The Alchemist of Harry Potter

Chapter 1060: Accomplice

"Wait, you can't do this, I'm the Minister of Magic, and attacking the Minister of Magic will get you expelled from school."

Seeing the Aurors guarding the front, Fudge couldn't help but heave a sigh of relief. He didn't expect so many students to block him outside, and he didn't expect that these students were so dissatisfied with him.

No, it can't be!

They were absolutely bewitched by Dumbledore.

Although he didn't know who was shouting and beating him just now, Fudge had decided to let Umbridge find the guy, and even if he didn't fire him, he would have to suffer a little.

"Think about what happened to us last year, think about the hundred educational orders hanging on the notice wall." Fred, George and Lee Jordan were not frightened, completely unafraid of Fudge's threat, shouting in the crowd Said, "Don't be afraid, Cornelius Fudge will be stepping down soon, bring them down, give them a little color and see, we won't have any trouble."

Percy opened his mouth, and he recognized Fred's voice, but it wasn't over.

"Do you really think Fudge and Toad will let us off so easily? Do you want to have another taste of punishing the quill?"

The three of them had secretly raised their wands, pointed at the Aurors standing in front of Fudge, and shouted: "Let them understand that we are not victims of their political struggle, nor can they be bullied at will, and let them taste ours. Rage, let them understand why our anti-toad alliance exists."

"Use the Disarm Charm."

Everyone was startled by Fudge's threat, and they didn't react until George shouted the Disarming Charm, raising their wands and chanting the Disarming Charm at Fudge's group.

Whether it's Aurors, Fudge or Umbridge, after being hit by the Disarming Curse, they all fly backwards. It's really a good thing for them to be lucky, otherwise they will be hit by a bunch of Disarming Curses, and it is estimated that they will lie in the hospital bed for a few days. .

Seeing the people from the Ministry of Magic smashed into a ball, everyone was a little excited and a little nervous.

Before the Aurors struggled to get up, Fred, George, and Lee Jordan stunned them, putting them down before they heard what was next.

"Don't worry, Fudge will step down this summer, and they can't make any waves." Fred and George walked to the front of the team and shouted at everyone.

"We will use the oblivion spell to make them forget this part of the memory, so they don't have to fear their power or retaliation." George shouted to the regretful and uneasy students: "If something happens, just Push it on us, push it on the anti-toad alliance, and say that the two of us form an anti-toad alliance."

After that, Fred waved his wand to make Umbridge float from the ground, and then he used the Resuscitation Charm to wake him up.

Under Umbridge's terrified eyes, Fred had already stepped forward and punched Umbridge's face hard, denting the toad's face.

George waved his wand and dismissed the toad's screams lightly, but it wasn't hard to see how much pain Umbridge had suffered.

"I've always wanted to do this."

Fred took a deep breath, turned and shouted at the stunned crowd behind: "Those who want to exhale, line up one by one."

This made Umbridge, who almost fainted in pain, startled and cursed. It is a pity that George temporarily silenced her voice, and everyone did not have to bear her threats and slander.

"Calm down, I'll help you heal."

Lee Jordan showed a malicious smile. He took out the white fresh essence from Albert's pocket and sprayed it on Umbridge's face.

George also waved his wand to restore Umbridge's face.

"You are..."

When Professor McGonagall came out of the principal's office, she stared in shock at the students who were lining up to beat Umbridge. What made her mouth twitch most was that George and Lee Jordan were using healing magic and white fresh essence. Treat the wound on her face.

"Professor, we're taking revenge," George said lightly. "This is an unprecedented victory for the Anti-Toad League. This guy has used evil black magic items and veritase against us before, and we must let her It's all her fault."


A semi-conscious Umbridge tries to ask Professor McGonagall for help.

"What, my ears seem to be deaf, and my eyes are getting sand!"

Professor McGonagall rubbed his eyes and pretended that he didn't see anything. "You guys are here to help me take them to the school hospital."

"Ginny, that **** Percy!"

After Ron saw Ginny in a coma, he was so angry that he ran to Percy's side and kicked a few times before following Professor McGonagall to the school hospital.

"Your punishment quill hurts." McMillan slapped Umbridge and punched her in the nose.

"You guys are really bold." Harry looked at Umbridge, who had been beaten into a semi-consciousness, stepped forward and slapped her a few times, and asked curiously, "How are you going to end it."

"To tamper with their memory, someone threw a slipper bomb here, and they accidentally stepped on it and fell." George said innocently: "Peeves threw it, we all saw it."

"Yes, we've all seen it." Everyone nodded in agreement, and Peeves didn't make much trouble for Toad anyway.

