The Alchemist of Harry Potter

Chapter 740: Oriental Magic

Under the dining table, a small cat's head came out from behind the legs of the table and looked around cautiously, not knowing whether it was shy, or agitated when he had just arrived in a strange place.

The kitten seemed to have discovered something. It trot out of the hiding place, walked all the way through the kitchen into the living room, and rushed towards Tom, who was lying on the sofa, taking a nap. It seemed that only a familiar smell could bring him a sense of security.

"Where did you hide?"

After all, the poor kitten could not escape the girl's clutches, and before he ran to Tom's side, he was picked up from the carpet.

After some senseless struggle, he was easily suppressed by a comb, and the last bit of struggle and resistance was easily bought by Xiaoyu.

Tom opened his eyes and stared at the dried fish that was teasing the kitten in Nia's hand. He got up from the sofa and stretched lazily. He wanted to move to Nya to ask for the dried fish, but Albert was caught. He picked it up from the sofa and put it in the large hamster running wheel in the corner of the restaurant, and started daily weight loss exercise.

Niya paused with her hand, her gaze fell on Isobel who was next to Albert, her lips moved imperceptibly, her gaze moved down again, she reached out her hand to press the kitten who wanted to take the opportunity to slip away, and continued to give It combs the hair.

Beside the two of them, Luke and Herb were discussing what they had learned about the colony.

In fact, most British people are also keen to travel and vacation as long as their own economy permits. Luke and Sansa are naturally no exception, because this trip takes a longer time and a longer distance.

Alberta took Isobel to the vacant seat on the side of the sofa and whispered about the content of the ultimate wizard exam in the second half of the year.

It is not difficult to get the contents of the ultimate wizard exam in recent years. As long as you are willing to pay, many things can be easily solved.

Albert obtained several test papers for comparison, and found that the things tested did not change much. They have always been those things, which is not difficult for Albert, who surpasses others in many fields.

Of course, he is also happy to take the time to discuss these things with Isabel. The girl still looks a little nervous and needs other things to distract her.

"Come and taste the mysterious magic of the East."

Daisy walked out of the kitchen with a plate of hot food, and Sansa came over to greet everyone to eat in the restaurant.

"Well, this thing seems to be...fried dumplings?"

Albert was a little surprised when he saw the food on the plate. He blinked and distinguished it carefully. He made sure that the plate of food was fried dumplings, or looked like fried dumplings.

Well, how do you say it?

The thing on the plate is not much like dumplings, but more like small buns, which are dumplings that are filled with fillings in two layers of skin and then pressed directly into the shape of dumplings.

"Yes, fried dumplings from the far east. I tried to make some by myself last time. It tasted really good." Daisy said that he filled a large bowl of fried dumplings for Isobel, and said with a smile, "I just I have done a lot, and I can pick up some points to go back later."

"Are you not prepared for dipping?"

Albert skewed a piece of fried dumplings and tasted the taste. He could only say that he was so-so. To his a little surprise, Daisy hadn't prepared the dipping material for fried dumplings.

"Dipping sauce?" Daisy said with a weird expression: "I tried some of it last time, and it didn't taste very good when it was dipped."

"Let me do it!"

Albert put down his fork and walked into the kitchen. After a while, he worked out a simple bowl of dumpling dip. He tried it first, and the taste was okay, but the dumplings without the dip tasted a bit weak.

The few people looked at each other and found that Albert seemed to know how to eat dumplings.

Isabel also tried with Albert and found that this kind of food called fried dumplings is surprisingly good with dipping sauces.

At Albert's proposal, boiled and fried dumplings were also served on the table. This full dumpling banquet was very satisfying for everyone. According to Herb, mysteriously Eastern countries will eat this food with their family at the end of the year.

Of course, this is actually just an excuse, that is, to try something fresh, by the way, let Luke and Sansa taste the food of another country first, let them go to the east with a holiday mood, and reduce the anxiety in their hearts.

Immigration and vacation are two different concepts, and they didn't plan to stay there too long.

The plan was successful. Luke and Sansa became curious about the legendary country that is rich in food. They agreed to go to a colony in the east with everyone in two years.

Luke and Sansa actually knew that they had no choice, especially after Albert gave Herb a large sum of pounds, they understood Albert's determination to let them go abroad to avoid disaster.

Since magic exists, the ability to predict the future does not seem to be an unacceptable setting, and the situation is not as bad as expected. If Herb makes a lot of money, Luke seems to be able to retire early.

When enjoying dessert, the topic becomes what preparations should be made for a holiday in the East.

Several people finally accepted Albert's proposal to hire an international student who understands Chinese and take the time to teach everyone how to read and write in Chinese.

As long as there is enough time and frequent communication with others, learning a language is actually not too difficult.

The trick is to use it often.

"Have you mastered it?" Although Niya was asking, her tone seemed to be certain that Albert had already learned Chinese.

"Yes, I already know it." Albert did not deny that he could speak Chinese either.

In fact, the Andersons are all used to their son’s linguistic talent. No matter what language the other party speaks, he can always chat with each other very skillfully, just like the last time I went to France and Italy, it was Ai Burt acts as a temporary translator.

After dinner, everyone sat in the living room and chatted until nine o'clock before Albert got up and sent Isabel to the nearby park.

The girl took out her pocket watch and checked the time. After Albert walked away, she used the Apparition to go home.

After becoming an adult at the age of seventeen, Zongsi disappears by herself, and the wizard's spellcasting is no longer restricted. UU Reading Of course, the premise is not to use it in front of Muggles.

Isobel appeared at his door, opened the door and walked in. Mrs. McDouger was sitting on the sofa, listening to the radio and reading the Witch Weekly, while still humming an unknown tune.

"came back."

Hearing the door opening, Mrs. McDoug raised her head and asked, "Are you having fun today?"

"His relatives are very good to me. Today, most of them are discussing temporary staying abroad." Isobel put the box on the table and asked, "Would you like some? Mrs. Daisy asked me to bring a lot of them back. It is said to be Eastern cuisine."

Mrs. McDoug opened the box and asked, "When will you leave?"

"About two years later."

"After you get married?"

"I don't know, Albert should make arrangements." Isabel went upstairs to let Katrina come down to eat dumplings. The McDoug family also found these oriental delicacies very novel.

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