The Alchemist of Harry Potter

Chapter 1247: Big kill

After the mysterious man retreated unwillingly with his minions, the entire Azkaban prison burst into deafening cheers.

Few people present were really willing to fight the mysterious man. Even if they had made sufficient preparations in Azkaban Prison, without Dumbledore present to restrain the mysterious man, they might still suffer heavy losses.

No one wants to make a joke of their own life.

With the exception of Scrimgeour, the Minister for Magic did not show any joy at Voldemort's retreat.

"Minister, is there a question?"

Gadvin Robards, the director of the Auror office, noticed the gloomy expression on the boss's face, quickly suppressed the smile on his face, and asked in a low voice.

"Sooner or later we have to face the mysterious man." Scrimgeour looked at the joyful crowd and sighed heavily, "Maybe, today is not the best time, but when is the best time? I have I have a hunch that such a good opportunity as tonight may never be encountered again."

As he spoke, he glanced at Gadwin, "It's hard for us to prevent the mysterious man from robbing the prison. Even if he retreats tonight, he may still come back tomorrow."

"This... can't be!"

Gadwin opened his mouth slightly, speaking uncertainly.

"Our target is the mysterious man?" Scrimgeour reminded with a frown. "The most vicious Dark Lord in history is not those little characters in the black market who can't make it to the stage. Don't hold those unrealistic fantasies."

Gadwin froze, and Scrimgeour abruptly revealed this cruel fact. He suddenly felt how piercing the laughter around him was, like a group of idiots celebrating what they thought they had won, and he was just one of these idiots just now.

"Gardwin, cooperate with Pierce when you have time, and screen the prisoners in Azkaban. If the circumstances are relatively minor, you will be fined a sum of Galleons and they will be released, lest one day Azkaban is really caught by the mysterious man." It has been robbed, and those who are locked here will be forced to become minions of the mysterious man, whether they want to or not."

Gadvin Robards opened his mouth. He really wanted to tell Scrimgeour that your worries were unfounded, but thinking that the Minister of Magic had actually received private help from the master of prophecy, Albert Anderson, he decided to Realizing that the mysterious man ran to Azkaban to rob the prison, it may be inevitable in the end.

Gadwin never had any doubts about Albert's level of prophecy. As long as he had a good brain, he would realize that the Ministry of Magic's precise strikes against dark wizards were all due to the help provided by the other party.

It might be the same this time tonight, otherwise Scrimgeour would not have made such a decision.

"The mysterious man claimed that he was planning to rob the prison. It was a trap from the very beginning. He just wanted to use this to hold us back. Their goal is actually Hogwarts. You will send someone over there later to see what's going on. There should be good results. Harvest." Scrimgeour was one of the few people who knew the "truth" tonight, and the only thing that disappointed him was that the Ministry of Magic failed to use this opportunity to severely injure the mysterious man's minions.

"Hogwarts?" Gadwin asked puzzled, "What is the mysterious man planning to do to Hogwarts?"

"His goal should be to assassinate Dumbledore."

Anyway, the matter was over, and Scrimgeour didn't intend to continue to hide it, and told his right-hand man the whole matter.

"Are they crazy?" Gadwin really couldn't understand the thoughts of the Death Eaters.

"I actually think so too, but the mysterious man really intends to do that. Many Death Eaters have gone to Hogwarts. I think you will be able to meet them later."

"Wait, this matter is a trap from the beginning to the end?" Gadwin suddenly realized something, no wonder Scrimgeour's face was very ugly.

"Well, it's a trap. If we succeed, the mysterious people will suffer heavy losses. In the next few years, our life will be much easier. It's a pity that the mysterious people didn't attack Azkaban, and we missed This opportunity." Scrimgeour seemed to have sensed something, reached out his hand and took out a silver metal card from the pocket of his robe, a passage was emerging on the card, obviously someone was passing a message to Scrimgeour.

Gadwin suddenly noticed that their minister's complexion was even darker, as if a relative died just now, and there was an aura of "I want to kill someone" all over his body.

"Minister, are you okay!" He called softly.

"I'm fine, but Dumbledore is not, he's dead."

Speaking of this, Scrimgeour gritted his teeth a little bit, and several high-level officials of the Ministry of Magic around were shocked by the news and their eyes widened.

Finally, a trembling voice couldn't help asking: "Dumbledore is dead?"

"This is impossible, how could Dumbledore die!" Kingsley was trembling slightly, and he suspected that the minister was joking.

"How did Dumbledore die!"

Mad-Eye Moody's voice was cold, and his hand on crutches was shaking slightly.

"Snape betrayed and attacked Dumbledore."

With a dark face, Scrimgeour turned his head to Percy beside him and said, "Go back and inform the Ministry of Magic that they will prepare to issue a reward for Snape and prepare to hold a press conference."

"Isn't Snape one of us?" Tonks murmured, "Dumbledore swears he's on our side."

Not only Tonks, but other members of the Order of the Phoenix couldn't accept it.

"Gardwin, you stay in Azkaban with Aurors to prevent the mysterious man from suddenly coming back to rob the prison. You don't have to worry too much. There are not many people around the mysterious man. It is said that many Death Eaters participated in the assassination of Dumbledore. Folded at Hogwarts."

