The Alchemist of Harry Potter

Chapter 385: Appointment?


Albert put down the book in his hand, reached out his hand to cover a yawn, and turned his head to look at the corner of the lounge, where a group of students were huddling together and talking about something.

"What happened?"

He turned his head to ask Lee Jordan. This guy had just moved to the bulletin board, and he should know what was announced.

"The first Hogsmeade weekend." Lee Jordan pointed to a notice on the bulletin board and said, "Mid October."

"Great." Fred said with a wink. "Our stink bombs are almost gone, so I just went to the Joko shop to add it."

"Why do you always like to trouble Filch?" Shanna, who was thinking about the translation of ancient magic texts, asked, raising her eyebrows, "I know that Filch is not likable, but there is no need..."

"No, it's Filch who troubled us first!" George interrupted.

Fred did not intend to entangle this matter either, changing the subject, "Last time, we wanted to try to sell the garlic cross to Professor Quirrell, but unfortunately he seemed to think we were joking. At that time, I wondered that Professor Quirrell was not afraid. Will vampires come to trouble him?"

"You believe what he says?" Albert couldn't help rolling his eyes.

"Then why did he stuff garlic into the big scarf on his head, that smell can kill people." The Weasley brothers still insist that the big scarf must be stuffed with garlic.

"Who knows!" Albert murmured, "maybe there is a big secret hidden in it."

"What's the big secret?" Fred asked curiously, he was suddenly kind of direct, Albert's guess might be true.

"How would I know, just guess." Albert shrugged.

"Or, we fooled Pippi to take off Professor Quirrell's big scarf." George's eyes lit up and suggested. Of course, it is not easy to talk about Pepigui, they need to prepare something interesting for each other.

Albert proposed this idea, and the relationship between the two parties is good now, that is, every time Pippi is asked to do something, they have to spend money.

"Albert, help me see, do these translations mean this?" Angelina interrupted the conspiracy of several people and handed the parchment she had just translated to Albert.

"It's a pity... it's all wrong." Albert glanced at the translation on the parchment and gave the answer.

"Oh, I really don't know why I chose this course in the first place." Angelina regretted choosing Ancient Magic Text. This course is not very friendly to most students.

"Where is my copy?"

Shanna pointed to her homework, which was the answer she had just translated through the Runic Dictionary.

For those weird and connected symbols, it is really difficult for students who are just getting started to understand, even if there is a "Runi Dictionary", it is also difficult.

This is like learning a foreign language, sometimes it is really confusing, not to mention that it is harder to learn than a foreign language.

Initially, everyone only needs to figure out what 0 to 9 represent. Later, you need to translate a short rune meaning through a dictionary to remember the meaning of those words.

This is the meaning of this course. In fact, it is to let you know what those weird symbols mean. It is said that the content of the exam also examines these things.

However, the most difficult part is that a rune symbol may often have several meanings. It is necessary to connect these symbols to repeatedly determine the meaning of this sentence.

Yes, this is the so-called translation, a deliberated translation.

"There are a few words in these two sentences that are incorrectly translated." Albert pointed out the error.


Shanna leaned her head over, glanced at the errors Albert pointed out, and pondered the meaning of the symbols.

She didn’t doubt Albert’s judgment. She was able to talk to Professor Bathsida Babling in ancient magic texts, and the magic genius who read the books of ancient magic texts as ordinary books was not watery at all. It’s no problem to serve as an assistant to Professor Bathsida Babling.

As for the homework of the ancient magic text, it is naturally not difficult for Albert.

To be honest, the class taught by Bathsida Babling was the most boring class Albert had ever attended. The knowledge of ancient magic texts taught by the other party just started, in the eyes of Albert today, it seems that someone is Teaching yourself to know Arabic numerals is so simple.

However, the ancient magic text class still has to be taken, and you can't skip class at will.

Professor Bathsida Babling also knows Albert’s level, but it’s a pity that Hogwarts only repeats grades, but there is no such thing as skipping grades. So as long as Albert does not interfere with class, he will let him do his own thing. Up.

Except for the occasional Professor Bathsida Babling who would call Albert on stage and have a few conversations with her in ancient magic texts, Albert was doing his own thing the rest of the time.

He found something interesting for himself, found the wrong book, yes, found the wrong "A Simple Introduction to Ancient Magic Text", in fact, it was nothing wrong.

The person who writes the book is not someone like Albert who has a panel. It is impossible for him to make a mistake. As long as he researches it deeply, he can always find some mistakes. Albert will point out the error and comment on the side.

