The Alchemist of Harry Potter

Chapter 1048: The secret behind the lie

After the news of the collective escape of ten Death Eaters from Azkaban spread through the Daily Prophet, the entire British wizarding world was completely fried.

To wizards in the wizarding world, Death Eaters were almost as feared as Voldemort.

Back then, under Voldemort's reign of terror, the Death Eaters committed countless unforgivable crimes, and they were the most vicious dark wizards.

As soon as the Daily Prophet's report on the Azkaban escape came out, it caused dissatisfaction among many people, because the newspaper concealed how the Death Eaters escaped from Azkaban, and it all covered the front page. is crap.

For this reason, in order to vent their inner anxiety, many wizards sent "kind" greetings to the editor of the Daily Prophet, and more people instinctively ignored the truth behind the escape.

The incident was undoubtedly a major shock to the Hogwarts students who had listened to the Wizard's Lookout on Christmas Eve. From the very beginning, Wizard Lookout didn't have to lie and lie, but told them the truth calmly, but the truth was too cruel.

Many wizards were eager to hear more useful news from the radio and began trying to find out how to subscribe to Defense Letters magazine.

However, the new issue of "Defense Express" has not yet started to sell, as if some major news is quietly brewing.

The escape incident is like throwing depth bombs into the magic world, causing the magic world to be disturbed. However, these disturbances did not have any effect on Albert, and he still spent the last few days of Christmas vacation with his girlfriend.

"You wrote this manuscript?"

Yin Zebel put down the latest issue of "Defense Express" in his hand and looked at Albert with a strange expression.

The recently released Defense Letters not only includes an interview with Harry Potter, but also an analysis of a series of strange behaviors by Minister of Magic Fudge.

The reason why Yin Zebel’s manuscript is related to Albert is that many of the points in this manuscript are similar to many of what Albert said after the Azkaban escape, which makes people unable to help but associate with it. .

"That article was written by Rita Skeeter, and that woman is really gifted at this, isn't she, always grabbing the attention of readers."

Albert scooped up the steaming Chaos, put it into his mouth and tasted it carefully. Chaos made from sea fish bone soup and sea fish meat was quite delicious.

"Do you want some?" Albert smiled and handed the spoon to the girl's mouth

"I dare say that Fudge will definitely hate this weekly magazine, which almost pushes him to the forefront." Yin Zebel opened his mouth to hold the spoon handed by Albert, and shared this bowl of food from the Far East together, "I always feel that If I eat like this, I'm going to become a fat man."

Although she has been exercising seriously, she still needs to control her diet as much as possible to avoid causing further damage to her body.

"It's good to control the amount of food and exercise." Albert squeezed and said, "It's not good to be too thin."

"The tongue is not the heart."

Yin Zebel raised his hand and poked Albert, he was sure that Albert liked beautiful girls.

The two went back to rest after eating.

The Defensive Express, which happened to be about Fudge, was casually spread out and overturned on the table.

When Albert went back to rest with his girlfriend, Cornelius Fudge was not in a good situation, especially after the release of the "Secret Behind the Lie" in "Defense Letters", he was completely blinded.

No way, Albert's stab was too deadly.

When people were unhappy that the Ministry of Magic had concealed the truth about the Death Eaters' escape, the appearance of this article directly led most people to question Fudge's approach.

Although they were equally reluctant to believe the cruel truth that Voldemort had returned, the news of the Death Eaters' escape was slapped on their faces like a slap in the face, perhaps still unable to wake up those who were pretending to be asleep, but also giving them a slap in the face. Serious reminder.

On the day Fudge took over the "Defense Express" from Percy, he smashed the office in a rage, and even disregarded the opposition within the Ministry of Magic and directly wanted Sirius Blake.

If it wasn't for the Azkaban escape just now, the big Auror might have been launched to capture Sirius Black, who disturbed the public order. However, there is no evidence that Sirius is involved in the matter, and since he spends most of his time at 12 Grimmauld Place, there is little that can be done if Fudge wants to put Sirius in Azkaban prison.

