The Alchemist of Harry Potter

Chapter 501: Unexpected invitation

Out of caution and caution, before opening the letter, Albert took the secret control device and the honesty detector to poke the envelope a few times to make sure that there was nothing strange or black magic in the letter.

He usually handles items sent by strangers in this way.

Of course, before opening the envelope, I still remember to put on my dragon leather gloves, God knows what's inside.

This is a letter from the United States. The sender is a wizard named Nicholas. Albert certainly doesn't know him. This person should be an alchemist because he mentioned Serra Harris in the letter.

The other party directly invited him to the United States, but didn't elaborate on the reason, so Albert was a little confused when he read the letter.

Not only that, but the sender reminded Albert at the end of the letter not to use owls to send back letters, because the American magical world forbids the use of owls to send letters, and doing so is likely to attract the attention of the mochi (Muggle).

Owls in America are out of work?

Are you joking?

How did this letter get here?

Albert expressed a little dazed.

In the letter, in addition to the invitation letter, there are two tickets.

Yes, tickets.

Tickets for platform seven and one half at Kings Cross Station.

As far as Albert knows, platform 7 and 1/2 is located between platform 7 and platform 8. From here, you can take a long-distance train to the wizarding villages of continental Europe.

Yes, go to Europe, not the United States.

Didn’t that guy invite me to America?

Why is there such a ticket attached?

What makes Albert even more puzzled is that, in addition to this, there is another Floo ticket, a Floo ticket to the United States.

The specific time is 11:40 on July 18th, the fireplace on the 17th.

Moreover, the ticket didn't mention the specific location, let alone tell Albert where to get off the bus and use the International Floo Network there. It didn't mention it at all. It was suffocating.


Does this mean Serra takes him?

Albert opened the letter Serra had sent to himself, and said nothing on it, except that he was going to the United States to visit his friend Nicholas and invited Albert to go to the United States with him to meet the famous alchemist. The technician sees the previous one.

Just a brief meeting?

Albert had doubts about this. Neither Serra nor Nicholas explained in detail in the letter.

Generally speaking, the shorter the letter, the more vague the content, which means the more important, especially in this case, they should at least give themselves a brief explanation.

Otherwise, the situation is very abnormal.

What is the reason?

In fact, it's nice to stay home during the summer vacation. It's really meaningless to run around in such a hot weather, and it's not a vacation.

However, whether it is Bud or other people looking for themselves obviously has its purpose.

Expand your network for yourself?

Or is it necessary to know Nicholas?

Albert wrote his doubts on letter paper, then stuffed it into an envelope and sealed it.

The owl is not enough.

He sighed, and instead of asking Shera to deliver the letter immediately, he put the letter in the drawer and prepared to wait until tomorrow.

Although it is not impossible to refuse directly, Albert still thinks it is better to ask, maybe it can trigger any task.

Outside of Hogwarts School, the probability of triggering panel tasks has never been high, and the task difficulty is relatively high.

The next morning, Albert was awakened by the sound of an owl.

When he opened his eyes and sat up, he found that there was a brown owl in his room, and it was squeezing with snow on the owl shelf.

The two owls were staring at each other, and Albert was surprised not to fight.

Albert walked to the desk, first handed Hermione's letter to Shera, then took out two more letters, and put them both on the table.

It is estimated that no one will have such troubles as him!

The owl landed in front of the letter addressed to Bud Brod.

Albert picked up the letter and handed it to Owl, letting it leave with the envelope.

Putting the letter to Serra back into the cabinet, Albert washed and went downstairs to have breakfast when he heard the door beating from the door of Nia's room.

Raising his hand and knocking on the door lightly, there was no other reaction in the room, so Albert opened the door quietly and released Tom from the room.

Niya is still sleeping, her sleeping posture is not very good.

Albert brought the door back again, and went downstairs for breakfast, one person and one cat.

Daisy was frying bacon, while Herb was reading today's newspaper, and after hearing the footsteps, he raised his head and said hello to Albert.

"Last night, someone sent me a letter inviting me..."

"Invite you... are those so-called expert professors again?"

Daisy, who had just put the fried bacon on the plate, stared at her son, obviously sensitive to this matter.

Daisy didn't want her son to run around. Although they believed in Albert's ability, they were still not at ease about his young age.

"Well, I haven't decided yet. I'll talk about it when I'm sure." Albert said vaguely. He doesn't like bacon (bacon) very much, UU reading www. is really salty, he never just eats except for making bacon sandwiches.

"Son, I believe in your abilities, but you always run around and we are not at ease." Herb put down the newspaper and said solemnly, "If you want to go out, bring that mirror with you, remember to be punctual every day contact us."

Daisy akimbo, staring at her husband dissatisfied. She thought that Herb would stop Albert, but she didn't expect him to indulge her son in this way.

Therefore, Albert now likes to run around in the summer vacation.

"Don't go out for too long, mom will be worried." Herb added.


Albert weighed the cat food and poured it onto Tom's plate.

Tom looked at the food in his bowl, grunted twice in dissatisfaction, and began to eat.

Albert returned to his seat and was about to make a bacon sandwich for himself when he suddenly saw an owl flying in from the window. This very old owl seemed to have exhausted all his energy during the trip. , Almost fell on the table and died.

"This owl is very old. They are abusing the owl."

Herb picked up the food in time, watched the tired old owl on the table protested to Albert.

"It really should be retired." Albert agreed.

What is the name of the Weasley owl?

Albert no longer remembers.

He put the owl in a place to rest and prepared some water and food for it.

The letter was sent by the twins to report (show off) the latest results to him, and by the way a few finished products were attached. Finally, I asked Albert to take the time to help them solve some of the problems they encountered.


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