The Alchemist of Harry Potter

Chapter 663: disagree

A particularly jazzy piece was playing on the radio. It was Cetina Warbeck's "A Pot of Hot Love" that Mrs. McDoug liked to listen to during her break.

The pots and dishes in the kitchen were cleaned in the sink by themselves, and they clanged back to the cupboard with the music, put a pair of white palms on the radio, and stopped the music that was playing.

Mrs. McDoug put down the "Witch Weekly", looked up at her daughter, and asked suspiciously: "What's the matter?"

"Well, that... Albert invited me to France."

"You plan to go to France on holiday?"

Mrs. McDoug nodded clearly, but was still slightly surprised by the progress of her daughter and boyfriend, it seemed...a bit soon!

Isobel hesitated and said, "Forget it, Albert wants to take me to see his teacher."

"His teacher?" Mrs. McDoug came with some interest and asked, "Who is his teacher?"

"It seems to be Mr. Nico Lemay."


Mrs. McDoug suspected that she had heard it wrong.

"Nicole LeMay." Isobel's mouth raised slightly and repeated softly.

"His teacher is Nicol LeMay?" Mrs. McDoug thought it was incredible, she naturally knew who Nicol LeMay was.

"Yes." Isabel pulled up the chair and sat next to Mrs. McDoug. "They walked the same way. Mr. LeMay is suitable to be Albert's teacher."

"It's really surprising. I didn't expect that he even knew a wizard like Nico LeMay." Mrs. McDoug asked after a moment of silence, "How long are you going to stay in France."

"I should be back before school starts." Isabel thought for a while and said, "He wants to learn something from that person."

"Well, I still have to ask about one thing, where is your relationship?" Mrs. McDoug sighed silently in her heart, and asked tentatively: "Is he proposing like you?"

"Well, he said it before."

Isobel lowered his gaze and nodded unnaturally.

"Will it be too early? I am a little worried that you are not ready yet. Do you know what I mean? I am not against it, but you are all too young." Mrs. McDougal reminded, "He just got on board this year. It’s the fifth grade. It will take several years to graduate from school."

"I know, but it's okay."

Mrs. McDoug sighed and asked again, "His parents agreed?"

"Agree." Isobel nodded slightly.

"Are you really prepared?" Mrs. McDoug was silent for a long time. "I mean, did you really think about it? Do you really want to live that way so early? You should know what I mean. It may be a torment for you to live and build a family too early. After you really live together, you will find that the kind of love you used to be will gradually disappear. The only thing that maintains your relationship is family affection and responsibility."

"I don't know." Isobel was in a trance.

To be honest, the girl doesn’t know what kind of life it is or whether she wants it, maybe, that kind of life is not as good as she imagined, but life is worry-free, and there is no need to run around for work, at least not too bad. .

Albert is not short of money and does not have to worry about life. The two have enough time to do what they want to do together.

"He already has a plan for the future. I think the situation is not that bad. There is a house-elf to take care of it. I don’t need to worry about it. As for work, I shouldn’t need to worry about work problems. I can continue to do what I want Thing."

"House elf?" Mrs. McDoug opened her mouth, somewhat incomprehensible, but Isobel obviously wouldn't lie to herself.

Albert really comes from a Muggle family?

In the magical world, only the ancient wizard families will have domestic elf services.

And, listening to what I said just now, they even got the house ready when they got married?

"He is more powerful than you think." Isabel proudly praised his boyfriend.

"No, it's very powerful. You can throw your father a few blocks away. If it's like what you said, I don't think the entire magical world can find a few people who can compare with him." Mrs. McDoug looked on. To put it in a complicated way, "I know that you all have your own opinions. Even if you say too much, you probably won't be able to change your mind. Invite him to our house as often as you can."

"I will."

Isobel nodded, knowing it was agreed, and a slight smile appeared on his face.

"Being in love is really going to make people go to the head."

"I know what I am doing, and I don't think it is too early. I will graduate two years earlier than him."

Mrs. McDoug didn't bother to argue with her daughter.

"By the way, there's another thing." Isabel came upstairs and suddenly stopped and said.

"what is the matter?"

"He said that in two or three years, the British magical world may not be safe." Isabel is considering how to tell his family about this matter.

"Not very safe?" Mrs. McDoug asked inexplicably.

"It looks like a wizarding war will break out," Isabel said hesitantly.

"Witcher Wars, are you sure?" Mrs. McDoug asked incredulously.

"I also hope that it is false. Albert is very good at predicting, and the predictions so far have not missed." Isabel looked at his mother and said: "He intends to send his family abroad in two years."

"He asked you to persuade me to go together?"

"Well, he hopes that our family will also go out for shelter."

"Let's talk about it then!"

Mrs. McDoug frowned and had reservations about this matter, prophesying this kind of thing is mysterious, how many people can say it clearly?

After Isabel went upstairs, Katrina came out quietly from nowhere.

"Isobel simply wants to marry too much. You should see if she has been hit by someone's ecstasy." Katrina has been eavesdropping on the conversation between the two since just now.

"I heard it all."

"Yeah." The girl curled her lips and said: "They are all still in school now, they are all just children, Albert is not even an adult, and it is too early to say this. Even if they get married, they are from school. After graduation."

To be honest, Katrina was stunned by Isabel's boldness, and she didn't expect the relationship between the two to have reached this point.

If it weren't for her to overhear today, UU reading would still be kept in the dark, it would be so irritating, would she be regarded as a younger sister?

"About twenty years old, your father and I were probably married at that time. I was just a little worried. At that time, Albert was ready. You know, he just graduated from school at that time." Mrs. McDouger The worry is not unreasonable, most people have not yet completed the change in mentality.

"If they are not stable enough, it will be very troublesome in the future. I doubt they can take good care of their children and bear the pressure of forming a family. If they work for a year or two and their mentality changes, the situation will be much better." McDougal Mrs. Ge's concern is not unreasonable, because this situation is so common.

And, there is one thing, Mrs. McDoug did not say.

She felt that the two got married too early and was wasting their talents. They shouldn't put their energy into the family too early, and Isobel shouldn't focus on becoming housewives, which is not conducive to their future achievements.

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