The Alchemist of Harry Potter

Chapter 554: The story of Guidro Lockhart (2)

"Finally gone."

Lockhart looked at Albert's leaving back and couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

This genius sorcerer, who claims to be possible to surpass Dumbledore in the future, really deserves his name.

After he came to Hogwarts from Lockhart, he instinctively wanted to stay away from the genius wizard, but unfortunately, he has not been able to do so.

The other party would always ask him appropriate questions. If Lockhart hadn't done enough preparations when he wrote the book, he might have exposed flaws.

You can't tell the things you have done, the adventures you have experienced, and the spells you have used. Who would believe them?

Unfortunately, Lockhart himself knew he was a liar, so he hated dealing with geniuses like Albert Anderson.

God knows what questions the other party will find to embarrass Lockhart someday.

Moreover, he is very likely...not very likely, but Albert must be suspicious of himself.

Although Lockhart didn't have any evidence, he just had an intuition that Mr. Anderson probably knew something and had begun to doubt himself.

Lockhart couldn't help wondering, was it the right choice to accept Dumbledore's invitation to come to Hogwarts?

Although his books were bought a lot, and he gained a wave of attention and fame, Lockhart always felt that his approach was a little improper, or that... well, it should be said that Lockhart began to regret it.

He wants to resign now!

Lockhart knew about the poor reputation of the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor at the beginning. After all, he had spent seven years at Hogwarts, and anyone who was not an idiot would know about it.

Although Dumbledore assured him that he could avoid the harm caused by the curse by resigning early, but Lockhart encountered some worse things when he first came to school.

At the beginning, the purpose of coming to Hogwarts was to use Harry Potter to defeat Voldemort's reputation and improve his reputation.

Lockhart wanted Harry Potter to be his protégé, and this was his main purpose for coming to Hogwarts.

When he met Harry at Lihen Bookstore, Lockhart even gave his full set of books to him, hoping to win some of Harry's favor with him.

To know that the full set of books will also require a large sum of Kanon, however, the savior still doesn't have much favor with him.

Later, Potter and his friend drove a flying Ford to school. In his opinion, it was nothing more than a show, so Lockhart helped Harry exempt from confinement, asked him to help himself reply to admirers’ letters, and borrow Professor Harry has something about fame and fortune.

However, the plan was not going well, and even Lockhart could feel Harry Potter trying to avoid him, which was not in line with his original plan.

So Lockhart changed his plan again. He got a lot of Quidditch tactics, and planned to give Harry a small stove to teach him how to play Quidditch.

It's a pity that Harry Potter refused again.

However, contrary to Harry Potter, another genius of Hogwarts had a good relationship with him, or the other side took the initiative to approach him, but Lockhart had no intention of using Albert to improve his reputation. .

He felt that if he got too close to Albert, the other party might discover his secret.

Albert gave Lockhart a bad feeling, especially his eyes. Sometimes it gave him the illusion of being seen through by the other person, just like Albert and him were used in "Wandering with the Werewolves". When he resumed the humanoid curse, he could feel that Albert didn't have any admiration in his eyes, but more curiosity and anticipation for the curse.

That genius is very interested in restoring the humanoid curse!

If it were in the past, teaching the other person to restore the humanoid spell would undoubtedly be an opportunity to pull in the relationship between the two parties. It is a pity that Lockhart would not use this spell at all.

When he heard that Albert asked like himself, he almost couldn't answer. In the end, he could only use the time he needed to sort out the thinking of the professor and send Albert away, but the genius seemed to be long ago. I saw through his thoughts and said that he would come to visit another day.

Compared to stupid boys like Harry Potter, people like Albert Anderson are terrible, and even Lockhart wants to know why he embarrassed himself like this.

Sure enough, Harry Potter is better to get along with!

Although he didn't want to care about Albert, Lockhart felt bad when he left with a meaningful smile. He had to return to his previous residence to find something useful.

"Wandering with the Werewolves" still left Lockhart a deep memory.

No way, the old Armenian wizard is old and ugly, and the clothes he wears are not tasteful. He also likes to put the photos on the cover, so that he can make complaints.

At the beginning, Lockhart spent a lot of time investigating this matter, and he also went to the village that suffered from the werewolf scourge. UU reading cast an oblivion curse on the villagers living there to make those The villagers and the old Armenian wizards completely forgot about this incident.

Lockhart naturally understands the restoration of the humanoid curse, after all, that is the most central curse in "Wandering with the Werewolves". It took him a lot of words to learn from the old wizard to restore the humanoid curse.

The humanoid restoration spell is a spell invented by the opponent, but the opponent does not seem to realize the meaning of this spell. Lockhart had thought of relying on this spell to make a name for himself. After all, the spell that can temporarily transform the wolf-shaped werewolf back into the human form is of great significance.

So when Lockhart left, he not only erased the other's memory, but also stole the record and research of the restoration of the humanoid curse.

If he could learn and publish this magic, Lockhart knew exactly what kind of reputation he could get. Unfortunately, the restoration of the humanoid spell was an extremely complex and difficult to cast. He finally failed to learn the spell as he wished. .

Lockhart actually hesitated whether he should give the notebook to Albert, or they could cooperate and use Albert to improve his reputation.

If you let Albert become his proud disciple?

Lockhart quickly put out this idea, it was not a wise choice.

"Forget it, I'd better stay away from him." Lockhart opened his cabinet and began to rummaged through the cabinets looking for the notes he had hidden.

Half an hour later, Lockhart finally found the leather notebook in a certain box, with some parchment paper scattered in it. Lockhart flipped through it carefully. There was indeed nothing else he could not give to Albert. After seeing things, Te took the book back to Hogwarts Castle.


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