The Alchemist of Harry Potter

Chapter 1101: revenge

At this moment, Umbridge was in a very bad mood. Just now, she learned the heavy news that Voldemort had been resurrected from the front page news of the Daily Prophet.

As a high-ranking official at the Ministry of Magic and a fine politician, Umbridge knows exactly what this means. All her previous efforts have turned into jokes, and even worse, the prophecy has come true. Her boss Kang Nellie Fudge is at risk of being ousted from power by the masses, perhaps not far away.

If Fudge is really ousted by the masses in the summer, what about her prediction?

Umbridge did not believe Trelawney's prophecy on the surface, but in his heart he had already believed it.

Therefore, she never ventured into the Forbidden Forest, for fear of what would happen to her.

As long as you don't enter the Forbidden Forest, the prophecies related to the Forbidden Forest will not come true, but will you really be imprisoned in Azkaban?

The probability of this incident should not be high, but... Umbridge is really scared.

Although the Dementors rebelled and left Azkaban, absolutely no one wanted to spend the rest of their lives in that **** wizard prison.

The more you worry about something, the more you don't want it to happen, the more likely it will happen.

At noon on the day he learned of Voldemort's resurrection from the newspapers, Umbridge received a letter from the Ministry of Magic's owl, she was suspended from duty and the Ministry of Magic asked her to leave Hogwarts as soon as possible.

What a nightmare!

Umbridge shuddered as he remembered the eyes the Hogwarts students were looking at him.

How much did she do that students hated during her tenure at Hogwarts?

Umbridge couldn't remember, but she knew very well that all but a few Slytherins at Hogwarts hated her.

If Umbridge was still the headmaster or senior investigator, the students would naturally be afraid to do anything to her, but she's not anymore, and Umbridge can't imagine what would have happened once they knew she had been suspended. .


After figuring out his situation, Umbridge realized that he must not leave Hogwarts under the eyes of the students, or he really did not know what terrible things would happen.

Simply packing, Umbridge attempted to go directly to the office at the Ministry of Magic via the Floo network. However, she soon discovered that the floo powder she had kept in the clay pot was gone.

Someone tried to stop her from leaving via the Floo network?

No, it can't be!

Umbridge originally wanted to find other professors, no, it should be said to Filch to get some Floo powder, but the manager seems to have no habit of using Floo powder.

As for finding other professors?

Umbridge has already offended all the professors in the school during her tenure, especially after Professor McGonagall was admitted to St. Willing to facilitate.

Umbridge had to accept the harsh truth that he had to leave the gates of Hogwarts.

Must leave quietly!

The students of Hogwarts must not be noticed.

For this reason, Umbridge decided to leave in the evening after thinking it over and over, and then leave quietly when everyone is eating in the auditorium.

Unbeknownst to Umbridge, Lee Jordan is now spreading the news of her suspension for investigation.

The fact that she will leave the school during dinner has long been known to the students.

During the evening meal, Umbridge, with the help of Filch, dragged his luggage to the corridor on the first floor of the castle, and the journey went smoothly without encountering other students.

When Umbridge breathed a sigh of relief, she saw that Sybill Trelawney, the divination professor she had previously dismissed, had returned to Hogwarts.

For some reason, Umbridge had a bad feeling in his heart, and that feeling soon came true.

"I wanted to visit you at the school hospital, but Madam Pomfrey said you were discharged." Trelawney gave Umbridge the look of why you weren't waiting for me at the school hospital.


Umbridge looked at Trelawney who was blocking the way, her face was terrifyingly gloomy. She knew very well that the other party was definitely coming to mock her on purpose. She could not wait to pull out her wand and give the guy in front of him the Cruciatus Curse.

"You don't look good." Trelawney narrowed her eyes, looked up and down Umbridge's darkened cheeks, and said suddenly, "You've been in big trouble lately."

Umbridge didn't speak, but walked away from Trelawney with a blank face, pretending not to see him.

Trelawney was neither angry nor obstructed, she just followed behind Umbridge and continued: "In the beginning, you should have believed my prophecy, the professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts at Hogwarts is really not a good career, You're lucky you didn't lose your life because of this. By the way, don't go into the forest, or your life will be in danger."

Umbridge continued to pretend that he didn't see or hear, and could not help but speed up and walked towards the hall, but he didn't expect the hall to be more lively. Most of the teachers and students of Hogwarts are gathered here, and they all wear toad badges on their chests, toad top hats on their heads, and toad firecrackers for celebration in their hands.

