The Alchemist of Harry Potter

Chapter 738: Add vinegar

"Oh my god, it's a mess on your side, haven't you caught the fugitive yet?"

Daisy put the steaming black tea in front of Herb, picked up the "Daily Prophet" on the table, flipped through the front page news, looked sideways at Albert, looked up and down, as if watching him No injuries.

"It's just a little trouble."

"Small trouble? Tell me here..." Daisy raised her eyebrows slightly and read a passage from the newspaper: "The Ministry of Magic is lax, and Black is still at large. The dementors stationed near Hogwarts failed to capture the fugitive Black. , On the contrary, the Hogsmeade station fell into chaos due to'routine official duties', and many students returning home were injured.

"It's unbelievable, they let the dementors **** the happiness of the students!"

A person told reporters that the Ministry of Magic did not take the safety of Hogwarts students seriously, and that the dementors’ “routine official duties” led to incidents of pushing and stamping on the station.

Fortunately, a student stepped forward, summoned the patron saint to drive away the dementors, and kept order on the platform in time.

"That Auror actually thought that the student who drove the dementors away and kept order was obstructing the Ministry of Magic's official duties? Oh my God, is the Ministry of Magic's so-called "executing official duties" watching the students get hurt?" A person complained to reporters.

"My child was pushed down and trampled on. It's hard to believe that this is how the Ministry of Magic kept the dementors stationed near Hogwarts to protect the children?" An emotional parent expressed dissatisfaction.

"The brave young man who stood up to protect everyone should be rewarded. If it weren't for him, it would have caused even more terrible chaos and more students would be harmed."

"Dementors are a very evil dark creature, they should stay away from those children." A professional said.

"The Ministry of Magic has never taken the safety of the students seriously. As early as a month ago, the Dementors lost control once. They broke into the Quidditch stadium at Hogwarts without authorization, leading to a Quidditch match. Harry Potter fell from the broomstick and almost died. Dumbledore was very annoyed."

According to a student who did not want to give his name, the Dementors searched the Hogwarts express train on the day of school, and there was a case of sucking students’ happiness, and Harry Potter fainted.

As we all know, dementors can awaken the worst memories in people's memory, and Harry Potter's experience caused him to be less resistant to dementors and susceptible to dementors.

Daisy didn't continue reading, and the whole report was all accusing the British Ministry of Magic.

"What is a dementor?" asked Nia, who combed Tom.

"A very evil dark creature. They feed on the happy emotions of human beings. Sometimes they can also **** human souls. They are the guards of the Azkaban prison of the Ministry of Magic." Albert took out a piece of paper, simple The pen outlines the appearance of dementors and introduces this dangerous monster to his family: "Ordinary people can’t see dementors, but they can feel their presence. When the dementors appear, the surrounding temperature It will drop sharply, it is difficult for you to feel happy emotions, and the worst memories of your life will appear in your mind. Once dementors appear in groups, a cold mist will form, and the plants will wither due to the cold. At present. , Only a spell that is difficult to master can drive away those monsters."

"You will!" Daisy looked at her son.

"Of course."

"So, the student in the newspaper who drove the dementors away is actually you, right?" Herb raised his eyebrows and asked, he vaguely guessed when he was reading the newspaper.

"I drove away. I was in the crowd at the time. When the dementors appeared, it caused a commotion. I was almost squeezed to the ground." Albert picked up the black tea, took a sip and said, "You should know What a terrible thing there is a stampede on a crowded platform."

"Thank you for being able to calm them down."

Herb knew that this kind of thing was difficult to do, and fear would spread. Once it spreads completely, it will be out of control, not to mention that there are dementors who can spread fear around.

"how did you do it?"

"Using magic to shout loudly, it feels like shouting in their ears with a big loudspeaker, so they have to calm down." Albert said lightly.

"Will the people from the Ministry trouble you?" Daisy was even more worried about this issue. This report can be said to have drawn the Ministry's face severely.

"No, I know a lot of famous wizards, and I have won two world-class championship trophies for that side. I am considered a celebrity in the magical world. They dare not do that." Albert said with a smile. : "What's more, my fists are harder than them, and most of the wizard abilities are actually pretty average."

"But you can't use magic!"

"Actually, I can now use magic with my bare hands."

"Really?" Niya blinked curiously, as if she wanted Albert to turn her into magic.

"Look carefully."

Albert took his palm, and an extra gold coin appeared between his fingers.

"Are you sure this is magic?" Niya complained: "This is just an ordinary magic trick."

"Although you cannot use magic in the outside world until you are an adult, you can still use it if you encounter an emergency." Albert put the gold coin back into his pocket. looked at Herb and asked, "How about over there."

"It's still prosperous over there. I visited some compatriots over there. Some people plan to go back to China, and some people don't want to come back." Herb said briefly about his trip to the East. "But, you didn't say anything. Wrong, many people are indeed worried. However, more people seem to be planning to increase housing prices in order to make a profit. It is said that many residents are optimistic about the prospect of a return."

"Well, next year will probably begin to show signs, and house prices will not rise significantly in 1995. By the summer of 1997, house prices should show a downward trend." Albert took out a notebook from his pocket and tore a page from it. Pass the paper to Herb, "There are also two cities that are also good investment locations. Housing prices in the capital usually do not decline. It does no harm to buy early. However, I suggest you set up a company and find a local person to name it. You can give it to them. If you divide it into a small amount, and then you control it, foreigners are easy to be hated when dealing with these things. After all, they are just for making money, and there is no need to bear the infamy.

Albert's practice is actually very common in some countries. Most of the companies are controlled by foreign countries, and the management is owned by local people. He also memorized the infamy together.

"You are really talented in these areas." Daisy realized the benefits of this approach for the first time, and reputation is sometimes important.

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