The Alchemist of Harry Potter

Chapter 1099: send her a ride

The man who can't even mention his name is back!

When he saw the bad news from the Daily Prophet, Albert was not surprised at all, but rather relieved.

Voldemort could no longer hide.

Things were going according to Albert's expectations, although there was a little accident during the period, causing the Death Eaters who should have been thrown into Azkaban prison to slip away from the Aurors. .

Honestly, this isn't really a bad thing, it's a good thing.

Not only did he hit Fudge, but he also taught Scrimgeour a lesson. I believe that the next time he catches Death Eaters, he will understand that dead Death Eaters are the best Death Eaters.

If the Death Eaters caught at a great price slipped away from under their noses, presumably the Aurors would start to consider whether to kill people directly, so as not to continue to harm others.

Putting down the newspaper, Albert began to eat, preparing to read after he was done, lest the food on the table get cold.

"When are you going to go back to Hogwarts?" Isobel asked after drinking the milk in the glass, taking out a handkerchief and wiping the milk residue on his lips.

"Today." Albert swallowed the last bit of food on the plate and said softly, "I have an appointment with Dumbledore."

"Prepare to stay until the school graduates normally?" Isobel actually guessed Albert's choice, but asked anyway.

"At least after the .s exam is over." Albert nodded and said, "It's not a few days anyway, it's a pity to miss the normal graduation."

"After you graduate, are you going to start preparing for the wedding?" Isobel asked again, she can now mention this matter without blushing or heartbeat.

"Well, that's right." Albert said with a smile, "so eager to marry me?"

"I'm just a little worried." Isobel glanced up at Albert and complained, "Yesterday you were full of hatred, and now that group of Death Eaters have escaped again, I'm worried that they will make trouble."


"However, I have already prepared for this wedding." Albert comforted softly, "I also invited Dumbledore to the wedding. As long as the mysterious man and the Death Eaters have normal brains, they will not do stupid things. "

Dumbledore was indeed reassuring.

Although Isobel also knew that Albert also had extraordinary strength and was well prepared for the turbulent times to come, he was still worried.

If possible, Isobel would prefer Albert to take her out of the UK, away from all this.

"Don't worry, we still have a savior." Albert said: "He is an expert on dealing with mysterious people, and you are actually concerned now."

"Even if it's the savior, he wouldn't think about inheriting the mysterious man's legacy." Isobel glared at Albert, and it wasn't without reason that she would be so worried.

"I made you worry." Albert resolutely apologized and admitted his mistake.

"Are you going to publish the Self-Defense Guide now?"

Isobel is not holding on to this matter, but talking about other things.

"In two days, I will let people print on a large scale. Do you want to add your name." Albert asked: "You also helped a lot in compiling the "Guide to Self-Defense."

"Forget it!" Isobel shook his head and refused, "It's useless to fill it in, you are the duel champion, and your name only works."

"It's useful, it shows that we have a good relationship and a good relationship." Albert blinked and said, "I think there will be a lot of people who envy us."

"Envy? Don't, I hate it, don't forget, you are on the blacklist of mysterious people, and I don't want others to be affected by it." Isobel didn't care about these false names, she knew very well that in Aberdeen Under the special aura, other people are destined to be obscured, but she never cares about these things, just like Albert never cares about his own reputation.

"You could actually publish a book on beauty and I'm sure it would be popular with girls."

"Most girls are not as happy as I am, and they are also not as rich as you think." Isobel shook his head.

"It shouldn't be, Fred and George's joke props are selling well, and the girls' money is better than the boys' money." Albert doubted this.

Because according to his perception, girls' money is the best to earn.

"Most of the wizards are not as rich as you think, and the salary of ordinary wizards is only the same. Take Katrina and I as an example, we don't have much pocket money in our hands, and other girls are actually not much better. After all, you don't need money at Hogwarts."

"Wait until peace is restored in the magic world, and then we will conduct an actual investigation." Albert didn't think there was any problem. After all, he did not live in the magic world since he was a child, and his understanding of this place is far less than that of other wizards.

"When the time comes, I will definitely write a book introducing the magic world. I remember collecting this part of the information." Albert and Isobel rested on the sofa, laying beside them the newly fed Tom, the fat cat, waving his tail vigorously, looked very comfortable.

"I think those wizards from Muggle families will definitely be willing to buy a copy so that they can understand the situation in the magical world more quickly, and we will sign together at that time."

"You have a bunch of books you want to write, how long are you going to spend on them?" Isobel picked up Tom and fiddled with its tail.

"When you can finish it, you can finish it when you want. Anyway, you don't need to rush the manuscript. If you can't, just pull a few to help."

For Albert now, writing books is more of a hobby than a career.

The two were on the sofa, chatting casually. They didn't really care what they said. The music on the radio suddenly stopped, replaced by the latest news about Voldemort and the Ministry of Magic. countermeasures taken.

"Okay, I think I have to go." Albert turned off the radio. "Otherwise, I might miss a good show."

"What good show?" Isobel asked curiously.

"Dolores Umbridge should be leaving Hogwarts, I have to take her on a ride." Albert took out his pocket watch and glanced at the time.

Umbridge had done so much for Hogwarts, how could she be allowed to leave Hogwarts quietly?

"I remember that you hated her." Isobel asked with a frown.

"Yes, I hate it, but I don't hate seeing her unlucky, that can always provide me with happiness all day." Albert shrugged.

"You are really..."

"It's a good guy, I think so, even though I don't really like the word good guy."

Isobel's expression of defeat to you, Albert is mature, but sometimes naive.

Albert went to pick up Sybill Trelawney first, the fortune-telling professor who seemed to be doing just fine, and expressed interest in getting down to earth after hearing that Umbridge was going to get out of school soon, and She also hopes to return to Hogwarts to continue serving.

It's just that Firenze's occupation of the divination class made her very uncomfortable.

"Firenze won't stay at Hogwarts for too long, and he will return to his clan within a few years at most." Albert comforted.

"This is the result of your prophecy?" Trelawney asked suspiciously.

"You can think so. UU reading"

"That's really good news."

Trelawney envied Albert's divination ability. If her prophetic ability could be as stable as Albert's, she would never have encountered what happened before.

"The talent you inherited is actually very strong, but your ability is not stable. Maybe you should develop your ability well."

"How?" Trelawney was very interested.

"You can try to use Fuling, this thing can enhance the wizard's ability, maybe it can enhance your prophetic ability."

"Felicity, I can't get that thing." Of course Trelawney had heard of Lucky Potion, but it was too difficult for her to get the Flux.

"I still have some here, you can try it later." Albert reached out and knocked on the door of the principal's office.

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