The Alchemist of Harry Potter

Chapter 375: Wizard Card One. One Edition

Wood decided to keep Harry's participation in the Quidditch game strictly confidential, using him as a secret weapon for the Gryffindor team, preparing to catch his opponent by surprise during the game.

Yes, a secret weapon, but the secret always spreads like wildfire.

On the second day that Harry became a Gryffindor Seeker, all the teachers and students in the school knew that Harry was going to be a Seeker.

For this reason, Wood was so angry that he chased the twins with a broomstick, and he believed that the two had leaked the secret.

Some people said that Harry would play well, others said that they would hold the mattress and run with Harry below to prevent him from falling off.

In short, Harry Potter's pressure has become very heavy, especially when there are a bunch of people who are going to watch his jokes during training together, among which are mainly Slytherin students.

"Gryffindor Academy has never had any secrets." Albert smiled and comforted Wood, who was still annoyed. "And congratulations on finding an excellent seeker."

Wood muttered constantly, "This is not a good thing.", "I don't want to put too much pressure on Harry." things like that.

Albert could not help but shook his head, found a chair next to him, sat down, and opened the letter from home. Everything was fine in school for Niya. She made new friends smoothly, and the letter also included some school What happened inside.

As Albert expected, although his sister was still unwilling, but after making new friends at school and having a life of her own, she gradually diminished her thoughts about Hogwarts.

"What's the good thing?" Shanna asked curiously, noticing the smile on Albert's face.

"Letter from home." Albert folded the envelope and put it back in his pocket.

"I thought you would be... very disappointed." Shanna carefully considered her words, but she knew that Wood had always hoped that Albert would take over as the seeker on the team.

"Disappointed, no, no, I'm not interested in playing Quidditch." Albert smiled and shook his head and denied it. "I'm very busy. I don't have time to train every week."

"Is your wizard card ready?" Angelina's head came out of nowhere, interrupting the two people's chat.

"Well, here it is!"

Albert reached out and took out a box of wizard cards from the deformed lizard skin bag and handed it to Angelina.

"It looks better, but it's still a little bit different from the one you took out last time!" Angelina simply commented after flipping the set of wizard cards in her hand.

"Well, there is no other way. If you want to promote the wizard card, you have to make it simpler." Albert took out his carefully crafted original card from his leather bag. "The improved refined version can only be slow. Slow down."

"Do you want money?" Arya emerged from behind Angelina, staring at the box of wizard cards in Angelina's hand, and couldn't help asking.

"I don't need this, but you need to use the copy spell to copy the cards you need. As for this, I need to continue to improve the original card." Albert handed an original wizard card to Shanna. Explain to a few people around, "However, everything can only be determined after the wizard card is completely perfected. After all, what I have learned now can only do this step."

"You cast a change curse on the card?"

Percy didn't know where it came from suddenly, looked at the wizard card in Shanna's hand, and suddenly asked.

"Yes." Albert headed.

"This is not a simple change spell, it has already exceeded the level!"

Percy was a little bit lost. He was considered a genius, and his grades in school were of top-notch level, but his own use of the spell of change was far from Albert's level.

At this moment, Percy suddenly understood why Isabel never compares himself with Albert. Maybe he was not interested, maybe he knew it would be the result from the beginning.

"I saw Percy just now, what happened to him!" Fred looked at Percy's leaving back, and leaned over here.

"Probably it was hit!" Albert said helplessly.

"Blow?" George also squeezed over. After hearing Albert's words, he couldn't help muttering, "It's really useless guys. This is a blow. Then we are in the same dormitory with Albert, Why not get hit every day?"

"Don't worry about Percy, are the cards in your hand the new wizard cards?"

"I thought you were also helping to make wizard cards together." Angelina said in surprise.

"Our level is not enough, Albert is faster than a dozen of us alone." Li Qiaodan said helplessly, not that they are unwilling to help, really can't help.

"Now, you can help. Copy a few more copies. If the members of the Wizard Card Club want to share it with them!" Albert pointed to the box of wizard cards in Angelina's hand and said.

"Are there no charges?" George asked puzzledly: "I remember you said last time that there was a charge?"

"There is no charge for the time being. The Wizard Card Club has just started and can't stand the toss. After our wizard card is more complete, it will not be too late to start selling the card. You can even buy one as a gift like other products. "Albert explained, "There will be more opportunities to make money in the future. Don't be too short-sighted. You can do it for a longer period of time, just like a Floo fan."

"What you say counts."

Since it was Albert's opinion, they naturally didn't have any opinion. They didn't think that their minds were better than Albert's anyway.

When the other party said this, it must have already made a plan.

"Oh, by the way, did you see Potter? I'm going to make him a wizard card."

"Harry, don't know, did you see him?"

"You ask me, how would I know."

"How about you?"

"I have been with you since just now." Lee Jordan said angrily.

"Forget it, let's collect it first. If you like, you can make a wizard card." Albert thought for a while and wanted to reach out and fetch a piece of parchment from the side, and write an announcement on the solicitation to make a wizard card.

Then, he took out his wand and tapped it on the parchment paper to make the parchment paper into four copies, one of which was handed to Fred, "Put it on the bulletin board!"

"Okay, go now."

"How many of the freshmen would like to join the Wizard Card Club?" Angelina asked.

If the club does not recruit new students, the number will decrease.

"I don't know, I can only say that the opportunity is rare and needs to be grasped by myself. It will be difficult to obtain such an opportunity when the reputation of the wizard card becomes stronger." Albert's voice is not loud, but it can be heard by the surrounding students Clearly, "So, take the opportunity now."

After a while, Fred and George returned, and they were also carrying a young black-haired boy.

"Look, I found Harry." Fred and George said grinningly.

"I said you did this a bit too much!" Albert looked at the Weasley twins reproachfully, then turned his gaze to Harry, and said straightforwardly, "Harry Potter, we want to give you To be a wizard card is this kind of card."

With that, Albert handed George's card to Harry.

"Wizard card, oh, that's..." Harry was puzzled and confused when he took the wizard card. He looked at the so-called wizard card in his hand, it was a very delicate card, and the man wearing a Quidditch jersey with a broom on it was George Weasley.

"You happen to be from the Gryffindor team, I don't think you want to be absent!"

"Does anyone else have it?" Harry asked in surprise.

"Of course, there will be!" Angelina nodded, "I am a chaser in the team, and Alia is also a chaser."

"Oh, UU reading www.uukā okay!" Harry thought for a while and nodded in agreement.

"If you also want to make a wizard card of your own, you can take a look at this. Ron, if you want to sign up together then." Albert noticed the envy on Ron's face and laughed. He said: "However, the speed of making wizard cards is not as fast as you think."

"Can I, too?" Ron asked excitedly.

"As long as you want. However, if you want to get other wizard cards, you need to join the wizard card club, and we will distribute new wizard cards to members for free. This is it." Albert gave Lee Jordan A look motioned him to take charge of this matter.

Lee Jordan began to greet students who would like to join the Wizard Card Club to sign up, and explain to them the rules of the Wizard Card and the party time.

"He is very suitable for this." Shanna said.

"Yes, it's appropriate."

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