The Alchemist of Harry Potter

Chapter 466: Simple mechanism

Albert could feel that he was falling downward, and the cold, humid air was whizzing past his ears.

   Above his head, there was the screams of Fred, George, and Lee Jordan. The sound fell in the tunnel, which made him feel a little want to laugh.

   Sure enough, he was still too young.

Although it was said that there would be a devil net as a cushion below, Albert did not want to plunge into the devil net at all, so he chanted a shock absorption curse. By the way, several people who jumped from above were suddenly anxious in the air. Brake, abruptly stopped in the air.

   The shock absorption curse feels very strange. Albert feels like a feather slowly falling in the air, but the speed of falling is very slow.

   "Scare me to death?" Fred patted his chest and said, "This is definitely several stories high. If it weren't for the shock absorption curse, you might break your neck if you fall."

   "No, if we follow the general situation, we will fall on those things." Albert pointed to the vines above his head and smiled comfortingly.

   "What's the matter with those vines?" Lee Jordan frowned slightly as he looked at the squirming vines, with a not-so-good feeling.

   Because the ball of light that Albert made has completely disappeared, the vines have gathered again.

   "Guess?" Albert said casually.

   "Stop selling off."

   "This should also be an institution. Which professor do you think is the institution set up?"

   "This thing actually moves?" George wanted to step back, preparing to get further away from these weird vines.

   However, George found that his legs had been entangled by vines, and a stagger fell into the vine pile. Those vine plants immediately stretched out snake-like tendrils and entangled George's body.

   "Isn't it amazing." Albert blinked at George, not caring about his legs being entangled in the long vines.

   "What the **** is this?" George desperately tried to tear off the vines from his body, but the more he broke free, the faster and tighter the vines entangled.

   "Don't move, I remember what this is, this is the devil net!" Fred screamed loudly.

   Lee Jordan, who was panicked, didn't dare to move after hearing this.

   "Oh, dear Albert, we are going to break your relationship with you. You actually stood there watching our jokes." George grumbled angrily.

   The vines were already wrapping around his neck, making him almost breathless.

"The more you struggle, the tighter the devil's net will be entangled." Albert reminded kindly, "Actually, this is just a very simple mechanism, as if to say hello to us: ask if we have studied the herbal medicine class seriously. "

   "Damn, your joke is not funny at all, please hurry up, I'm almost out of breath!" George panted, desperately trying to tear off the vine that was wrapped around his neck.

   "The Devil's Net likes darkness and dampness, and is afraid of fire and light." Fred chattered, using his magic wand to create flames to expel the Devil's Net.

   Within a few seconds, everyone could feel the vines wrapped around their bodies shrinking, trying to avoid the light and warmth.

   Lee Jordan sets fire to the vines and tries to rescue George. When the devil's web encountered the flames, it began to twist violently, twitching, and automatically loosened the tendrils wrapped around George.

   "Is it interesting?"

  The embarrassed George was finally picked up from the ground by Albert. He originally wanted to pull Albert down together, but he failed.

   "Thank you so much." George said grimly, but he also admired Albert's composure. Albert had not been nervous from the beginning.

  If Fred and Li Qiaodan were not infected by his calmness, maybe they would really make Deguiwang sleepy.

   "When did you discover that they were from" Lee Jordan couldn't help asking.

   "From the very beginning, I think that speaking out may disturb the fun of your adventures." Albert said something that makes people want to beat him, "In fact, this is a test of a person's knowledge and calmness."

   "Usually people are entangled in the devil net without knowing it, and it is normal for them to be nervous and struggle."

   "Thanks to your explanation." George grumbled angrily.

   "What good things do you think Dumbledore will hide here?" Fred looked at Albert and asked, "You should be able to guess some!"

   "What do you think it will be? This is not a difficult mechanism, is it?" Albert said with a smile, "Let's go and see what's more interesting ahead."

   "You must know."

   "It is said that it was something that Gringotts was almost stolen." Albert asked with a smile, "Do you want to make an idea?"

   The three shook their heads together, they would not steal what the principal had hidden.

   They walked forward and down the corridor down the slope. In addition to their own footsteps, there was also the sound of water drops slowly dripping down the wall.

   "Did you hear anything?" Lee Jordan stopped and listened.

   The other people listened quietly to the surrounding sounds, and indeed they heard a slight rustling sound in front of them.

   "Let's go, you will know what happened in the past."

   Albert pointed to the front, where the lights were on.