After Scrimgeour finished speaking, he turned his head and looked at Pierce, the Director of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement, "I hope you will cooperate with Gadwin to sort out the prisoners in Azkaban as soon as possible, so that those charged with relatively minor crimes will be charged a fee." He was released on bail after paying a fine. If Dumbledore is unfortunately killed, the mysterious man will come and rob the prison one day."

"Kingsley, Dawlish, take your Auror team and go to Hogwarts with me." Scrimgeour continued to make arrangements, "It is said that when the Death Eaters attacked Hogwarts, they released There are a large number of ghost corpses, and Hogwarts needs someone to help with the aftermath."

During this period of time, Scrimgeour had thoroughly familiarized himself with the role of his minister, and made arrangements in an orderly manner. Then he set off for Hogwarts with the Auror team and members of the Order of the Phoenix.

When everyone apparated at the gate of Hogwarts, they found the surprise gift bag Albert had left for them: a dozen or so guys who didn't seem to be good people at first sight fell to the ground staggeringly.

"It seems that many people will be buried with Dumbledore tonight." Scrimgeour turned his head and asked Kingsley, "Did you bring the Veritaserum?"

"I have." Kingsley nodded.

"Very well, I will use it for them later. Once it is confirmed that it is a dark wizard and has committed an unforgivable crime, it will be executed on the spot. There is no need to bother the Wizengamot Court." Scrimgeour said murderously: " Anyway, the mysterious people will rob prison sooner or later, instead of giving them the opportunity to continue to harm other people, it is better to let them become harmless forever, and avoid more victims because of them in the future."

It’s no wonder Scrimgeour was so angry. Albert once told him that once Dumbledore was dead, he would be the next assassination target of the mysterious man, and he basically couldn’t avoid it unless he was willing to pretend to be dead. Give up the position of Minister of Magic, but how could Scrimgeour be willing to accept such a result!


Kingsley was taken aback, but did not object to Scrimgeour's temporary decision.

In the past year, the Ministry of Magic has dealt with too many dark wizards, and now only a few dozen more have died.

"Dawlish, lead your team to help deal with the Infernal corpses in the campus, and the others will follow me into the castle to deal with those captured Death Eaters." Scrimgeour made a gesture to signal others to follow.

Along the way, they easily dealt with the corpses blocking the way, and headed directly to Hogwarts Castle.

Scrimgeour didn't give priority to asking Professor McGonagall for information about tonight's events, but first went to confirm the subdued Death Eaters. There were a dozen of them in total, many of them were Death Eaters.

"Are you really going to..."

Mad-Eye Moody looked at the minister, hesitant to speak.

"When did you become indecisive?" Scrimgeour sneered, "Could it be infected by Dumbledore? Avada Kedavra!"

A green light suddenly lit up in the room, hurting people's eyes.

"Avada Kedavra, Avada Kedavra..."

Scrimgeour, like crazy, sent Avada Kedavra to all the subdued Death Eaters...

Everyone around couldn't help shivering, and looked at Scrimgeour who slaughtered Death Eaters and dark wizards in awe.

"I never thought in my life that I would use the Killing Curse so frequently." Scrimgeour didn't care about the eyes of the people around him, looking at the corpses everywhere, he laughed at himself, "What do you think those reporters will say about me? A murderous minister?"

"Minister, are you alright!" Tonks looked at Scrimgeour anxiously.

"I'm fine, very fine. It's a pity that the mysterious man didn't send more Death Eaters, otherwise they could all be killed, and the entire Ministry of Magic can be at peace for a long time. However, it's so dead tonight. More Death Eaters, I guess it can drive the mysterious popularity to the point of madness!" Scrimgeour turned his head to look at the terrified black wizard, and asked directly, "How's the interrogation going?"

Kingsley shook his head and said, "They're all dark wizards, and many of them are infected with Muggles..."

"Then deal with it all." Scrimgeour pointed at the dark wizard with his wand, and ruthlessly used the killing curse: "Avada Kedavra!"

I don't know if it was too easy to kill, but the green light hit the black wizard, causing him to fall backwards.

"There is no need to continue the interrogation for the rest, just dispose of them all, and save some Veritaserum." Scrimgeour raised his wand again, ready to kill all the remaining dark wizards, when Kingsley suddenly grabbed his wand.

"Minister, calm down."

"Calm down, UU Reading How do you make me calm down." Scrimgeour glared fiercely at Kingsley, "With that clever mind, you should be very clear that Voldemort's next goal is to kill me, and then through controlling The next Minister of Magic will take control of the Ministry of Magic. Every Death Eater, every dark wizard will become a scourge under Voldemort's control in the future. It is the most correct way to kill them in advance now, and maybe you can save A lot of innocent people were killed."

"The kindness to the enemy is the greatest cruelty to oneself. Look at Dumbledore. If he was not so naive, how could he lose his life inexplicably. I don't believe that Albert Anderson didn't remind him that Sneak There is a problem."

Albert did not convince Scrimgeour based on the prophecy. He formulated a complete plan and cooperated with Scrimgeour to gradually weaken the power around Voldemort. In the end, they will use the power of the entire British wizarding world to completely strangle Voldemort.

Albert's plan had always been going smoothly, but Dumbledore lost his life inexplicably tonight, which caused the originally good situation to collapse directly, and also completely broke Scrimgeour's defenses.

He was supposed to defeat the Mysterious Man and become the greatest Minister of Magic in British history, but he was about to be assassinated by Voldemort and died in the line of duty. How could Scrimgeour not feel angry!

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