The Alchemist of Harry Potter

Chapter 1220: accidental exposure

"The baby is healthy and will be a beautiful girl. The due date should be in mid-June this year."

Before the hospital bed, Mrs. Dale put down her wand, handed the parchment beside the table to Albert, and reminded: "Remember to rest in bed properly, avoid strenuous activities, and prohibit night life. Also, this is a recipe, and some foods must be forbidden. "

Mrs. McDougal was also an excellent therapist, but Mrs. Dale was a specialist in gynecology.

Since the two of them received generous remuneration from their employer, they naturally hoped that Albert's child would be born smoothly. Only in this way could they be worthy of the high remuneration given by Albert.

"We'll be watching."

Albert took the parchment, glanced at the contents, stuffed it directly into the pocket of his robe, and reached out to help Isobel who was lying on the hospital bed.

"Put down the work at hand, and other things can be discussed after the child is born." Albert kissed Isobel's forehead and said with a smile, "You should concentrate on waiting for the birth."

"I think you are all too nervous." Isobel gently stroked the obviously protruding belly, "I'm not as fragile as you think."

"Of course I know that you are not that fragile, but there is no need to work too hard. Maintaining a good attitude and maintaining a healthy body are more important than anything else." Albert gently comforted Isobel's hand.

"I think Albert is right. You should give birth to the baby first, and don't think about other things." Katrina has been able to fulfill her responsibilities as a younger sister, and she will patiently accompany her Isobel listened to Mrs. McDougal talk about how to shoulder the responsibilities of a mother after having a child.

"Okay, I should go."

Outside, after chatting with Mrs. McDougall for a few words, Mrs. Dale left and went home. She planned to go back and change her clothes before going to work at St. Mungo's Hospital for Magical Injuries and Sickness.

This morning, Mrs. Dale asked for leave to do a physical examination for Isobel. She and Mrs. Mary took turns doing this job, so as to avoid the two of them asking for leave at the same time and arousing suspicion from others.

As soon as she Apparated back to the door of the house, Mrs. Dale's expression was a little stunned, because she found her door was open.

Someone broke into her house by rudely picking the door lock.

"A thief has entered the house!"

When this idea flashed through Mrs. Dale's head, she discovered that there were more than one thief who broke into her house.

The idea of ​​rushing in to subdue the thief was suppressed by her, and Mrs. Dale dodged and hid in a hidden corner outside the yard, preparing to see if she could escape.

A group of vicious guys came out of her house, they were a group of dark wizards.

This scene startled Mrs. Dale. When she instinctively took a step back and planned to Apparate and escape, she suddenly felt a magic wand being held against her back.

"We were just looking for you, and you actually delivered it to your door."

It was a hoarse and unpleasant voice, and when Mrs. Dale turned her head, she passed out on the ground.

"Who is where, come out."

The black wizards rushed over when they heard the movement.

"It seems that our luck is not bad."

Bella looked at the middle-aged witch who passed out on the ground, with a cruel smile on her hideous face.

A group of people took Mrs. Dale who had passed out, and immediately Apparated and left.

A gathering place for Death Eaters.

Suddenly there was a hasty knock on the door.

"Oh, Bella, you've got someone."

Yaxley looked at Bellatrix returning with a witch in some surprise. He took out two photos and compared them with the appearance of the witch.

It was Yaxley's order to let the Death Eaters lead someone to capture the obstetric therapist from St. Mungo's Hospital for Magical Injuries and Injuries.

The Death Eaters still hadn't found the Mudblood's hiding place, but Yaxley had an idea.

The guy is married.

Will he have a child then, and if his wife is pregnant, there must be contact with the obstetric therapist at St. Mungo's Hospital for Magical Injuries and Wounds.

As long as the two obstetrical therapists from St. Mungo's Magical Injury Hospital are brought over, they will naturally be able to figure out the matter. If they can be sure that the two parties have been in contact, they can start from this matter.

