The Alchemist of Harry Potter

Chapter 503: Want to win 1 time

"Isobel, may I come in?"

After a short knock on the door, Katrina's voice rang from outside the door.

"Wait a minute."

Isobel raised his finger and gently touched the double-sided mirror, got up and walked to the door, opened the door and let his sister into the room.

Before Katrina went to Hogwarts School, she often ran into her room and asked her to tell stories or teach some simple magic.

However, since going to school, the relationship between the two parties seems to have become alienated.

Katrina has finally grown up, and she no longer needs to rely on her sister everywhere.

Isabel looked at his sister and thought with satisfaction.

"Who were you talking to just now?" Katrina asked suspiciously.

"What's the matter?" Isobel averted the subject aloud, "Are you still struggling with the results of the divination exam?"

Katrina looked at the furnishings in the room and glanced across the desk. Years passed, and there was almost no change except for more books.

"Do you think you can get excellent results in the OWLs divination test?" Katrina did not delve into the question just now, but directly asked about the divination test results.

In the divination exam last semester, Katrina only got a good result.

"You want to ask if I can divination?"

Isobel looked into his sister's eyes and answered the question calmly, "Unfortunately, I am not good at divination, nor can I predict the future through a crystal ball. Divination requires talent, and I obviously have no talent."

"But why are you sure that you can get a high score in the OWLs divination test?" Katrina raised her doubts again.

To be honest, she disliked Professor Trelawney very much and felt that the other party was a liar. Although she had worked very hard in this area, she had far less harvest than other subjects.

"Professor Trelawney should not be a liar." Isobel explained kindly as if he had seen through his sister's thoughts."

She is the descendant of the famous fortuneteller Cassandra Trelawney. If there is no real ability, I am afraid I can't expect to be a professor of divination at Hogwarts for a long time. "

"Moreover, prophecy needs the support of talent."

"I didn't say what Professor Trelawney expected to see. She only gave me a good one in the end?" Katrina knew exactly what the crystal ball divination exam was like.

"Katrina, there is one thing you need to be clear about. In fact, the fortune-telling we have learned is only the most basic knowledge. Even the improved class of fortune-telling cannot really teach you how to predict the future." Isobel felt like petting a kitten. Generally smoothing Katrina's blasted hair, "Crystal ball fortune telling, tea interpretation, palmistry (check lifeline and wisdom line) are the content of OWLs divination exam."

"There are three exams every year. Do you know why?"

Katrina shook her head, how could she know the reason.

"They never expected to rely on fortune-telling lessons to train excellent fortune-tellers. Prophecy requires talent." Isabel repeats this sentence again: "A talented wizard will naturally be able to master it quickly after finishing the fortune-telling class. Those who have knowledge of divination, and start to learn to master their own predictive abilities based on it. Wizards who have no talent for predicting can only figure out the objects they see and give the so-called standard answers based on the knowledge given in the book."

"The result is not important. Even if you can achieve excellent results in this course, you will not be a good fortuneteller without the talent for prediction, and you will end up being regarded as a liar.

"What's the point of this class?" Katrina was even more puzzled.

"It's easier to tell who can divination." Isabel thought for a while and added: "Let your three years of hard work have a perfect ending, rather than being completely denied."

Katrina fell into a longer silence. According to Isabel's words, talent is very important to become a divination, even more than hard work.

Well, doesn’t Professor Trelawney feel like a fortuneteller with insufficient talent?

Sure enough, it was still a liar.

"Does Albert really know how to divination? You should know what I mean!"

In fact, Katrina didn't want to mention the name in front of Isabel. Every time she mentioned it, she felt quite embarrassed.

"He will." Isabel nodded. "In fact, several of his predictions have come true."

"He told you?"

"Why ask?"

"Nothing." Katrina said: "That guy always likes mysterious things."

"Mysterious boys are more attractive, aren't they?" Isabel said.

"When did you start dating?" Katrina asked dryly.

"At the beginning of last semester!" Isabel blinked and said playfully, "I confessed to him first."

"It's impossible, you are so good." Katrina was stunned, her words stuttering.

"He is better than me." Isabel doesn't tease his and said with a smile, "Whoever confesses first is really not that important, as long as he can get the result he wants. Up."

"Did you really confess first?" Katrina was still struggling with this question.

"I just gave a little hint."

"How does it feel to be in love?" the girl asked curiously. She had seen friends fall in love and would occasionally get together to discuss those things with them.


Isabel seems to be considering his words: "Obsessed."


"I'm afraid you need to wait for someone you like to understand." Isabel said with a smile, "Is there someone you like already?"

"No." Katrina took a peek at Isobel, and quickly changed the subject: "I heard from my friends that when I am in love, I always send letters to each other every day."

"This is the norm." Isabel joked. "However, it is a bit difficult for Albert. He receives and sends a lot of letters every month. When we are in school, most of us use the communication bookmarks. related."

Katrina's spirit is a bit trance, she thinks that Albert created the communication bookmark in the first place, maybe it is to make a smooth contact with Isabel.

"I feel broken in love."

Katrina leaned her head on Isabel's shoulder and murmured softly.

"You are not in love, where did you lose love." Isobel touched his sister's hair and comforted softly.

"Since I was young, I have never beaten you." Katrina murmured, "The truth wins once, once is good."

Seeing Katrina leaving in a daze, Isobel couldn't help but shook his head, came back to the double-sided mirror, and whispered Albert's name into the mirror.


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