The Alchemist of Harry Potter

Chapter 1066: completely annihilated

"Where is Dumbledore going?"

Umbridge asked straight to the point after seeing Harry Potter drink the Veritaserum.

"I don't know." Harry shook his head.

"Who knows where Dumbledore went." Umbridge frowned and continued to ask.

"Albert Anderson knows where Dumbledore is," Harry replied simply.

"Are they a gang?" Umbridge was very excited, feeling that he had caught a big fish.

"No," Harry continued. "Dumbledore had invited Albert Anderson to join the Order of the Phoenix, but he was turned down."

"Who are the members of the Order of the Phoenix?" Umbridge asked.

"Sirius Black."

"Other Order of the Phoenix members?"

"I don't know." Harry shook his head.

"Who told you the news."

"Sirius Black told me."

"Where's Sirius Black?" Umbridge felt that the situation was a little bad.


Everyone was surprised to find that when Harry Potter opened his mouth to speak, the specific location was erased by something.

"What's the situation?" Umbridge asked.

"Probably some sort of secrecy magic," Gudwin Robards speculated, "such as the Faithful Charm."

"Is Sirius Black's residence protected by the Fierce Faithful Charm?" Umbridge asked tentatively.


"Who is the secrecy?"


"Then why do you say that Albert Anderson knows where Dumbledore is?"

Umbridge found that he couldn't get useful information from Harry Potter. No wonder Harry Potter didn't have any qualms and just drank the Veritaserum.

It turned out that he really didn't know anything, or only knew something that didn't matter.

"Sirius said that Albert Anderson was a powerful fortune-teller. He once paid a lot of money to ask Anderson to help him fortune Peter Pettigrew's position, and found Pettigrew Peter to successfully complete his revenge."

The Aurors widened their eyes and exchanged glances quickly. They had renewed hope in finding the group of escaped Death Eaters.

It wasn't that the Aurors didn't want to catch the Death Eaters, it was that they didn't even know where they were hiding.

Unbeknownst to them, however, Harry was sneering inwardly.

What would happen to a group of guys who like to bully the soft and fear the tough, when they meet someone who is more unreasonable than them?

Really looking forward to it.

"What secret plan, or something important, does Dumbledore have?" Umbridge continued to ask.

"Sirius said that Dumbledore formed the Order of the Phoenix to fight Voldemort." Harry didn't pay attention to the gasping voices of the surrounding Aurors, and continued: "Sirius said that the Order of the Phoenix was trying to prevent Voldemort from obtaining something from the Ministry of Magic, It is said to be a very formidable weapon."

"What weapon?"

"do not know."

"Anything else? Where's Dumbledore's Army?" Umbridge asked impatiently.

"There was never Dumbledore's Army," Harry said blankly.

"It's impossible, what happened to DA?" Umbridge asked angrily.

"DA is short for Defensive Alliance," Harry explained.

"The illegal organization you formed?" Umbridge still did not forget to charge Harry.

"No, it was a party organized by Albert Anderson." Harry said honestly.

"Albert Anderson formed that group to fight me."

"No, the Defense Alliance is a learning organization whose purpose is to help everyone get a good score in the Defense Against the Dark Arts exam."

Umbridge's face became more and more ugly, because she found that the plot was completely different from what she expected.

"Then what happened to your party?"

"Everyone thinks that the courses taught by Defence Against the Dark Arts professors are too poor to help you master Defence Against the Dark Arts, and even fail to pass the Defence Against the Dark Arts exam, so everyone hopes Anderson can continue the meeting of the Defense Association, but he was given by Albert. Refused. Later, with the joint efforts of Cedric and others, we plan to reorganize the Defense Association and later change its name to the 'Defence Against the Dark Arts Study Group'."

Umbridge's hypocritical smile disappeared completely. He glanced at the stiff-faced Aurors secretly, glared at Harry and changed the subject: "Where's Hagrid? What secret is Hagrid hiding?"

"Hagrid went to contact the giants at Dumbledore's request, hoping that the giants would remain neutral in the next war and not interfere in the war between wizards, but Hagrid met Walton McNeil in the giant's camp. The Death Eaters headed by him were attacked by Death Eaters and giants, and fled back to England in embarrassment after being wounded."

The Aurors looked at each other and frowned, obviously not expecting that Walton McNeil was a Death Eater.

However, in the list of Death Eaters provided by Potter, Walton McNeil's name was indeed in it.

Umbridge's face became more and more ugly, and he asked gloomily, "What secret is Hagrid hiding in the Forbidden Forest?"

"It should be helping Dumbledore take care of the secret base."

"Secret base?" Umbridge's eyes lit up and he hurriedly asked.

"Sirius said that Dumbledore had a secret base in the Forbidden City, where there was a secret weapon that could weaken Voldemort's power," said Harry.

"Where is the secret base?" Umbridge asked.

"I don't know, it is said that somewhere in the Forbidden Forest, a very dangerous place, only Hagrid has the ability to pass through the Forbidden Forest to reach, and the others can only Apparate."

"If there really is such a place, it shouldn't be too far hidden, otherwise Hagrid won't have enough time to come and go." Gadwin Robards interrupted and analyzed, "I think Hagrid didn't skip class, right?"


Umbridge was pondering what Harry's so-called secret weapon was when he heard a giggling in the room.

A disgusting stench hits his face.

A bucket full of unknown objects was held upside down on an Auror's head, and some filth dripped from under the bucket, causing a terrible stench throughout the office.

"Giggle! I heard that you want to drive me away!"