"If, I mean if it really can't be dealt with, you can put all the blame on us. If it's a big deal, let the Ministry of Magic want us. Anyway, the wanted won't last too long." Fred and George looked at each other, split. Mouth laughed, really ignoring the Ministry of Magic at all. They did it anyway, and they didn't plan to stay at the school.

After everyone took turns beating Umbridge, they threw aside Umbridge, who was in a semi-conscious state, and by the way erased each other's memories.


Fudge was not spared in the end, and was picked up by the twins from the fainted crowd.

When Fudge was reawakened, he found himself surrounded by a group of students.

"Thank you very much for the education orders you issued, but don't think that you have released the prisoners of Azkaban and joined the mysterious man, and you can avoid punishment. Your master can't protect you forever, and I heard that he actually I don't care about the life or death of my servant." George didn't forget to put the blame on Fudge before he started, and let his group stand on morality.

Many students were stunned by the twins' words.


"He is good friends with Lucius Malfoy, and Malfoy's two dogs, Goyle and Crabbe, were identified as Death Eaters by the Spanish Ministry of Magic a while ago, and Malfoy was also on the Death Eater list provided by Harry. here." Fred reminded calmly, "If you read the newspaper, you know that Fudge helped solve this matter. As for the evidence, I don't think it will take long to prove my words, just like the one a while ago. jailbreak."

Everyone was whispering about it.

"For now, let's not discuss it."

"beat him!"

A group of students surrounded Fudge and kicked them, because they didn't have much time. Albert just heard the news that he was going to bring someone over here.

"Ahem, those Aurors are probably coming." Lee Jordan cleared his throat and reminded, "Clean up!"

"When they come, know what to say!"

"They knocked themselves out." Everyone was slightly disturbed.

"Don't worry, there will be no problem with Albert here." George raised his wand and used the Forgetting Charm on several people. As for the next thing, Albert will come over to further tamper with their memories, so don't worry at all.

"Is there really a lot of Aurors coming to the Ministry of Magic?" someone asked curiously.

"About thirty or forty!" said Lee Jordan

Everyone couldn't help but take a breath.

"What are they trying to do, crazy?"

"Probably want to catch Dumbledore and suppress us by the way." Fred and George looked at each other and couldn't help laughing, "That's why I said that there is no psychological pressure to beat them."

"Where are they?" McMillan asked curiously. "I bet Fudge and Toad must be waiting for the Aurors to rescue them."

"Albert blocked people out of the school just now." Li Jordan laughed maliciously, "He said that thirty or forty Aurors came to Hogwarts without the principal's permission, probably with bad intentions. , so they didn't let them in."

"How did he do it?" Many people felt inconceivable. From the attitude of these people, they knew that they didn't care about the students at all. They were very curious about how Albert bet people outside.

"Who knows."

"As expected of Albert."

They didn't chat for long when they saw a few people coming over.

"what happened?"

Albert saw a circle of people around the entrance of the principal's office on the eighth floor, then walked past the crowd, and saw Fudge and his group lying unconscious on the ground.

The two Aurors who came with Albert pulled out their wands in shock.

"Calm down." Albert glanced at the two Aurors and asked the students around him, "What happened here."

"For some unknown reason, they suddenly ran out of the principal's office in a hurry, and then fell here." Several girls spoke first, and the others all nodded in agreement, saying that was the case.

"Fall down here?"

The middle-aged slightly bald Auror's face twitched, and he was obviously stunned by these words. If it wasn't for the others being left outside the castle by Professor Flitwick, he would definitely not believe this kind of nonsense.

However, the other Auror was not so good-tempered, staring at the group of students in front of him, as if suspecting that this group of people attacked the Minister of Magic.

"It was made by Peeves," Fred explained. "You know, Peeves hates Umbridge, so he threw something at the entrance, and the area ahead became slippery. Better be careful."

"Why don't you send people to the school hospital?" Albert ignored the two Aurors and asked directly, "And what happened, a group of Aurors came outside the school, and Professor Flitwick is now Keep them out."

Albert looked around and asked, "Who has seen Headmaster Dumbledore?"

"Oh, I know about this," Harry said, standing up. "They just accused Professor Dumbledore of forming Dumbledore's Army and plotting to overthrow Fudge."

"Potter, this joke is not funny at all." Albert frowned.

"Uh, you should also know that Professor Dumbledore definitely disdains doing such a thing, but Fudge and Umbridge seem to have decided this, and they used a lot of Veritaserum on Ginny, Colin, etc. Annoying Professor Dumbledore..."

"What is Dumbledore's Army?" Others were also puzzled, as Fred and George distributed a lot of tranquilizers to them just now.

"Isn't it the Toad League?" Lee Jordan asked rhetorically, pretending to be stunned.

