The Alchemist of Harry Potter

Chapter 746: Magic model

After receiving the letter, Albert decided to visit Hagrid in the hunting lodge, to add confidence to the other party, and by the way... Well, he mainly went to take a few photos of Buckbeak, and wanted to use the Transfiguration Curse to make a eagle-headed horse. Winged beasts are not easy.

Albert first tried to deform the wood to transform the contour model of Buckbeak, at least the appearance should not be too different from the main body, otherwise it would be easy to be seen by people.

Of course, only a model is not enough. You need to turn a dead thing into a living thing. This is actually not too difficult. As early as the third-grade transformation class, Professor McGonagall taught everyone to transform the spell, which is to turn the teapot into The spell of the tortoise.

But... there is still a big problem. The bigger the body, the more difficult it is to cast a spell.

If only turning a rock into a hound, Albert would have been able to do that level, but Buckbeak is not a small body, it is still a magical creature, and it is much more difficult to transform than turning a stone into a hound. Several times.

Albert's first attempt failed unexpectedly. The transformed eagle-headed horse-winged beast was smaller in size and did not look like a living creature at all, and the flaws could be seen at a glance.

After experiencing successive failures, Albert gave up practicing and planned to ask other people for advice. Professor McGonagall is a ready-made expert in the field of deformation, much better than his half.

"Do you want to use the Transfiguration Curse to make a dragon?" Professor McGonagall couldn't believe his ears after hearing Albert's words.

"No, no, Professor, I just want to make a model, a dynamic, realistic model." Albert explained quickly, "You may have heard of the accident that happened in the magical creature protection class at the beginning of school, Hagrid’s A eagle-headed horse-winged beast is likely to be put to death. I want to give him a gift to make him feel better."

"I've heard about this too." Professor McGonagall's eyes became gentle.

"Do you know how to make such a model?"

"If it's just a model, it shouldn't be a problem, but..." Professor McGonagall paused and reminded: "It should be possible to make a fire dragon in theory, but it can't be done in practice. Even Dumbledore might be difficult. To achieve this degree of deformation, you should be very clear that the larger the volume, the more difficult it is to deform."

"What is the biggest creature you have ever changed?" Albert asked curiously.

"Turn the table into a pig." Professor McGonagall looked at Albert and said with a smile: "I think with your current ability, you should be able to do this."

"A display at the beginning of school?"

Albert still remembers Professor McGonagall's first transformation class for freshmen, showing everyone the magic of the table turning into a pig.

In fact, Professor McGonagall is very happy that Albert has changed his research direction.

Since knowing that Albert's patron saint is a lion-shaped eagle-headed beast, she did not want Albert to undergo the transformation of Animagus.

The wizard’s Animagus usually has the same shape as his patron saint. Although there is no evidence to prove the connection between the two points, the Animagus obviously cannot become a magical animal, otherwise even she would not know it. what's going to happen.

However, what Professor McGonagall didn't know was that Albert did not give up Animagus, but the transformation ceremony was too cumbersome. He planned to see if he could solve this problem at once through the task.

After Professor McGonagall briefly explained how to make a magic model, Albert found that creating a moving magic model was easier than expected.

"This is a good alternative."

Albert felt that he was a bit silly at first when he wanted to become a eagle, a horse and a winged beast, and he was completely overconfident in his own abilities.

After thanking Professor McGonagall, Albert planned to go to the library first and borrow a few deformed books recommended by Professor McGonagall.

Before leaving, Professor McGonagall hinted that he should use. The Ls exam is the first priority, and the research on the transformation spell can be placed in the transformation improvement class of the sixth grade.

Albert was indulged in the training of Transfiguration and almost missed dinner time. When he hurriedly left the Room of Requirement and rushed to the lobby, he found that Lee Jordan was reading "Classified Flying Broomstick", which seemed to be supplementing his knowledge about Firebolt. In his words: If you behave right on the field Knowing nothing about Firebolt will make everyone feel that his level of explanation is very poor.

"If you can use this enthusiasm for review, I think you will definitely get a few more excellent grades." Albert couldn't help but vomit.

"What are you asking Professor McGonagall for?"

"Discuss the Transfiguration Curse," Albert said casually. "I was wondering if I could transform into a dragon."

"Wow, can this kind of thing be done?" Lee Jordan dropped the book in his hand and asked, "If you can ride on the back of a dragon, it would be awesome."

Last time, the lack of a chance to ride Hagrid's eagle-headed horse-winged beast caused the three of them to complain for a long time.

"It is theoretically possible, but basically impossible." Albert lifted his wand and tapped it lightly, and Lee Jordan's "Classified Flying Broomstick" turned into a slapped Norwegian Ridgeback model.

Albert had seen the Norwegian Ridgeback raised by Hagrid, and the model on the table was changed to follow that one.

"so cool."

Lee Jordan placed the model on the palm of his hand and looked at it carefully. It was really lifelike. The fire dragon actually sprayed sparks at him.

After a while, Lee Jordan seemed to remember how this thing had changed, and said to Albert, "Can you change it back? I haven't finished reading that book, and I have to return it to Wood. ."

"No problem at all."

Albert waved his magic wand, and the Norwegian Ridgeback model changed back to "Classified Flying Broomstick."

"I dare say that this thing will sell well." Fred and George emerged from nowhere, apparently seeing the scene of the dragon breathing fire.

"The transformation spell will gradually weaken over time." Albert shook his head.

"What's the joy of what you have encountered? It makes us happy to say it." Lee Jordan asked the smiling Weasley twins.

"The Slytherin team, I ran to scout our training this evening. You didn't even notice how ugly his face was." Fred and George looked at the Slytherin montage provocatively, "The group of people It looks like a big dung egg is stuffed in his mouth. By the way, our stock of big dung eggs is not enough. When will I go to Hogsmeade next time."

"Before Valentine's Day." Albert said without hesitation. Valentine's Day is Monday, which is undoubtedly not a pleasant thing.

"Before that, Gryffindor had a game with Ravenclaw."

"I dare say that the Slytherin team would never want to see Gryffindor beat Ravenclaw, and then compete with them for this year's Quidditch championship," George pointed to the confrontation with Harry. Malfoy, "They are jealous of Harry owning Firebolt."

"That group of guys will definitely make it bad, making Harry unable to play, or trying to make him fall off the broom again." Fred tried to speculate on the Slytherin team with the worst maliciousness possible.

"Don't worry, it's almost impossible unless they can get the dementors back, but Professor Dumbledore will never allow the dementors to enter Hogwarts school." Of course Albert knew what Malfoy wanted to do. , But he does not intend to disclose any news, "Even if they want to chant a curse on Firebolt, they can’t do it. Those little moves of Lettering."

"What if they pretend to be dementors?" Li Qiaodan asked tentatively.

"Why do you have such weird thoughts?" Albert stretched out his hand and patted the other person on the shoulder, then sighed softly with an expression that you can't do.

Fred and George also learned that Albert patted Li Jordan on the shoulder, making him a little baffling.

"Hey, tell me clearly!"

"Your defense against the dark magic is getting harder." Albert said silently, "Do you think Harry Potter is afraid of dementors? No, he is only affected by dementors, not by dementors. The dementors passed out. If the Slytherin students pretend to be dementors, then I really feel sad for their families."

"Yeah, that's a sad story." Fred and George both heard the meaning of these words.

That's right, only mentally handicapped people can do such stupid things!

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