The Alchemist of Harry Potter

Chapter 494: After coma

After coming out of the school hospital, Albert went directly back to the dormitory to fetch the flying broomstick.

Halfway, he heard many students whispering together, talking about what happened to Harry and Quirrell in the dungeon.

Many students are reporting that the famous savior Harry Potter successfully prevented the dark wizard Quirrell from stealing the treasure that Dumbledore placed in Hogwarts Castle.

As for what happened in the dungeon.

Why Harry Potter was unconscious is still an unsolved mystery.

The principal didn't mind other people using thrilling stories to guess the truth of the matter.

In short, it is generally believed that Harry successfully passed the magic mechanism arranged by the professors and finally successfully prevented Professor Quirrell from stealing the principal's treasure.

Not knowing what was going on, Potter instantly added a bunch of friends and admirers, went to visit him, and gave him gifts became a weird trend at Hogwarts.

Some people are happy, others are sad.

Draco Malfoy was very dissatisfied with Harry Potter's sudden becoming the hero who prevented Quirrell from stealing the principal's baby, and he even hoped that Potter would still be the previous nasty nuisance.

When Malfoy was complaining about this to his two attendants, he was overheard by Fred, George and Lee Jordan who were about to trouble him.

So the three of them sent a message to Albert and arranged for Malfoy together.

When Malfoy recovered from the trance, he noticed that his stomach seemed to be something wrong, and kept gurgling. He hurriedly ditched his two attendants and ran to the closest bathroom.

Malfoy had just sat down on the toilet, and the sound of a clutter sounded from the compartment. When his face was slightly softened, the sitting toilet seemed to be under pressure that he shouldn't bear. Suddenly it exploded and burst. Sitting on the fragments of the toilet, his **** jumped up screamingly.

The stomach and intestines were still constantly squirming, and even more terrible things happened amidst a rumbling sound.

There was a terrible stench immediately in the compartment, and Malfoy even forgot how he left the bathroom, and he was in a trance.

In the corner, the few people covered with bubble head curses almost laughed.

"Is it filmed?" Fred asked excitedly.

"It's taken." George laughed straight down. "I dare you to say that Malfoy will have a shadow on the toilet in the future."

"Let the little bunny of the Malfoy family continue to be arrogant." Fred smiled happily, their family and the Malfoy family have been very at odds.

"By the way, did you secretly go with Harry last night?" Lee Jordan asked, looking at Albert suddenly, "I'm sure you know what happened in the dungeon."

"Last night, I went on a date." Albert said honestly. "Potter was in hospital. Wood told me not long ago."

"Do you think I would believe it?" Fred gave a look that you don't want to deceive us.

"I just got a bunch of flowers to visit Harry. Everyone is giving gifts to our hero. What are you going to give?" Albert dropped the subject casually.

"Cocoa beans." Lee Jordan said without hesitation, "I still have a box of unopened ones, how about you?"

"How about giving this?"

Fred thought about it carefully, pointed his finger at the toilet seat, and said jokingly, "We can mail order a new toilet seat to Harry, and leave him a greeting card to tell him what happened. That's right. , And this photo, I think Harry will definitely like this gift."

"I also think he will like it!" George nodded in agreement, "By the way, didn't Wood ask you for intensive training?"

"Well, you forgot, I'm going to do a double spell!" Albert waved to the three of them, smiled and walked away.

Wood's training is simple, it is to help Albert recover his condition and avoid Albert, who hasn't rode a broomstick for a long time, is unfamiliar with flying and capturing the Snitch.

Of course, Wood still expected Harry to wake up, but Harry finally disappointed him.

In the end, the substitute can only be played by Albert.

The game was fiercer than expected. The players didn't put the victory on Albert. They probably lost Harry Potter, who had always brought them victory. They even lost the confidence to win the game.

No matter how you look at it, the so-called assault training is very unreliable.

However, the most painful thing is that the players are distracted, making the score of the game into a stalemate, Ravenclaw's score even slightly ahead of Gryffindor.

The game has lasted for two hours. It can be seen that Ravenclaw wants to win the Quidditch trophy. As long as they can pull enough points, they can defeat Gryffindor and Slytherin to win the Quidditch trophy. .

For this reason, they often let the seeker intercept Albert.

The score has gradually widened, and the encouraging voices for Gryffindor are becoming rarer. When most people think that Gryffindor will miss this year's Quidditch trophy, Albert moved. He was very fast The speed began to dive, and Ravenclaw's Seeker also saw the Snitch and quickly dived to keep up.

"Stop him."

The screams echoed on the court, everyone stood up nervously, watching the drastic changes on the court, Ravenclaw's players rushed towards Albert, trying to hinder Albert and fight for the Golden Snitch to disappear. time.

It's a pity that Albert easily dodges the player's flanking ball with the roaming ball. He emerged from the gap and dived down to the ground. When everyone thought he would hit the ground, he abruptly stopped.

"Gryffindor wins!"

Li Qiaodan screamed excitedly.

"Albert once again used his genius name to tell everyone that even amateurs are better than your professional."

Gryffindor's players flew towards Albert and hugged him tightly, in a posture to squeeze him to death.

The three chaser girls did not have any reservations, and they kissed Albert's cheek and forehead.

At this moment, Albert felt that he was under pressure that he shouldn't bear at this age. In the end, even he had forgotten how he was lifted and thrown into the air.

However, the feeling of holding the trophy high is also good.

On the way back to the castle, they met Hagrid, the guard of the hunting ground seemed to be worried.

"Congratulations on winning the game." Hagrid waved at Albert, hesitated, "Could you please lend me Albert's for a few minutes."

"What's the matter?" Albert asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Blame me!" Hagrid suddenly covered his face with his hands and choked. "I told Quirrell how to subdue Lu Wei! It was all for a dragon Harry almost died! "

Albert was a little surprised at Hagrid's self-blame. He could feel the pain and regret in his heart.

"I don't think Harry's almost lifelessness has much to do with you." Albert glanced at the new mission and coughed slightly. "Harry's experience is entirely the result of his adventurous nature. Even if he doesn't go, it is strange. Luo still can't get the fake Philosopher's Stone, can't you see it?"

"That's just a trap."

Albert told a cruel fact, "Harry does that, it doesn't make much sense. Even if he doesn't do it, Quirrell will not be able to take the Philosopher's Stone."

Hagrid was shocked by Albert's words and could not speak.

Albert looked around and made sure there was no one, and then whispered, "I know Nico and I have seen the real Philosopher’s Stone. You probably don’t know that I have passed those levels and seen that long before Quirrell It’s a Philosopher’s Stone, it’s a fake, although it’s no different from the real one."

"Don't be surprised, Dumbledore knows about it," Albert said calmly. "If you feel guilty for Harry, give him a gift too!"


"Pictures of family, I think this gift is the most precious to Harry, should you have a way?" Albert asked rhetorically.

"Of course, of course, I will send owls to Harry's parents' old classmates to send letters to them and ask them for photos. I think they will definitely be willing to give them to Harry."

At this moment, Hagrid happily returned to his hunting lodge like a 300-jin child.

Albert glanced at the reminder of the task completion and nodded in satisfaction. Although the experience gained is not high, it is generally good.


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