The Alchemist of Harry Potter

Chapter 433: The essence of lazy fish

  Albert has been assisting his three roommates with homework better since he returned from Hogsmeade.

   Fred and George have been chatting and complaining for a long time there, saying that Wood has completely become a training freak.

   "Stop complaining, when you finish your homework, I will tell you good news." Albert flipped the book while urging the three of them to continue their homework.

   "What good news?" Lee Jordan asked curiously, throwing a cocoa bean into his mouth.

   "I will finish my homework first." Albert pointed to their parchment and reminded him, "Isn't it good to finish earlier and get relief earlier?"

   "He must have sold the formula." Fred had obviously guessed what the good news was from Albert.

   When Albert said that he would sell the formula of the swelling remover, he didn't think he would fail. After all, Albert seldom did anything unsure about it. Successfully selling the formula was completely normal.

   "Well, it's already sold." Albert admitted, "Sold five hundred gallons."

   "It's really Albert." George couldn't help but exclaimed.

   "Okay, concentrate on doing your homework, and I'll tell you another good news later." Albert said with a smile. After speaking, he continued to focus on the book.

   The three continued to do their homework. Only Ron, who was playing wizard chess with his roommate next to him, was absent and seemed to be muttering something in a low voice.

   An hour later, the three of them finally couldn't help it, and asked Albert to tell them the so-called good news. Albert smiled and took them back to the dormitory to show them today's results.

George grabbed a handful of gallons and let the gold coins fall from his fingers into the pile of gallons. Hearing the crisp jingle, he couldn't help but exclaimed: "Unexpectedly, it would be so easy to get five hundred gallons. Now, it still feels a bit unreal."

   "But, there shouldn't be 500 gallons in this bag, right?" Fred asked, "this bag is at most a hundred gallons."

   "Well, no." Albert looked at the three roommates with a faint smile, and said, "This bag of gallons really only has a hundred. This is what I prepared for you."

   As he said, Albert stuffed the bag of gallons into George's hand, "I have prepared a hundred gallons for each of you."

   The three of them were stunned, unbelievable what they had just heard.

   George suddenly began to giggle. After a long time, he stammered and asked: "Are you going to give me this bag of Galleons?"

"To be precise, it should be kept for you. This is the start-up capital for our future store opening." Albert smiled and stuffed the money bag into Fred and Lee Jordan's hands respectively, "Let me keep it and let you keep it. There is not much difference, is it?"

   The three of them began to look at the money bag in their hands and giggle again.

   I don’t know how long it took before Fred, who had recovered his senses, suddenly asked, “Aren’t you afraid that we will spend Ganon?”

   "Will you spend the hope of opening a store in the future?" Albert asked rhetorically.

Fred and George shook their heads together. They all knew that their own situation would not help them realize their desire to open a joke shop in the future. Just as Albert said, the money is for their future joke shop. Hopefully, if it is spent, where can they get the money to open the shop?

   The two will definitely close their pockets tightly, and will not spend their hopes for the future.

   "Thank you. However, Garon will leave it to you first." Fred handed the bag of Garon back to Albert again. "We don't need it yet."

   "You need to learn how to keep accounts and how to manage Kanon." Albert said with a smile, "This is what we need to do to open a store in the future, and you also need to learn these things."

George shook his head. He would never take Albert's money. After all, this Garon belonged to Albert. Even if Albert said it was placed with them for safekeeping, this kind of trust really made them very Moved, but the three of them will not leave the money anyway, even though this is the biggest one they have ever contacted.

   After some rejections, Albert successfully persuaded the three of them and gave them 50 Gallons each. Fred and George also needed the research funds to purchase raw materials for the research on jokes, while Lee Jordan

You need to be responsible for hosting this wizarding card competition and preparing the prizes. Albert also used the excuse of knowing how to keep accounts when opening a store, and taught them how to do the accounts, so that they can pay every dollar they spend. All of them are recorded.

  Albert assigned tasks to all three roommates are extremely excited, they have seen the embryonic form of a company.

   Although a little bit of suspicion of pretending to be a family, Albert knew that the three of them would take their own affairs seriously.

   The excited Fred, George and Lee Jordan were completely unaware of Albert's sinister intentions. This guy was completely preparing for his future.

   Albert trained them, isn't it just to let the three friends help him manage the company in the future, so that he can be lazy?

  The beautiful name is to give them a chance to exercise themselves.

   Well, no one is more reliable than him, right?

   Moreover, this kind of small group composed of friendship and interests will be very stable in the future. After all, wizards do not have as many flowers as Muggles.


   In the evening, in the Gryffindor common room, Harry, who was doing his homework, suddenly heard Ron talk about what he heard this afternoon.

   "You said that Albert sold a potion and made five hundred gallons?" Harry had no idea about Gallon himself. He didn't react at all when he heard Ron talk about it.

   "I made five hundred gallons by selling the formula?" Hermione was surprised. Although she also didn't know much about Gallon, she knew that it was a lot of money.

   "What recipe does he sell?"

   "I don't know." Ron wished that the person selling the formula was himself. He sometimes dreamed that he used the Philosopher’s Stone to make a pile of gold, and he also paid for a Quidditch team.

   "Don't think about those things, eat a candy!" Hermione shared the candy in her pocket with Harry and Ron.

   "It tastes good, where did you buy it?" Harry ate one and wanted to spend some money.

   "Hogsmeade should have bought it." Ron said gloomily, "When Charlie was still in school, every year Charlie would send me and Ginny some sweets as Christmas gifts."

   "When I met Albert in the library in the afternoon, he gave it to me." Hermione explained, "It was a Christmas gift in return."

   "Afternoon? Albert spent the whole afternoon reading in the lounge, teaching Fred and George to do homework by the way. I was right next to him." Ron raised his eyebrows.

   Hermione frowned slightly. She did meet Albert in the library. Candy is the best proof. Ron obviously didn't seem to be lying. Could it be... there are two Alberts?

   But, how is this possible?


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