"By the way, how are you doing with that thing?" Albert asked suddenly.

"No clue yet." George shook his head helplessly. "We are wondering where to get some pus from the Balbo tuber."

Not long ago, when the twins heard that some students tried to remove the pimples on their faces with extreme methods, they thought about whether they could profit from the incident.

Fred and George would not take it for granted. For this reason, they asked Albert's opinion. The latter also thought that women like to be beautiful and would not be stingy with their own Kanon in this regard. If they could produce this This potion will surely sell, and make a lot of money.

In fact, there is a similar beauty magic drug store in Diagon Alley.

Naturally, Fred and George didn't want to grab business with Mrs. Prim Pineier. Their target group was school students, and they were studying a potion to effectively eliminate pimples and acne.

If you can get the raw materials, Albert is willing to give technical and intellectual support.

He has already asked Professor Sprout how to formulate this potion. By that time, he only needs to put in some experience to upgrade and improve it, and it will come in handy.

Of course, Albert's willingness to support is also related to his sister, who happened to be a birthday present for Nia. Isobel may also use it and make money from it in the future, no matter how you look at it, it's quite cost-effective.

Fred and George were trying to find the Balbo tuber in the school's greenhouse No. 3, and they were going to sneak over to get some potions for Albert.

Of course, it can also be purchased directly from Slug Giggs Pharmacy in Diagon Alley. However, since there are ready-made ones at the school, Fred and George don't mind getting some on their own.

Lee Jordan doesn't pay much attention to this, he usually only pays attention to the wizard card.

As for now, this guy is chatting about another piece of gossip with others: someone else was almost bitten by the big dog in the corridor of the restricted area on the fourth floor.

"I'm so courageous. Last time, didn't the bitten hapless guy just came out of the school hospital?"

"I heard that it was a student of Hufflepuff, and his legs were weakened by the big dog on the spot. Fortunately, I was curious that Professor Luo happened to pass by, and he was not injured by pulling the person out with magic."

"It's not like Hufflepuff's style." Albert raised his eyebrows.

If it is impulsive, he should enter Gryffindor!

Albert bent down and picked up Tom who was roasting by the fireplace, scratching the cat's ears, he could probably guess what was going on.


It seems that Professor Quirrell started to find someone to try, and wanted to find a way to defeat the three-headed dog?

What should I say?

The students themselves are curious to die. Anyway, it's not once or twice. As long as they don't cause too much trouble, they will generally not attract the attention of the professors.

Professor Quirrell did give Hufflepuff 10 points as a warning.

"What are you thinking?"

"I'm thinking when I can finish the great feat of reading a hundred books?" Albert put Tom on the ground and continued to flip through the book in front of him.

"A hundred books?" Shanna raised her eyebrows. "I thought you had finished reading."

"I probably read 45 books." Albert said, since he got into the second grade, he has spent a lot less reading time.

"I have read the description of Hogsmeade from the "Witcher's Monument" in your hand. It is a very interesting place. It is said that the headquarters of the goblin rebellion is there." Shanna modified the ancient demons. Set aside the essay homework and chatted with Albert about Hogsmeade.

"The headquarters of the Goblin Rebellion is in the Pig's Head Bar. It is a messy place, and it is very dirty. If you go, remember to bring yourself a cup." Albert said casually. He has no affection for the Pig's Head and Aberforth. He didn't like it either. The **** hasn't responded to him so far, although Albert actually didn't expect the other party to reply to himself.

"I heard that this is the only place in the UK where there are no Muggles." Shanna wanted to talk about this topic with Albert. However, she didn't know how many people Albert and the twins had sneaked past several times. There is nothing new.

"You don't seem to be interested?"

" okay!" Albert shrugged to his roommates, "Three broomsticks and Honey Duke are more suitable."

He glanced at the newsletter bookmark and sent a paragraph to Isabel: Hogsmeade, appointment?

It didn't take long for the bookmark to change color. Albert turned over and glanced, and the other party only replied one word: Uh!

Go to Hogsmeade next weekend, and everyone will gather together and talk about what to do first once you get to Hogsmeade.

"You seem to be very familiar with Hogsmeade, remember to introduce it to us." Shanna got the signal from everyone and said courageously, "Let's go together at that time!"

"I am familiar with it too, and I can also introduce it to you!" Li Qiaodan said with a smile on his face.

"I have an appointment." Albert tactfully declined, "Let Li Qiaodan introduce you to you!"

The girls couldn't help raising their eyebrows, and after looking at each other, they nodded and reluctantly agreed.

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