"Defense Letters" became the focus of discussion, not only Hogwarts students, but the entire British wizarding community knew of its existence.

Fudge has tried to stop it from spreading in the wizarding world, but to little effect, there are always ways people can read the two articles above.

For a time, the magic world began to sound the voice of Fudge to step down. Several people headed by Lucius Malfoy became the target of suspicion and vigilance.

Those two articles even more subtly formed the effect that one plus one is greater than two.

"What the **** are you doing?" Amelia Burns looked at the wanted man in front of her. "And you shouldn't be here."

"Don't worry, no one will guess who I am?" Sirius said with a shrug, "It won't cause you any trouble, not to mention that it's Fudge's slander, I'm not a wanted criminal, and the Ministry of Magic has no evidence to prove it. The Defense Express has something to do with me, and I can't be considered guilty just because I bought the Defense Express."

"Tell me, what do you have to do with me? You know I'm busy." Amelia Burns glanced at the "Defense Express" in front of her, picked it up and flipped through it. Although she had heard of this magazine, she didn't Haven't seen what's inside yet.

"You should have noticed too, Azkaban's escape." Sirius said slowly, "Do you still think Dumbledore is lying?"

"So, you're here to laugh at me?" Amelia Burns raised an eyebrow. "By the way, I never thought Dumbledore was lying."

"No, I just want to remind you that it's a matter of time before that idiot Fudge will step down." Sirius took a sip of black tea and said in a hurry: "And you have already been on that person's death blacklist. Now, there are only two people who haven't died yet, and you are obviously no longer among them."

"You want to tell me I'm dying?" Amelia Burns put down the magazine.

"Yes, that's it, in the prophecy, you won't survive this summer."

Amelia Burns fell into a short silence.

"I won't run away."

"I can understand your decision, it's just a good word of advice, but you can't change anything?" Sirius sighed, "You're not them, you're too weak, so you're destined to win, you can't stop, There is no escape."

"They?" Amelia Burns asked.

"Dumbledore, know it." Sirius shrugged, "He doesn't like to let others know..."

"Albert Anderson?" Amelia Burns guessed who it was.

"Don't trust the Aurors at the Ministry of Magic, the Ministry of Magic has long been infiltrated into a sieve." Sirius digressed and said, "Also, you'd better change your residence, it's better to use the residence of the Faithful Charm, unless you want to die in the middle of the night. Home, don't think your defense against the dark arts is good, if he finds your door, you will die."

Before leaving, Sirius did not forget to remind: "If you want to avenge Edgar, you should cherish your life more. If you think clearly, you can talk to Dumbledore."

Having said that, Sirius left a photo cut from the newspaper and left.

Amelia Burns was more silent, her eyes fell on the most recent photo, she put away the "Defense Express" and the photo, paid and left.

"You failed to convince her?"

Tonks watched the back of Amelia Burns leaving, and his eyes fell on the young man in front of him.

"It was impossible to succeed from the beginning." Sirius looked at the back of the man leaving, and said calmly: "Amelia Burns is a very assertive person, and it will not be because of our words. And change her decision."

There is a saying, Sirius didn't say, how about Amelia Burns, what's up with him.

He was able to remind the other party twice, and to do so, was already worthy of the feeling that he fought with Edgar at the beginning.

"No wonder he always said that the outcome of the prophecy was difficult to change." Sirius sighed silently in his heart, got up and left with Tonks.

"She really..."

In Hall 12, Grimmauld Place, listening to Sirius' words, Kingsley couldn't help but sigh. He didn't say much about this matter. The meeting of the Order of the Phoenix was still going on, and they were still surrounding the Death Eaters. sequel to the jailbreak.

"They're trying to find the Master of Prophecy, you know who I'm talking about?" Snape reminded, glancing at the parchment in his hand.

"You don't have to worry about this, unless Anderson intends, no one will want to find him." Sirius cast a contemptuous look at Snape: "It's a shame that you taught him for seven years, but I still don't understand it. he."

