The Alchemist of Harry Potter

Chapter 543: Brave Lockhart

"The situation is terrible." George sat next to Wood with a tired face. "The Slytherin team's new broomstick 2001 is so fast that our flying broomsticks can't catch up."

"Sometimes, the Slytherin players are so fast that there are only seven faint pale green shadows left." Fred added.

Since the Slytherin team replaced the new flying broomstick, Fred and George have been secretly spying on the Slytherin team and reporting the latest information they inquired to Wood and the players.

Wood's face is very ugly, facing the advantages of the new broom, they have nothing to do.

The Malfoy family has money to give the Slytherin team a light wheel 2001. They are still using comets and sweeping old-style broomsticks, their speed is simply incomparable.

"The guy from the Malfoy's family only entered the team by spending money." Angelina's face was veiled with disgust, "His skills are nowhere near as good as Harry, Harry, you must be on the court. Beat him up."

"I will beat him." Harry clenched his fists and said firmly, "I will."

"Don't worry, Light Wheel 2001 is really fast, but we can beat them tactically." Wood took a deep breath and comforted. "Terence Higgs is an excellent seeker, far from Malfoy's. It's half-hearted, and his replacement is a good thing for us."

In the end, everyone still didn't get a better solution. Slytherin's 2001 broomstick was a nightmare for the players of other academies.

Before the game started, the Slytherin team followed the style of their academy, using their money advantage to give themselves more than half of the advantage in advance.

"Do you think we can win the Quidditch championship this year?"

After the discussion, George asked Albert who was watching "Walking with the Trolls" with a depressed look.

"Draco Malfoy's approach is very Slytherin. He does not violate the rules of Quidditch." Albert said slowly: "In a way, they did it completely reasonable. I will do the same. In fact, if conditions permit, I think you definitely want to do that yourself."

"You mean we have no chance of victory." Fred is even more depressed. They have suffered a lot in this regard. Sometimes lack of money is really a big problem.

"Of course there is hope."

"What hope?"

"As long as you can beat the Slytherin team and beat other academies' teams, won't you win this Quidditch championship?" Albert said the speechless words.

"Aren't you nonsense?" Fred and George couldn't help but complain.

"Okay, all be happy, the good show will be on soon." Lee Jordan, who stuffed the last piece of bread on the plate into his belly, put his head close, winked at the Weasley twins and smiled.

"Good show, shouldn't it be that one?" George pondered for a moment, and guessed the so-called good thing Lee Jordan said.

"When are you guys?"

The astonishment on Fred's face quickly turned into disbelief, "Damn it, you didn't wait for us to go together?"

"It's no trouble." Albert looked at the angrily twins silently. "What are so many people doing?"

"Do you think he would be the same as I did at that time, he won't get up in bed?" Lee Jordan raised his head and looked at the professor's seat, but did not see Lockhart coming over to eat.

Albert is not very clear, his own knowledge of ecstasy is very limited.

"I just met Professor Lockhart. He looks a little strange." Shanna sat down and followed Alia to talk about the strange things that happened on the road.


Before Shanna could answer, there was a commotion outside the hall, and many students ran out to join in the fun.

The hall was soon filled with people. The students who had dinner crowded out from the auditorium to see what happened. There were many people crowded on the marble stairs, and the onlookers formed a large circle consciously.

"Age is not a problem. Wait, don't go, let's have a good chat."

When Albert squeezed past, he heard these words. He saw Lockhart holding a girl's hand affectionately, begging humblely, not wanting her to leave.

The girl with a look of astonishment, panic, and a little impatience formed a sharp contrast with the students who were stunned.

"It seems different from you?"

Whether it was Fred, George or Albert, they all turned their heads to look at Lee Jordan. The effect of Lockhart's ecstasy was completely different from that of Lee Jordan.

"Perhaps because the amount of ecstasy is relatively small." Albert finally came to this conclusion that Lockhart is indeed relatively normal compared to Lee Jordan.

"Professor, what's wrong with you?"

Facing Lockhart’s courtship, Queenie Greengrass had to look at her female partner for help, but no one could help Oh, my God, Luo Professor Hart, what are you doing? "

Professor McGonagall appeared in the hall, squeezed into the crowd of onlookers, and saw that a dog-blood confession was being staged, and his serious face couldn't help feeling astonished and surprised.

"Lockhart was hit by psychedelic magic, or someone was given a psychedelic agent." Professor Snape appeared next to Professor McGonagall, looked at Lockhart with interest, and fell on the Slytherin's The girl frowned and asked, "Miss Greengrass, what did you do to Professor Lockhart?"

"Professor, I didn't do anything." Queenie Greengrass said with a cry in her voice, "I really don't know what happened."

"Don't bully her." Lockhart flushed flushed and turned to Snape and threw his fist.

Snape was caught off guard, and Lockhart was punched in the head, and he was almost knocked to the ground, leaving all the students in the room stunned.

This scene in the drama department is really interesting.

In particular, many Gryffindor students yelled out excitedly.

"Lockhart, you..." Professor McGonagall was also stunned by Lockhart's actions. She really didn't understand why Lockhart threw a fist at Snape, but there was no doubt that this happened. problem.

Snape received a punch, his face almost crooked, and his body swayed twice. After standing firm, he drew out his magic wand and placed Lockhart, who was about to pounce, on the spot, and fell back. There was a loud noise.

"I found out that love can make people so brave." Albert mumbled while looking at Lockhart who fell on the ground.

This can definitely be regarded as Snape's dark history, it is so interesting.


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