   They found that at the end of the corridor, there was a brightly lit room, and the sound came from above their heads. On the high vaulted ceiling, there are countless little birds, flapping their wings, flying around in the room.

   "This is... the second mechanism?"

   "You said, if we go in directly, will these birds attack us?" George suffered from the last loss and became very careful, for fear of getting into the trap again.

   "There is a door on the opposite side, I am afraid we need to go through this room." Fred said, pointing to the thick wooden door on the opposite side.

   "It's possible." Lee Jordan suggested, "If they all rush over at once, we will chant the explosion spell together and blow them all up."

   "That's a good idea, anyway, I don't want to run over." George also didn't want to face the birds who would have sharp mouths and claws to tear him at any time.

   "Albert, what do you think?"

   The three of them looked at Albert together, waiting for his decision, whether to blow up all the birds overhead and drive them away.

   "This level may be more interesting than we thought, and the things above your head are not flying birds." Albert pointed to the flying broomstick in the room and said, "Let's go, there should be no attack, at least not for the time being."

   "Are you sure?" Lee Jordan raised his eyebrows.


   "Well, I'll come first." Lee Jordan took a deep breath, covered his face with his arm, and rushed to the other side of the room.

   As expected, nothing happened.

   "These things seem to be all keys." George also discovered the secret of Asuka, but they were all keys that could fly.

   "The door is locked."

   Fred walked over and pulled the handle with Lee Jordan, only to find that the wooden door remained motionless.

   "Use the Arahho Cave to cast a spell." George suggested, and put it into action, but it didn't help.

   "Will there be an anti-Araho Cave opening curse on the door?"

   The three of them all looked at Albert, and he was the only one who knew how to crack the Anti-Arahho Cave Curse.

   As a result, of course there is no effect.

   "Or, we used Sesame to open the door to open the door." Lee Jordan did not forget the great feat of the first day at Hogwarts.

   "Better not, I don't want to be pierced by the flying keys above." Albert stopped Lee Jordan's crazy thoughts.

   "Don't tell me, we need to find a key in these key piles." All four of them looked up at the keys flying above their heads.

   "Congratulations on your answer. It is estimated that you will have to find the right key to open the door." Albert said calmly, "They obviously can't be used as decorative items."

   "But there are hundreds of keys on it!"

   "You should be thankful, we have three excellent Quidditch players here." Fred couldn't help but sigh.

  George has already taken the broomsticks and is about to distribute the flying broomsticks to the three who fly the best, because there are only three flying broomsticks, and Lee Jordan, who has relatively poor flying ability, is no part.

   Albert didn't pick up the flying broomstick, he was checking the lock of the door carefully.

  In the middle, Harry found the key. It seemed that Quirrell had already used the key to open the door, so he caused some damage to the key bird, but how should they find the key?

   "We are looking for a big key." Lee Jordan pretended to look at the door handle.

   "They are all big keys." Fred couldn't help but complain.

   "Who knows what shape the key of this lock is?" Albert asked suddenly.

   "Maybe... It looks like a door." George raised his hand and drew the approximate shape of the key in the void.

   "It's not easy." Li Qiaodan murmured, "There should be many such keys."

   "Try to find a rusty door key." Albert pointed to the rusty door lock and said, "I guess the key is also very old."

   "Aren't you coming together? You are better at this than us." Each of them grabbed a broom and kicked them. When they rose to mid-air, they looked back at Albert and asked inexplicably.

   "No, I'm going to try another method." Albert shook his head and refused He was ready to try a lock picking tool to see if he could use a Muggle method to pry the door lock.

   If it really doesn’t work, it’s not too late to go up and grab the key.

   A few people rushed into the dense key array, looking for the key bird Albert said, and when they saw the right key, they went up and caught it.

   But, those magic keys dodge so fast that they can't catch them at all.

   "Think of a way!" Fred shouted.

   "We...we make a big net to cover all the keys!" George finally came up with a good way.

   The three of them landed on the ground and began to use the transformation magic to create a large triangle net that they captured. They thought that they could put the key in the cover later.

   As a result, before they could implement the plan, they heard a click and the door lock was actually opened.

   The three of them turned their heads stiffly and saw Albert holding the doorknob with his hand, smiling at them and saying, "The door seems to be open, let's go in."

   said, he pushed the door open.

   " did you do it?" Lee Jordan stammered.

   The three of them racked their brains and tried to grab the key. What is it for?

   At this moment, even Fred and George were plunged into self-doubt.

   "I can't determine whether this method works," Albert explained, "However, it seems that wizards don't pay much attention to Muggle methods, so this loophole is left."

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