An evil dwarf sat cross-legged in mid-air, looking at everyone in the room, giggling slyly, holding a cane in his hand, and knocking on the head of the Auror whose head was covered by a bucket.

"Peeves, come on!" Umbridge screamed.

The Aurors responded quickly, trying to expel Peeves.

However, Harry's heart was already wailing, why didn't Peeves wait for him to leave before reappearing!

However, Harry still resisted the stench and continued to play. Although Umbridge's group might not notice him, he couldn't give up all his efforts now, otherwise it would only be more troublesome in the future.

One after another, dung bombs were thrown at Umbridge. As for the expulsion spells from the Aurors, Peeves didn't care at all, and there were actually very few spells that could actually take effect on it.

Peeves grimaced at the crowd, then got a bucket of filth from nowhere and poured it directly on the Aurors, laughing triumphantly.

The space in the Defense Against the Dark Arts office is not too small, but it is not very large. Peeves' riotous operation undoubtedly made everyone in the office disgusting.

At this moment, the door of the Defense Against the Dark Arts office was suddenly slammed open, and several Aurors with their heads covered with cannon head spells directly broke into the office and threw various spells at Peeves.

"a bunch of idiots!"

Peeves grimaced at them again and clucked away.

The next moment, the door of the Defense Against the Dark Arts office suddenly closed.

"Quickly open the door, the Araho Cave is open!"

Umbridge felt that she was about to be suffocated by the stench in the room, and she slammed to the door to try to leave the filthy place.

However, the door of the room seems to be blocked by something, even if the Araho hole is opened, it will be useless!

Before the Aurors used their spells to blast open the wooden door, Peeves reappeared in the Defence Against the Dark Arts office. This time, the smile on his face was more evil, and he was holding two odd flower pots in his hands. Peeves smashed one of the flower pots at Umbridge, but was blown up by the Smashing Charm. Fragments.

"No, it's Mandela Grassroots, stop him!" Gadwin Robards roared in horror as he looked at the plant debris on the ground, he finally knew what Peeves was going to do.

"That's too late!"

Peeves smashed the flower pot on the ground with all his might, looking at the flower pot that fell to the ground in horror, he covered his belly and laughed so hard that his tears were about to fall.

"Giggle, it's so funny, it's so funny!"

The flower pot fell to the ground and was not broken. However, the other wizards all covered their ears, as if something terrible had happened just now.


The Aurors almost got their noses crooked, they knew they were being played by Peeves as an idiot.

Before they could draw out their wands and continue to use spells to expel Peeves, they saw that the other party took out a strange metal ball and threw it on the ground.

The metal ball fell to the ground and cracked quickly, and there was a terrifying cry inside.

The expressions on the faces of Umbridge and the Aurors froze completely, and they all reached out to cover their ears, but it was too late.

A large area of ​​the Defense Against the Dark Arts office suddenly fainted, and even Harry was no exception. For Harry, though, it might be a lucky thing to just faint, at least not to worry about smelling again.

"Giggle! You actually want to drive away Peeves, go eat shit!" Peeves put his hands on his hips and laughed extraordinarily wild.

"Who did you learn this from?"

Fred, George, and Lee Jordan walked into this horrible room with earmuffs and a blister spell, looked at the smug Peeves, and exchanged glances.

Especially the twins, their mood is very complicated. They originally thought they were going to leave Hogwarts, but Peeves unexpectedly took Umbridge and ten Aurors alone in one breath.

"Immature Mandela grassroots, I dare say this is definitely the idea given by Albert." George grabbed the Mandela grassroots from the ground and gestured to the people around him.

"Maybe Albert himself cultivated it. I remember he seemed to say that Mandela root is a very useful medicinal herb." Fred waved his wand, made a flower pot out of thin air, and replanted the mandela root.

Lee Jordan was in charge of removing the unconscious Harry from the room.

"I changed the wand and taught them a lesson." George patted Fred on the shoulder and pointed to the wand as a reminder.

"I feel like this is a loss-making deal." Fred muttered, but he didn't refuse in the end. After confiscating the original wand, he put several fake wands of the same style.

"Turning Umbridge into a toad."

George took out a bottle of compound potion from his pocket and poured it into Umbridge's mouth. After seeing the toad's body changes, the three nodded in satisfaction.

"I'm going to send the photo to the Daily Prophet and other Jordan pulls out his camera and takes a picture of Umbridge," you say, will this cause the Ministry of Magic and Hogg The chaos of Watts. "

"Who knows, chaos will be chaos, we don't care anyway." The Weasley twins didn't care, they wished the school was more chaotic, that would be interesting.

As Albert told them at the beginning, this year's Hogwarts will be very interesting.

Really interesting.

Just as the three of them were about to retreat, they saw Peeves reappear, holding a closed bucket in his hand. After opening it, he scooped it out with a large wooden spoon, and spoonfuls of filthy liquid kept pouring onto several people. splash.

"It was all prepared by Albert?" Fred asked in surprise.

"Who knows, but I'm sure they're going to be notorious!" Lee Jordan adjusted his camera to take pictures of Peeves, his face full of schadenfreude.

"I have a good idea, why don't we turn this place into a swamp?"

Saying that, the three of them smiled maliciously and poured the Portability Swamp into Umbridge's office, turning the Defense Against the Dark Arts office into a swamp.

"By the way, and this one, you can't forget it."

After doing all this, the three cleared their tracks and took Harry away from this filthy place, leaving behind a Umbridge who was slowly spinning in circles and singing I'm a Toad.


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