The Alchemist of Harry Potter

Chapter 491: About to happen

The final exam was finally over. Albert and several of his friends walked out of the castle together with the students who had finished the exam, and played on the sunny grounds, relaxing the tension of the exam.

Several people walked along the grassy **** to the lake, Albert stretched out his hand to cover his yawn, and lay on the sun lounger under the shade of the tree for a nap.

Not far away, there was a large squid lying in the warm shallow water basking in the sun, and the Weasley brothers and Lee Jordan were fiddled with its tentacles.

As we all know, the big squid in the Black Lake is very docile. As long as you don't hurt it, it won't hurt the students at Hogwarts.

Not long after, Albert also saw Harry, Ron, and Hermione who were in Fang Song's mood after the exam. They walked slowly toward this side and sat under a big tree not far away to enjoy the cool.

There was a voice over there soon, and Hermione and Ron seemed to be arguing about something.


Almost there!

This semester is coming to an end, and Voldemort can't bear it anymore, he should urge Quirrell to steal the Philosopher's Stone soon.

Then it's time to stage the savior against the Dark Lord.

"I'd better stay away." Albert muttered to himself, knowing that this scene was specially arranged for Potter by Dumbledore.

When Quirrell was completely cold, he could dig and bury the bags of Garon under the tree, and he didn't know if the guy had cast magic on those Garon.

Sure enough, it's better to be more careful. At that time, you must prepare the black magic detection objects and dragon leather gloves, um, let the house elves dig them, and carefully check each kaloon.

Albert was in a pretty good mood to think that another large amount of Garon would be credited.

"I am not sick."

Harry's annoyed voice came from not far away, "I think this is a means danger is coming..."

Not long after this was said, Albert saw Harry running madly to Hagrid's cabin, Hermione chasing after him, leaving Ron with a bewildered look.

Albert looked at the back of the three people leaving, yawned lazily, and said to himself: "It's so pitiful, are you going to die today?"

Just in case, I still went out to find something to do at night so that Potter would not come to him for help. Although the possibility was not high, he should still take precautions so as not to ruin Dumbledore's savior development plan.

Albert took out the communication bookmark from his pocket and sent a message to Isabel, asking him to go out for a date at night. After the exam, he had enough time to enjoy the feeling of being together.

that's nice!

As soon as he returned to the castle, she saw Hermione hurriedly walking this way, dragging him through the hall to an empty classroom.

Hermione told Albert that Snape had successfully tricked Dumbledore out of the school and was going to take the opportunity to cross the trapdoor and get the magic stone hidden in the corridor of the restricted area on the fourth floor.

"We have told Professor McGonagall of our guess." Hermione said anxiously. "However, Professor McGonagall doesn't believe us at all. She thinks the Philosopher’s Stone is tightly protected and no one can steal it. ."

"Well, I think Professor McGonagall is right." Albert tapped Hermione on the shoulder and reminded: "Perhaps the level set by the professors really can't stop the person trying to break into Hogwarts to steal magic. Stone thief. But since Dumbledore knew someone would come and steal something, how could that thief easily succeed?"

After speaking, Albert walked away under Hermione's surprised gaze.

On their way to the common room, they heard Fred, George, and Lee Jordan talking about the toilet. They decided that after Gryffindor won the Quidditch trophy, they would find a chance to teach the Malfoy boy a lesson, and this matter has been delayed until now.

Albert originally thought that Fred, George, and Jordan Lee had forgotten it, but he didn't expect them to remember it. It seems that Draco Malfoy can still attract hatred.

"Can you see me?"

Albert cast a phantom spell on Lee Jordan, and to make Malfoy go to the toilet obediently, he needs to add some interesting gadgets to his food.

When the time comes, Pippi can come out to attract everyone's attention!

The idea was quickly given up, making Malfoy stunned halfway, and then feeding him some bowel pill, letting him go to the toilet by himself is more reliable than this.

The simpler the plan, the easier it is to implement.

The trio gave some unreliable plans. Although these plans cannot be implemented, it is always pleasant to talk.

The common room in the evening was very lively, and everyone did not break free from the excitement of the end of the exam.

When Albert was playing the Wizarding Card with Fred, he noticed that Harry, Ron, and Hermione were whispering in the corner of the common room, not knowing what they were discussing.

The impact of the large number of deductions last time is still there, and no one wants to take care of the three of them.

After ten o'clock, Albert went to the responsive house alone. He sat on the sofa, thinking about what might happen tonight.

Sure enough, Dumbledore returned to Hogwarts secretly, and was in charge of the follow-up development of this matter in the principal's office.

Why, did Quirrell never thought that he was discovered?

Could it be that Quirrell really thinks that his acting skills are outstanding, and his success has been hidden from everyone?

Perhaps this is the so-called fan of the authorities!

Suddenly, a pair of soft palms covered Albert's eyes from behind.

"What do you think?"

"I was thinking about what might happen tonight." Albert said vaguely. "But it has nothing to do with us."

"What's the matter?" Isabel asked, raising his eyebrows: "You always like to say strange things."

"How is the OWLs test? Are you confident that you will get twelve outstanding?" Albert changed the and it was very simple. "Isabel said.

"What about Muggle research?"

"Why do you ask about this?"

"I think most wizards always have some strange misunderstandings about the Muggle world." Albert shrugged: "Muggle research is also mixed with some weird things."

"This...I don't know." Isabel's knowledge of Muggles is limited to textbooks.

"By the way, do you want to go to my house during the summer vacation? I can take you to the Muggle World." Albert invited.

"Forget it, lest your sister is unhappy."

Isabel moved a bit, but after hesitating for a while, he gave up. He didn't want Albert to mess up the entire summer vacation by inviting himself.

"You probably haven't officially walked around the Muggle world."

"You can wait for you to go together when you are an adult!" Isabel stared at Albert's eyes and asked gently: "In the future, are you going to settle in the Muggle world?"

"Mr. Browder said that when I reach adulthood, the manor I lived in last summer will be given to me." Albert did not answer Isabel's question directly. "However, I don't plan to live in that manor. ."

"I will prepare a new house in the Muggle world and the magical world, and decorate the house as we like." Albert described the future of the two of them, and planned to connect the two houses through the vanishing cabinet. Together, if you want to live there in the future, just live there.

"Well, it sounds good, you can teach me how to use those appliances." Isobel leaned his head on Albert's shoulder and listened to the other person describing the future of the two.

Although it feels a bit strange, it is not annoying.


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