Sirius' confidence in Albert came from the duel competition a while ago. The guy directly arranged the Death Eaters clearly, and let him complete his revenge on Peter Pettigrew.

Snape ignored Sirius' disdainful gaze and continued: "Broderick Bird's death was caused by the Death Eaters, Bord was recovering, they were afraid of revealing news after he recovered, so they sent him The devil's net. One more thing, they're considering whether to use the Imperius Curse to control Fudge."

"They still need to control Fudge. Those who don't know it think Fudge is with them." Tonks' tone was full of sarcasm. She was a loyal supporter of the "Secret Behind the Lie" and could hold a high position. , Fudge, who could be a minister, could never be a fool.

"Because of your Defense Express." Snape glanced at Sirius.

"Don't worry about this for the time being, even if Fudge is under control, the situation will be worse." Mad-Eye interrupted: "Is there any other information?"

"The Dark Lord seems to have got some news from August Rookwood. Rookwood was a silent man in the Department of Mysteries. I don't know exactly what it is, but they seem to have some plans." Snape He waved his wand to remove the parchment in his hand: "One more thing, Dumbledore wants me to teach Potter Occlumency to prevent his mind from being invaded by outsiders."

"You taught him?" Sirius looked disgusted, "I thought Dumbledore would find Anderson."

"Anderson refused." Snape curled his lips, "I heard that he thought Potter couldn't learn Occlumency, so he refused directly."

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"Are you sure you didn't say that?" Sirius stared at Snape.

"Well, if nothing else, I need to talk to Potter about this." Snape ignored Sirius.

Shortly after the meeting broke up, Snape saw the boy he hated.

"The principal asked me to inform you, Potter, that he wants you to learn Occlumency this semester."

"Who's going to teach me?" Harry asked happily. "Anderson?"

"Me," Snape said, raising his eyebrows. "Anderson disliked your inability to learn, so he refused to teach you."

"When Dumbledore said find someone to teach me, I meant you." Harry's face darkened.

"I can assure you it wasn't of my own accord, because it wasn't a pleasant errand," Snape continued, "once a week alone with tutoring, not telling anyone, especially Dolores Umbridge. It's six o'clock on a Monday night, in my office, and if anyone asks, it's potions tutoring."

"Of course, if you are unhappy with this, I suggest you go to the principal."

With that, Snape strode away.

"What a nightmare," Harry muttered under his breath. "I bet Dumbledore must have made the wrong decision."

"If Snape dares to bully you, just tell me." Sirius was annoyed, and if he was good at Occlumency, Harry wouldn't have to look for a snot.

"No, I can handle it." Harry changed the subject. "How are we going to Hogwarts tomorrow, using the Floo network?"

"We've booked a ride on the Knights Bus and it'll go straight to the door of Hogwarts."

"It wasn't a pleasant experience sitting on that thing," Harry muttered.

"I know, but we don't have a better option, the train is not safe, and the Ministry of Magic will not allow us to put people on the train," Sirius explained. will allow it."

When Harry was about to go back and tell Ron and Hermione about taking Occlumency with Snape, he heard Fred and George talking to Bill about the price of the store in Diagon Alley at the entrance of the stairs.

"He felt that the price was too low."

"Don't worry, we can continue to chat with him at UU Reading There is no need to worry about this matter. The next diagonal line will be particularly decayed, and it's best to find a few more stores." After speaking, George stuffed a small bag of Galleons into Bill's hand, and under Bill's stunned gaze, he smiled and said, "Albert always said Galleons can make people more efficient, and we don't have time to do this, so I can only trouble you more."

"Is that his motto?" Bill asked, dumbfounded.

"Are you planning to open a shop?"

"Yes, we are looking for a storefront. We have a hunch that it will be... intense when we return to school after the holidays." Fred and George both smiled meaningfully. "Harry, you better prepare yourself."

"You mean toads can..."

"Toads can also bite."

"What are you talking about, and not so much money." Bill was going to return the purse to George.

"How much you charge and how much you do, don't be lazy Bill." George patted Bill on the shoulder.

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