The Alchemist of Harry Potter

Chapter 1349: Voldemort did not expect

Voldemort's stress response was not unexpected to Albert. In the final analysis, this was the sequelae of using the Reign of Terror.

When the impression that Voldemort is invincible is shaken, wizards who have been oppressed to the limit will stand up and resist unless they want to die cowardly.

Perhaps, no one has the courage to be the unlucky leader, but under the premise that the Defense Association and the Order of the Phoenix are fighting against the thunder in front, more and more wizards will stand up to resist after all.

This will definitely lead to unprecedented turmoil in the British magic world, but now is the Wizarding War, and this is the most turbulent era.

How long can that sliver of false peace last?

The greedy and cruel Death Eaters will only make everything worse, not to mention the dark wizards with ulterior motives at the bottom. If they want to fill their bottomless appetite, they can only plunder from other wizards.

However, wizards are not leeks.

To make matters worse, most of the wealthiest guys in the group were among the Death Eaters, with predictable results.

Since it was gradually eroded and lost its power, Albert felt that he would detonate all the hidden problems and solve them in one go through this **** war.

And what Voldemort has done is undoubtedly pushing many wizards who are trying to maintain neutrality to their own side, making them unable to continue to maintain neutrality.

In fact, this is what Albert wants to see. The method of drawing students to his side and forcing other wizards to come closer to him does not seem to work as expected. Maybe it will take longer to complete, but Albert couldn't guarantee when the final battle would come.

The embarrassing situation where you need a lot of enemies on the opposite side but few helpers on your side must be reversed.

What's more, sometimes the problem cannot be solved, but the person who caused the problem can be solved.

There are many similar cases in history.

In Albert's view, now is the era of change in the British magic world, and it was initiated by Voldemort. He defeated the mysterious man to suppress the problem again, and waited for the day when the problem broke out again. The person who created the problem was solved together.

Change requires bloodshed, and war will eventually kill people.

Anyway, as long as it wasn't him who died, Albert didn't feel bad at all.

The happy ending in the story is just a fairy tale after all.

Of course Albert expected the ending to be as beautiful as a fairy tale, but he never pinned all his illusory hopes on it.

Of course the savior can save the world, but it would be ridiculous to put all hope on the savior.

At least he is more willing to believe in himself than the savior, and in the experience and strength he has gained from panel missions over the years.

He never lacks the courage to face the test, and he is more willing to believe that he can correct the biased future.

"What were you thinking just now?"

Isobel noticed Albert's terrifying expression, and looked at the densely packed notes, not only suspecting that her husband was planning some conspiracy.

Albert looked at the newspaper next to his notes as if nothing had happened, and said softly, "I wonder how many people will stand up bravely."

"Probably... not too much."

Isobel had read Shanna's report on the rescue mission, and in her opinion, the problems encountered during the rescue operation could explain a lot of problems.

Most wizards are unwilling to be involved in this wizard war, and she is completely understandable.

Although her husband seemed to be one of the culprits who completely detonated this disaster, it seemed to her that this kind of thing would happen sooner or later, but any wizard who stayed in England could not stay out of it.

Is it counting on the savior Harry Potter to solve the problem?

Whether they believed Harry was the savior was hard to say.

"By the way, since when did you become interested in fairies?"

Looking at the goblin silverware in the room, Isobel asked.

She was indeed a little curious. Soaking unicorn horn powder with white fresh essence into a goblin silverware cup can really create a wine cup with a detoxifying effect?

"There is something hidden in the vault of Gringotts, and that thing is related to the final direction of this wizard war." Albert closed his notebook and hugged Isobel, let her sit on his lap, and continued, "Harry Potter and his little friends will try to break into Gringotts, steal and destroy that thing, but I can't pin all my hopes on them. After all, it is related to the direction of the entire war. I need Add an extra layer of protection to ensure that the mysterious person is completely dead."

"Why don't you go by yourself?" Isobel asked.

"I thought you didn't like me taking risks?"

"No, based on what I know about you, you will not hand over the opportunity to other people."

"Some things are more appropriate for Harry to do." Albert explained, "After all, he is the savior, and his luck has always been good."

"You want to say that he is the hero of the story?"

"You are really smart."

"But I think you are actually more similar." Isobel said with a strange expression, "If it weren't for the lack of lightning scars on your forehead, I doubt that you are the savior."

"I remember you said something similar." Albert said with a smile, "but I don't want to be a savior, I just need to make sure that the final outcome is what I want."

"Sounds like a boss behind the scenes."

Isobel reached out to pick up the notebook, looked at the dense foreign characters, nodded again and said, "It's really similar."

"I just learned a little from Dumbledore."

"Then what are you going to do next?" Isobel closed the notebook and asked, "As written in the notebook?"

"Well, it's time to detonate that time bomb in Hogsmeade completely. The number of dark wizards who have come to England recently is a bit too much. We can't let them unite around the mysterious man, otherwise it will be troublesome again." Ai Burt didn't deny it either, and he planned to take advantage of this wave of chaos to complete all his arrangements.

He never expected to defeat Voldemort in one fell swoop, but could gradually weaken his strength.

"The Imperius Curse?"

Isobel knew that Albert didn't like using black magic, let alone killing people, so there was only one way.

His best method.

Last time, many dark wizards lost their lives because of this.

"Yes, since it was discovered that the members of the Order of the Phoenix used the Imperius Curse to control the Death Eaters, the mysterious man has probably begun to doubt whether the Death Eaters under his command are under control. UU Read" Ai Bo Te chuckled, this was the result he wanted, although it was accomplished in a way he couldn't expect.

"Blow up from the inside?"

Isobel felt that the Death Eaters couldn't afford such a torment, and probably didn't expect this kind of thing to happen to him.

"After all, using the Imperius Curse to control and make the enemy fall into suspicion and fear has always been their usual dose." Albert sneered, "It's time for them to taste that for themselves."

Voldemort probably didn't expect that Albert had already dug all the holes for him, and if he did something by himself, the situation might become very delicate.

Albert is looking forward to that day, just like he is looking forward to the day when the mysterious man will leave with his supporters completely.

And he, Albert, Anderson, will be one of the last victors of the Wizarding War...

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