"Professor Toad! Professor Toad..."

When Umbridge appeared in the corridor, everyone spontaneously applauded, and the cheers were even more continuous.

Umbridge looked at the "passionate" students and wanted to turn around and leave.

"Where are you going?" Trelawney smiled and blocked Umbridge's retreat, and reminded kindly: "Everyone specially prepared a farewell ceremony for you."

Umbridge glared at Trelawney and dragged her luggage through the eager students.

The next moment, the students on both sides pulled the toad and firecracker in the direction of Umbridge. With a blast like a cannon bomb, a dark green smoke and toad-shaped confetti flew from the toad and firecracker. Come out and completely cover Umbridge.

The explosion engulfed Umbridge's scream, and the applause in the corridor continued. Even the professors stood in the crowd and clapped along with everyone to bid Umbridge farewell.

After the sound of the toad and firecrackers disappeared, a large number of small firework sticks began to fly randomly in the corridor, constantly automatically writing farewell to Umbridge in the air.

Those words were indeed appropriate to say goodbye to Umbridge, at least everyone thought so, and even the professors didn't think anything was wrong. Professor McGonagall even lit a fireworks stick that Lee Jordan had handed over to him. Express your mood at the moment.

After the dark green smoke gradually dissipated, Umbridge also disappeared, replaced by a dark green toad.

No one knows exactly what happened, but Umbridge was indeed dyed a dark green and looked like a human toad. What surprised everyone the most was that Umbridge no longer walked normally, but squatted down like a toad and started jumping out.

"Professor Toad! Professor Toad! Professor Toad!"

The cheers from the crowd grew louder, and many people clapped their hands vigorously, tearing their throats and shouting loudly.

Lee Jordan is even more excited to raise the camera, looking around for a shooting angle.

At some point, Peeves appeared above Umbridge's head, holding a large bag in his hand, and constantly sprinkled small toad-shaped pieces of paper and chalk dust on Umbridge's head.

"Oh my god!"

Hagrid and Albert were standing in the hallway, staring dumbfounded at Umbridge, who was jumping out to the applause of the crowd.

The old witch who was once feared by countless students has now completely become the laughing stock of Hogwarts students after dinner, and will be handed down in Hogwarts together with the toad statue, becoming a wonderful legend.

"Someone used the Imperius Curse on Umbridge?" Hermione asked, frowning.

"It's a Confusion Charm," Albert explained, "Advanced...I mean a particularly powerful Confusion Charm, which can temporarily confuse other people's minds and make Umbridge think he's a toad?"

"You did it?"

Hermione turned her head to look at Albert. Except for Albert, she really couldn't think of anyone who could do this quietly.

"Great, this is definitely the funniest farewell ceremony." Harry glanced at the toad statue in the foyer, then Umbridge, who was hopping away, and said with a smile, "Our toad professor Destined to become a Hogwarts legend."

"More than a legend, Umbridge will forever be a part of Hogwarts history," said Lee Jordan confidently. "The representative of the worst professor of all time, forever nailed to the pillar of shame."

"There are even bigger surprises outside." Albert said suddenly.

"What surprise?" Ron asked curiously.

"Fred and George prepared a surprise for Umbridge." Albert did not intend to reveal it for the time being, nor did he intend to let Umbridge go.

Now that he has done it, he will not give Umbridge any chance, and he will arrange the next steps.

Ready to send Umbridge away.

When Umbridge jumped out of the castle, everyone poured out of the castle, and only Filch called out to Umbridge stupidly: "Professor, your luggage."

"Hagrid, bring your luggage and follow." Albert reminded him as he nudged Hagrid, who was still in a daze.

"Oh, that's really interesting, but won't that cause trouble for Professor Dumbledore?" Hagrid walked towards Filch, picking up his luggage and following Umbridge, while Peeves was still throwing things, and the song of the toad was constantly humming in his mouth.

The anti-Toad League students also happily sang this happy tune, and walked towards the school gate behind Umbridge, who was bouncing around. This was to see Umbridge away from Hogwarts. Even the professors at Hogwarts followed.

In fact, only Dumbledore was not here in the whole school, and the rest came to see Umbridge for a ride, because everyone heard that after Umbridge left this time, he would probably enter Azkaban, and in the future No chance.

As for Headmaster Dumbledore, he was not suitable to come forward or participate, so he could only stand on the castle and watch Umbridge leave.

