiently. "This is also when Dumbledore decided to send Harry to The reason here."

"In order to continue this magic, it was necessary to live here for a period of time each year before Harry Potter became an adult-after all, you are the last relatives in this world who have the same blood as him." Lupin added. road.

It was the first time Harry heard of this kind of thing, and he actually complained privately why Dumbledore would not allow him to live with Sirius.

Petunia said simply: "As long as he is quiet and doesn't do anything strange."

"I will." Harry nodded and promised.

"That's great. It seems we have reached an agreement." Lupin said happily. "Harry, we'll pick you up later."

"We don't expect you to take care of Harry like your own children. You just need to treat your relatives' children like a normal family." Sirius suddenly stared at the Dursleys and threatened, "I don't Hope to hear something bad, understand?"

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