The Alchemist of Harry Potter

Chapter 395: Big scarf being stared at

"Do you think that Professor Quirrell looked at us a little strange!"

Halfway to the hall, Fred, George and Lee Jordan walked and talked about what had just happened.

"If you want to change to me, it must be the same."

Lee Jordan, who was walking side by side with the Weasley brothers, couldn't help but complain.


"Why? Since you sold the garlic cross amulet to Professor Quirrell, his eyes have not been quite right." Lee Jordan stretched out his hand to cover his face and reminded aloud. At the beginning, he did not approve of the twins going to Professor Quirrell to sell the amulet.


"It's nothing, what would you think if someone teased you in person." Lee Jordan immediately interrupted. The twins may not be that interesting, but it doesn't mean that Professor Quirrell would not have that idea.

"But... Don't Professor Quirrell need to get rid of vampires?

Fred was very puzzled. He remembered that Albert was just... well, what about that guy? He turned his head and looked around, but did not see Albert, he asked, "Where are Alberts?"

"You just found out. I just disappeared inexplicably." George gave an expression that you only discovered now. They have encountered this situation many times. Anyway, Albert will definitely come out again later.

"Have you noticed that the strange smell on Professor Quirrell's body is stronger!"

"Of course I noticed!" Fred raised his eyebrows and said in a low voice, "It's a shame that Pippi failed to succeed last time."

"That guy took so many things from us, and it turned out to be like this?"

Speaking of Pippi Ghost, Lee Jordan was very dissatisfied. That guy took a lot of dung bombs and stinky bombs from them, but failed to make it happen.

"Pippy said Professor Quirrell was defensive and could not succeed." George said.

"Do you want to give up?"

Everyone is very curious. Under Professor Quill's big scarf, is it stuffed with garlic or a garlic cross?

"It's best to give up. Everyone has their own secrets that they don't want to be known." Albert didn't know when he reappeared.

"Where did you just go." Lee Jordan asked.

"What were you talking about just now?" Albert deliberately changed the subject.

"What do you think is in Professor Quirrell's big scarf?" Fred knew that Albert hadn't said, so he stopped asking, just telling Albert about Pepy Ghost's failure.

"I already know. I heard that Quirrell cast a spell on his big scarf so that the scarf won't be pulled off." Albert said about what he had heard.

"You'll know?" The three of them were very surprised. They didn't expect that Quirrell would actually use this trick, so that their original fish hook plan would be ruined.

"I don't know if it's true or false after hearing what others say."

"Or, let's let Pippi go try again?" Lee Jordan suggested. He still had a grudge about Pippi's failure, and it wouldn't do to mess things up.

Albert's face twitched slightly, admiring the three's ability to kill. Once Voldemort parasitic behind Quirrell's head is exposed, he still doesn't know what will happen!

"Are you going to be locked up for a few days?" Albert asked, "If you are ready, I can try to make you a fishhook that can solve the spell."


"You can make Pippi..."

Before Li Qiaodan could finish speaking, he was interrupted by Albert raising his hand.

"Pippi won't listen to you unless you show him something else."

"Forget it."

If Pippi's scam is unsuccessful, won't they just waste their joke props?

The three of them are not as wealthy as Albert.

"The last treasure seems to have been dug up." Albert immediately changed the subject, "Did you someone secretly release water and tell them the location of the treasure."

The three unanimously stated that they did not tell others the location of the treasure.

However, Harry's treasure map is only one of the treasure maps made by Albert. However, these treasure maps need to be decrypted to find the location of the treasure. According to Fred, George and Lee Jordan, Albert had no intention of making a treasure hunt pleasant.

I didn't expect Harry to be able to solve the mystery. It was quite powerful. Anyway, whoever of you has seen his treasure map.

Several people were quietly changed the subject.

"Well, it seems to be the treasure spot near Hagrid's pumpkin field. The treasure seems to be... that garlic-scented cross." Lee Jordan said uncertainly.

"Go ahead and ask, don't you know everything?" Fred snorted in a certain direction, and the three of them looked up and saw Harry and Ron having a meal there.

"I heard you got a treasure map last time, how about it, did you find the treasure?" Fred came to Harry and put his hand on Ron's shoulder and asked.

"Found it. Unfortunately, the treasure inside is very strange." Ron knocked off Fred's hand on his shoulder and couldn't help complaining: "I found a very smelly bottle with a strange vampire amulet in it. Later, Harry gave the thing to Professor Quirrell."

"No wonder!" the four said in unison, staring at each other.

"No wonder what?"

"Nothing?" Fred said casually, "You have to be careful, don't run into the forbidden forest. Last time, we also got one, but we ran into the forbidden forest and almost couldn't come back."

"Fucking anyone!" Ron curled his lips, completely disbelieving the two of them.

"Do you know who ALFG is?" Harry asked suddenly. .

"ALFG?" George changed the subject: "You mean?"

"No, it's ALFG." Harry gave George his treasure map, but Hagrid didn't eat it in the end.

"Our one is not signed!" George reminded This shouldn't guys made a trick? "Ron looked up and down at the few people in front of him, feeling very suspicious. These guys really looked like people who could do such things.

"We don't have that ability." Fred pretended to be looking at the map.

Of course, they didn't lie.

After all, the treasure map was drawn by Albert, and it really has nothing to do with them.

"Is there any holiday for Halloween this year?" Albert asked casually when everyone sat down to eat.

"I remember it was a chorus last year!"

"This year is a pantomime performance." George said. "I heard that Percy will also perform and play the instrument."

"The prefect is really hard!"

"The pantomime was banned by the school a long time ago." Albert interrupted. "It is said that a long time ago, the wizard's fairy tale "The Fountain of Good Luck" was staged in an adaptation of Hogwarts. As a result, the pantomime caused a fire. As a result, Hogwarts banned the performance of pantomime.

"This year's Halloween is a circus show!" Wood walked over and said to a few people: "Remember Mario, Danny, and Jack."

"Acrobatic trio?" Albert asked tentatively.

"Yes, it is them. After graduation, those three guys really set up a circus. It is said that they will start touring and prepare to use Hogwarts as the starting point for traveling around the world."

"Unexpectedly, they really formed a miniature circus!" Fred and George were both surprised. It was not easy to form their own team.

Mini circus?

That's right, it actually refers to the wizards performing on the street, Mario, Danny, and Jack do not have enough funds to support the early investment of the circus, so they can only accumulate Garon slowly.


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