The Alchemist of Harry Potter

Chapter 458: Helping hand

The castle hall was filled with laughter, and everyone was celebrating the successful conclusion of the wizard card game.

Hermione and Ron sat in the crowd, sipping butter beer while talking about the game.

"Where's Harry?" Hermione realized that Harry didn't know where he was going.

"I saw him leaving the hall in a hurry." It was Neville who answered Hermione.

Hermione and Ron looked at each other, put down their wine glasses, and walked out of the hall.

They found Harry soon, the savior was sneaking around the corner, not knowing what to do.

Ron walked over with Hermione, reached out and patted Harry on the shoulder, and asked inexplicably, "Harry, what are you doing here?"

Harry was taken aback, and when he turned his head, he was relieved to see that it was Hermione and Ron.

"what happened?"

Hermione stretched her head to look around the corner, but saw nothing, her face even more confused.

"Hush!" Harry quickly made a hush gesture, raised his finger to a classroom not far away, and explained: "I suspect Snape is putting pressure on Professor Quirrell again and wants Professor Quirrell to tell He protects the mechanism of the Philosopher’s Stone."

"You mean..." Ron's face showed a shocked expression.

"What are you going to do?" Hermione also looked uneasy.

"We must do something!" Harry said firmly.

"But... what should we do?" Ron couldn't come up with any good solutions.

"Maybe, we should interrupt them." Hermione suggested.

"If we do that, Snape will definitely find an opportunity to deduct Gryffindor College points severely." Harry didn't forget that Snape had just deducted Gryffindor points.

"But we can't do nothing." Hermione frowned. "If Professor Quirrell can't hold it..."

"You're right." Harry gritted his teeth. "We can't let Professor Quirrell bear Snape's pressure alone, we must support him..."

"This is really a

Bad decision, isn't it, Potter. "A calm voice sounded from behind them, "You will cause us to be deducted a lot of points if you do this. I dare say that if others know about it, they will definitely not give you a good look." "

The three of them were all startled by the sudden sound, and quickly turned their heads and looked in the direction of the sound, and saw that Albert did not know when he was there.


"when will you……"

Before Hermione finished speaking, Albert raised his hand to interrupt her.

"When Potter was about to rush in and disrupt the situation," Albert said gently, "very courageous, but also reckless and stupid."

"Then you said what should we do!" Harry felt inexplicably irritable, and he knew he should act as soon as possible. Ron was secretly touching Harry with his elbow, not wanting his friend to succumb to Albert.

Albert is a nice person.

Of course, if you have a bad face, don't expect the other person to look good on you.

"this is for you!"

Albert took out the deformed lizard belt and pulled out a mouse-like object from it.

"Pull its tail once, and it will move on its own. After about fifteen seconds, it will make a loud noise. Good luck." Albert handed Harry the bait mouse he tried a while ago.

"Remember to cover your ears."

As he said, he made a gesture of covering his ears and said mysteriously: "Remember to keep it secret."

Harry looked at the mock mouse in his hand suspiciously, then looked up at Albert who turned and walked away. When she met Hermione and Ron, Hermione had already snatched the bait mouse from his hand and pulled the mouse. Tail, throw it to the ground.

That thing is really like a mouse, running forward, and finally sneaking into the classroom where Snape and Quirrell are.

A few seconds later, a harsh sound came out of the classroom with a choking smoke, and Harry, Ron, and Hermione were all stunned by the scene.

In the end, Hermione was the first to recover, and quickly dragged Harry and Ron away.

As soon as the three of them left, there was a burst of angry curses in the classroom where Snape and Quirrell were, and the two rushed out of the classroom, looking around to find the culprit.

However, they have gained nothing.

Snape also realized that the two sides couldn't talk anymore, looking at Quirrell's leaving back, returned to the classroom, inspected the scene of the crime, and looked for traces left by the murderer.

A few minutes later, Snape discovered the culprit responsible for all this, a tattered bait mouse, really like a mouse.

When Snape grabbed the mouse by its tail and picked it up from the ground, the mouse's little intact head suddenly exploded, and black smoke enveloped Snape's body, making him covered with dust and looking Extremely embarrassed.

"Damn, if you let me know who did it, I must fire him." Snape coughed and cursed out of the classroom.

Waiting for Harry, Ron and Hermione saw Snape leaving embarrassedly, and they were all stunned by the effect of Albert's joke props.

Harry couldn't close his mouth in surprise. It was the first time he saw Snape in such a panic.

"It's great." Ron couldn't help but laugh after Snape disappeared around the corner.

"I don't know if Albert still has this stuff." Harry murmured.

"Don't think about it, even if it has, it will definitely cost money." Hermione didn't forget about the communication bookmark.

"Oh, hope this thing is not too expensive," Harry murmured. Last time, Harry got Kanon at Gringotts, and there was still a lot to spend.

Ron opened his mouth, and finally said nothing.


Albert had no idea that he had more customers. He was checking his panel task, and the "helping hand" task had been completed 1/5.

Sure enough, he can get the task from the trio.

Albert was in a very happy mood. When he looked up, he happened to meet Isabel's gaze, and smiled and shrugged: "Well, I admit really don't like Snape. If you can give us The potions professor of the country finds some trouble, naturally it is better."

"Snape will be mindful." Isabel reminded kindly, "Harry Potter and his two friends can't be Occlumency. Once Snape deliberately peeped into their brains, you must Can't hide it."

"I know, but so what, it's not the first time Snape has troubled me." Albert's tone was calm. He really didn't like Snape, and the matter involved tasks. He didn't mind making some unexpected surprises for Snape at all.

Although the reward for the "Helping Hand" mission is not high, it can effectively improve the trio's 15 points of favor after completion, which is beneficial to his future planning.

After the two entered the responsive room, Isobel suddenly said, "I always think you seem to be planning something!"

I’m investing in the future, you probably don’t know, I once wanted to be a..."

"Well, it's not the first day we met." Isabel interrupted, "I think you are doing a very dangerous thing."

"Why think so."

"Harry Potter is the savior." Isobel looked at Albert's eyes and said, "He represents trouble, especially with Potter. I don't think the treasure in the restricted area on the fourth floor It was purely accidental there."

"Well, it's worthy of Isabel." Albert admired Isabel's keen intuition.

"Don't talk about it." Isabel said with a smile, "I won the wizard card game and helped you promote a wave of wizard cards. Should you give me some rewards?"

"What award do you want..." Albert's mouth was blocked before he could finish.


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