"Reincarnation Paradise"

Outside the iron gates of Hogwarts, the reporters who came to interview Harry Potter after receiving the news in advance also stared at Umbridge in a stunned manner.

Immediately afterwards, they saw Peeves lit the special fireworks prepared in advance when Umbridge jumped to the school gate.

With a deafening roar, a toad's mark floated over the Hogwarts castle.

All the Hogwarts students ran to Umbridge Land, lined up on both sides of the gate of Hogwarts, accompanied by Peeves waving a cane, and sang the incomparably cheerful Toad Song. , Even the professors of the school were humming a song softly, cheering Umbridge's departure in unison.

After the song officially ended, Hagrid opened the school gate, and after Umbridge jumped out, he left his luggage outside the school gate. The school door was closed again in the voice of the students, "Goodbye, Professor Toad."

After leaving the school, Umbridge finally returned to normal, slumped on the ground, just as he was about to turn his head and glared at the students who were waving his hands, he suddenly felt that the realization around him was dark, and countless white lights and lights lit up around him. White smoke.

Umbridge looked up sharply and saw a large group of reporters clapping around her.


She felt that her chest didn't come up, and she fainted in front of all the reporters, leaving the reporters looking at each other and the Hogwarts students laughing inside the castle's iron gate.

The reporters looked at Umbridge, who had passed out, and at the large group of Hogwarts teachers and students outside the Iron Gate, and muttered in a low voice, "What on earth did this woman do at Hogwarts, so attractive? hatred!"

This question finally fell to Harry, the sedative Mr. Savior said slowly, "Except for Mr. Principal, all the teachers and students of the school are here, what do you think?"

"So, are those rumors true?"

"Rumour, no, that's not a rumor, Umbridge's students at Hogwarts prepared 123 educational orders, so she was severely whipped 123 times by Anderson." Harry raised his palm and put the back of his hand on the reporter In front of them, "She is a pervert in her heart and likes to use a punishment quill to punish students. The traces on the back of my hand are evidence that most of the students at Hogwarts have been punished."

"Mr. Potter, do the badges on your chests and the hats on your heads have any meaning?" a reporter asked.

"It's a symbol of the Anti-Toad Alliance, so..." Harry made a gesture to please, "You know, almost the vast majority of students are members of this alliance, which is actually a last resort, in order to hide Voldemort from Fudge Resurrection, with the help of Umbridge to brutally suppress the students of Hogwarts, he even allowed people to be hanged with chains, or put in dungeons, or punished with whips, she even recruited He took some Slytherin students, gave them privileges, and suppressed other Hogwarts students. Well, several descendants of Death Eaters are among them. By the way, Umbridge also likes to use Veritaserum and Cruciatus for interrogation. student."

"He really did that."

"Yes, there are students on at least two floors of the whole school who have drank Veritaserum drinks, and she even used the Cruciatus on Harry to try to find Dumbledore's whereabouts." Ron waved his fist angrily.

"That's just a horrible old witch." Hermione echoed, "It's a nightmare for all the students."

"She doesn't even know Defence Against the Dark Arts, she doesn't know anything. Every time she goes to class, she just reads over there with a book. We didn't learn anything in class."

"There's nothing you can do, because she represents the Ministry of Magic, and we're just students, and we can't rebel against the Ministry."

"That's why there is today's scene."

"She really used the Cruciatus?" The reporters were all stunned, and suddenly understood why Umbridge was so miserable.

"Yes, many people have seen it."

"She also let the Dementors attack me and planned to get Fudge to fire me, she admitted that," Harry continued. "In fact, he almost got it."

"What do you think of Fudge?" Rita Skeeter asked with a smile.

"He was good friends with a lot of Death Eaters, Malfoy, Goyle, Crabbe..." Harry burst out a bunch of Death Eaters' names, "In fact, when Fudge attacked Dumbledore, Voldemort took the opportunity to win over him. He saved the giants and werewolves, rescued Azkaban's minions, many dark wizards, and even dementors came close to him, and he did a disservice and made everyone miss the best opportunity."

"Sometimes, judging from Fudge's behavior, I wonder if he is greedy for life and fear of death, fearing Voldemort's revenge to hold back Dumbledore, or whether he is actually controlled by the Imperius Curse, or whether he is Voldemort's minions. "

"It's not that I want to question the Minister of Magic, but earlier, when Albert captured Barty Crouch Jr., Fudge silenced the Dementor immediately to prevent the news of Voldemort's resurrection from leaking. "

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