"Tell me, have you seen that Mudblood named Albert Anderson?" Bella pulled out her wand after waking Mrs. Dale up with her hand, and tortured her with the Cruciatus Curse.

"That's enough of Bella, let her speak first." Yaxley couldn't help frowning, displeased with Bella's way of interrogation. The other party has not had time to speak, what if Bella drives him crazy.

"What... what?"

Mrs. Dale's eyes widened in shock, and her whole body was trembling slightly. She never thought that Death Eaters would find her

Yaxley picked up the medicine bottle on the table, dropped a few drops of Veritaserum into the cup, and asked someone to pour it down.

"Tell me, where is Albert Anderson hiding?"

"I don't know," said Mrs. Dale dully.

"She's lying, I'm sure this guy must know where that Mudblood is hiding." Bella roared angrily, and directly gave the other party a Cruciatus Curse, which made Mrs. Dale scream out in pain.

"Calm down Bella, maybe that mudblood's wife isn't pregnant, or maybe he hasn't been to St. Mungo's Hospital for Magical Injuries and Injuries at all." Yaxley impatiently stopped Bella from using violence, at least after he finished asking. Before, he would never allow Bella to drive this woman crazy.

"Have you seen Albert Anderson?" Yaxley asked again.

Mrs. Dale's body couldn't stop trembling, her lips trembled slightly, "..."

"what happened?"

Bella frowned, and cast a searching look at Yaxley sideways.

"She seems to have been silenced." Alecto looked at Mrs. Dale and said, "It is probably some kind of contract magic that prevents her from revealing certain secrets to others, much like Albert Anderson's handwriting."

"It seems that my guess is right." Yaxley's mood became more cheerful, "The mudblood's wife is pregnant, so she went to find this guy in front of her, and used some method to keep him a secret."

"I have a way to make her speak." Bella eagerly tried.

"I suggest you don't do that." Alecto reminded, "If you force her, 80% of them will kill her directly, and we may not find any other clues by then."

"Give her to the Dark Lord."

Yaxley hesitated for a moment, and finally decided to tell the Dark Lord about this matter. I am afraid that only the Dark Lord can release the contract on the other party and obtain the necessary memories from this woman's brain.

"Oh, you found the news about the Mudblood again?" Voldemort glanced indifferently at the unconscious woman next to him, and then at Yaxley.

"Yes, master." Yaxley said respectfully, "We have been unable to find the hiding place of that mudblood, and then I thought of something, that mudblood got married last said Maybe there will be a child, so I thought of arresting an obstetric therapist in St. Mungo's Magic Hospital for torture. This woman obviously knew something, but there seemed to be some kind of contract magic on her body, which prevented us from using Veritaserum. useful news from her."

Voldemort understood Yaxley's meaning, stood up from his seat, walked in front of Mrs. Dale, raised his wand and prepared to do it himself.


Voldemort saw everything with ease, without any hindrance, including what happened not so long ago.

After successfully spying on Mrs. Dyer's memory, Voldemort was not happy, because the **** Mudblood was hiding in a house protected by the Fidelity Curse.

Although the place where they were hiding did surprise him, even he had no way of breaking through the protection of the Fidelity Charm and killing the Mudblood hiding in the Muggle apartment.

Moreover, the Secret Keeper is probably Dumbledore.

"Bring the other healer too," Voldemort ordered to Yaxley. "It must be done quietly, so that no one else will notice."

"Yes, master."

said Yaxley respectfully.

"Also, send this guy back, don't let other people notice that something is wrong." Voldemort's scarlet eyes flashed dangerously.

Just now, he temporarily erased part of this woman's memory, and cast an Imperius Curse on her, easily controlling her.

He really couldn't break in, but this woman could.

Even if he couldn't kill that Mudblood, he had to make him pay the price.

That's right, Voldemort was going to teach that damned Mudblood an unforgettable lesson, let that Mudblood understand how stupid it is to provoke Voldemort.

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