The Alchemist of Harry Potter

Chapter 519: Alternative education

Isobel looked at Albert, who was embarrassed in the double-sided mirror, and felt very interesting. It had been a long time since he had seen anything that could stump him.

Of course she would not think that Albert would say a few more words to beautiful girls, just like a few of her friends, even if they have a boyfriend, they like to discuss behind the back which boy is more handsome in school .

However, Albert did cause some trouble for himself, and it is estimated that the whole British magic circle is spreading his gossip.

"Isobel, are you upstairs?"

Mrs. McDoug's voice came from downstairs, and the smile on the girl's face was suddenly reduced.

"I'm upstairs, what's the matter?" Isabel opened the door and replied.

"You come down, I have something to tell you."

Isabel glanced deeply at the double-sided mirror in the room, and couldn't help but sighed, "It's time to come, it's here."

After seeing her downstairs, Mrs. McDoug opened the door and asked, "Is there a problem with the Anderson you told me last time."

With that said, Mrs. McDoug spread a newspaper on the table, which happened to be the Daily Prophet that Isobel had just shown Albert.

In order to prevent this from happening, Isobel took away the newspapers of the last few days, but it still happened.

"Mom, you should know what the Daily Prophet is like." Isabel explained helplessly: "They made up all kinds of lies in order to attract the attention of others, especially the woman Rita Skeeter. ."

Mrs. McDoug looked at her daughter, sighed and said, "I just want to remind you that if that Anderson is really like it is written in the newspaper, I will dump him as soon as possible, so as not to..."

"Okay, mother, you should trust my vision." Isobel felt a little tired. Many people in the magic world believed in the report in the Daily Prophet, and few wizards could take the initiative to delete useful information from the newspaper.

"Of course my mother believes you." Mrs. McDoug looked at her daughter and stopped talking. She was actually worried that her daughter was hurt emotionally.

After all, she can mention her boyfriend to herself, which shows that Anderson has a heavy weight in her heart.

"My business, you don't have to worry about it. If it's okay, I'll go upstairs first." After that, Isobel was about to go upstairs to talk to Albert about this matter.

"Katrina, did you say Isobel just now..." Mrs. McDoug looked sideways at her other daughter.

"Isobel is not that easy to be deceived." Katrina carefully considered the words, and she didn't think Albert would be a man with many feet on the boat.

No way, Albert's reputation at school is still very good. Although rumors are always flying, the relationship between him and Isabel still makes her very envious.

"You are in the same class as that Anderson, what kind of person is he?" Mrs. McDoug asked.

"A very powerful person." Katrina thought for a while and added: "Many girls in the school like him, as to whether it is as described in the newspaper, in fact, I think it is very difficult for someone to deceive Isabel. She can always see through everything easily."

"When a woman is in love, IQ will always drop rapidly. Otherwise, your dad would not be able to catch me." Mrs. McDoug sighed gently.

In this incident, she was also resting in the hospital. She accidentally read the news in the newspaper and turned away her job in the hospital. She was ready to fulfill her responsibility as a mother and enlighten her daughter, but the situation seemed It was different from what she had imagined.

What seems to be a misunderstanding?

Katrina felt that Isabel guessed that this might happen, so she quietly hid the newspapers of the last few days.

As a result, it was discovered.

In the room upstairs, Isabel is asking Albert to complain about this.

However, Albert had the same problem the next day.

His family is back.

"Albert, we will never stop you from looking for a girlfriend, but it's not right to be bothered. It will only hurt your girlfriend."

On the opposite side of the sofa, Daisy and Herb are earnestly doing ideological education for Albert.

"Boys can't bother, after all, you only have one wife in the future."


In fact, the Andersons feel that they have finally had such an opportunity and they should not let their parents educate their children.

Yesterday, the couple were talking about it before going to bed.

After all, his son is so popular, maybe he had a girlfriend in school, but he just didn't tell them.

If this is the case, Huaxin will be very problematic, and even if it is really not looking for a girlfriend, the couple does not support foreign relationships.

"Mom, Albert doesn't have a girlfriend!" Niya reminded from the side: "Also, I don't support Albert's exoticism."

Albert looked at his sister rather speechlessly. Is this cursing your brother for being single for a lifetime?

"Does Tom have any female cats he likes?" Albert changed the subject. He felt that he should find a female cat for his Tom, although Tom may already have a favorite cat in the ground.

"Son, don't change the subject." Herb said with a look of recognition: "Men must be dedicated, or they will definitely be hated by girls in the future."

"Didn't you mean that girls like bad boys?" Albert finally couldn't help but complain.

"Okay, okay, I know what you guys want to say, but the news in the newspaper is fake. It just creates a scandal to attract everyone's attention."

"The girl in this picture is Louise. Do you remember the wizard girl we met on our last ski holiday in France?" Albert put Tom on the table and pointed to the black and white photo in the newspaper news. Said: "That's just an ordinary French And shouldn't you care about me winning the championship?"

With that said, Albert took out the trophy and placed it on the table.

"And this one is my granddaughter who visited an old friend in the United States. I asked her to take me to buy souvenirs for you. As for this photo, because I don't want to be interviewed by American reporters, they just made up random lace news. , I think it’s impossible for you to not know."

"Well, son, Daisy and I think this is a good opportunity." Herb coughed and reminded: "You are coming of age too (16 years old in the UK), Daisy and I think you should find a girlfriend , If you already have a girl you like, remember to bring it back for us to see."

"Why are you so anxious?" Albert was rather speechless.

"Can you not be in a hurry?" Daisy couldn't help but complain. "You are only in the seventh grade at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. You will graduate after you finish. The number of students is still so small. If you don't meet a girl you like, you will go to Where can I find the right one."

"We know you will definitely choose a wizard." Herb agreed, "So you have to do it early."

"Well, if I find it, I will remember to invite her to our house as a guest." Albert's mouth pulled out a little. In his previous life, the family would not allow them to fall in love in middle and high school.

It can only be said that different countries, different worlds, and different treatments.

"Well, it's good to know." Daisy added: "Also, we don't support your exotic relationship, that would be too hard."

"Okay, maybe we should discuss Tom's partner problem. It's already very old. It's a bit cruel for Tom to die alone." Albert forced the problem away, and he felt tired.

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