"I think they should be talking about the Toad League." Harry shrugged helplessly. "But they brought out a bunch of so-called evidence..."

"The Toad Alliance?" Another bald wizard looked stunned.

"I don't know what's going on, anyway, they won't let go of Dumbledore's Army."

"So, the group of Aurors outside was actually called by Fudge to arrest Dumbledore?" Albert looked at the two Aurors with a strange expression, "This is really surprising, Potter, Mr. Headmaster Woolen cloth?"

"I don't know, he's gone. To be honest, I'm still at a loss as to what's going on." Harry shrugged. "I thought you'd know something."

"Move them to the school hospital first, and when Fudge wakes up, you are asking what he is going to do?" Albert said to the two Aurors: "Also, Professor Dumbledore is no longer at Hogwar. Well, I still don't recommend you to enter the school, it will cause panic among the students, and those who don't know think that you are here to suppress Hogwarts, which is very bad for the reputation of the Ministry of Magic."

Being stared at by hundreds of students, the two Aurors didn't dare to be too arrogant. No matter how they looked at it, it was not normal. The ridiculous reason of falling unconscious was used, and they were simply regarded as fools.

"Find a way to wake them up first." The slightly younger wizard walked over and used a recovery spell on Fudge and the others, but the effect didn't seem to be very good. After a long time, Fudge and Umbridge woke up faintly.

"Minister, what happened here?"

"Grab Dumbledore, that guy is trying to build an army to overthrow me," Fudge shouted as soon as he woke up, immediately causing a murmur around him.

"When did Dumbledore's Army appear in the school?"

"I do not know!"

"I thought it was always the Toad League."

"Or is the League of Toads actually Dumbledore's Army?"

"I think Mr. Minister seems to be injured here. Maybe you should take her to the school hospital for Madam Pomfrey to check." Albert pointed to his brain, expressing puzzlement at Fudge's suspicious behavior.

"What about you guys? What the **** are you doing, if... what's wrong with my face, it hurts!" Umbridge found that his face was so painful, as if he had been punched and slapped countless times.

"We are all waiting outside the castle. Mr. Anderson said that there are too many of us to break into the school rashly, otherwise it will cause panic among the students." The slightly bald Auror glanced at Albert and explained. .

"That's right." Albert said calmly.

"Mr. Anderson, I suspect that you are actually Dumbledore's accomplice?" Umbridge's expression was a little distorted, and he wanted to eat Albert alive.

"This is not funny at Umbridge, don't think you are a professor and you can slander me at will." Albert looked at Umbridge and said in a cold tone, "Also, Hogwarts is for everyone to learn knowledge. Don't bring your Ministry of Magic's intrigue to the school to harm the students here. I don't want to worry about any grudges between you and Professor Dumbledore, but it doesn't mean that you can stand on my head as a professor. Shit and piss, no one, not even the Deputy Minister of Magic, now, apologize!"

"What?" Umbridge almost laughed, she was confident now.

"I asked you to apologize." Albert narrowed his eyes slightly and said.

"It must have been Dumbledore asking you to do that, it must be, catch him, maybe we can get Dumbledore's message from him."

"I'm not Dumbledore, and I don't have his mild temper." Albert slapped Fudge on the ground with his backhand in front of everyone. "So, don't use the same method of dealing with him on me."

"How dare you..." Fudge was stunned, obviously never thought that Albert would actually hit him.

The two Aurors had just pointed their wands at Albert when their wands flew out of their hands, and then they found themselves being pointed at by hundreds of wands.

"You bastards, UU reading can bully those mild-tempered people." Albert directly punched Umbridge's nose, knocking her nose crooked. , "I've been too lazy to care about you all this time. How dare you come to trouble me? Do you really think my temper is as good as Dumbledore's?"

"Actually, I really don't understand. You have been lingering under the protection of Dumbledore. What is it that makes you have the courage to trouble Dumbledore? Sure enough, he has a better temper and is easier to bully?" Albert looked at Fudge on the ground and said with disgust, "Did your long-term intrigue fill your head with shit? In the face of a powerful enough power, your poor power is nothing. , just like the You-Know-Who never took you seriously."

"Trust me, as long as the mysterious man is willing, he can let you die at home at any time in the posture he wants, or let you die suddenly, and then use the Imperius to control a wizard to manage the Ministry of Magic, or you have actually been killed. You-Know-Who controlled with the Imperius Curse?"

"How dare you..." Fudge flushed.

"I only need to modify your memory a little later, so that you can forget about this matter?" After speaking, Albert raised his foot and kicked Fudge's face again, and said in a cold tone, " Trust me, at my level and ability, you will never remember what happened today."

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