The Alchemist of Harry Potter

Chapter 1039: Strong onlookers

"Ah ah ah ah ah…"

In the early morning of Hogwarts Castle, a shrill scream suddenly came out, which woke the students who had just fallen asleep.

"It's started, it's started!"

Listening to the movement in the room, Albert rolled over lazily, and Lee Jordan's voice came from the other end of the room. He fumbled to pull back the curtain around the bed, looked at the Weasley Brothers and Lee Jordan who were going to watch the fun, stretched out his hand to cover his yawn, and muttered: "Then, that guy should be quiet for a long time. "

"Woke up!"

Lee Jordan grinned and poured Albert a cup of strong tea.

Albert looked at the cup of strong tea with disgust, and how would he sleep after drinking it.

He covered his yawn again, got up from the bed, picked up the cloak hanging beside him, draped it over himself, and followed other curious students to the common room.

A large group of good-hearted students in pajamas and cloaks had just gotten up from the bed, and they were gathered in twos and threes, whispering and discussing the screams just now.

"Quiet, who knows what's going on." Albert looked around and asked, "I heard screams just now,"

"Something seems to have happened in the castle." A boy raised his hand first and said.

"Sounds like the scream of a banshee."

"I felt more like someone was severely tortured."

"I suspect it was a toad's scream?"

Everyone, you said every word, and in the end, the scream of the toad was widely recognized, because it was not the first time that the toad made such a sound at night, but this time it was especially shrill.

"Prefect, is there a prefect here?" Albert raised his hand to signal everyone to keep quiet. The three prefects in capes squeezed through the crowd and came to Albert.

"Who of you want to go out with me to see what's going on outside, you don't need too many people."

As soon as Albert finished speaking, several people raised their hands.

"Very well, the three of you, and the four of you take your wands and go outside with me to see what's going on?" Albert drew his wand from his cloak pocket and said, "The rest of the prefects will stay and maintain Order, don't let them run around and wait for news."

Although many students expressed dissatisfaction with this, all dissatisfaction can only be swallowed in the stomach. As the president of the student council, Albert has a strong authority in Gryffindor.

"And you guys, go back and put on your cloak, don't catch a cold and trouble Madam Pomfrey." Albert said to several students who hurried over in only pajamas.

"Okay, the people who are called come with me, and those who don't want to go can stay!"

No one wants to stay, let alone this time the president of the student union takes the lead.

"Is it really the scream of a toad?" Fred said with great acting skills: "Although that guy screamed at night before."

"But it's the first time it's screamed so badly." George echoed.

Ron and Hermione looked at each other and nodded in agreement with the twin brothers. They naturally knew what happened to the screams just now, but they didn't expect that Albert would personally lead the team to watch the toad's tragic state, which really surprised them, the only one. It's a pity that Harry didn't come with him.

"Is this really okay? I mean professors should..." Shanna reminded in a low voice.

"No professor got up to check," said George, staring at the Marauder's map in his hand.

"Professors are probably too lazy to care, everyone can't stand it again and again."

Although the seven people that Albert brought out this time were all his own, none of them dared to act too recklessly, lest any flaws be seen.

Everyone is now the brave Gryffindor students who heard the screams and came out to check the situation.

"I just got in touch with Cedric, and he also brought people out to surround... Cough, check the situation." Fred quickly changed his rhetoric and asked in a low voice, "Do you think Ravenclaw will be waiting for someone to come and check? The situation, it might be interesting at that time.”

"Eighty percent will. Curiosity is human nature."

Albert tightened the cloak on his body and sped up his pace to rush out of the Defense Against the Dark Arts office. While going to the secret passage on the fifth floor, I also met Nick who was almost headless.

"Hey guys..." Nick looked at Albert who was leading the team, frowned slightly and said, "Why did you guys come out at this time?"

"They said that someone might be being severely tortured, so I brought someone over to see what's going on." Albert said calmly: "Nick, do you know what's going on?"

"I don't know." Nick shook his head.

"Then come with us too, and help us to find the way ahead. If you find something wrong, send us an alarm." Albert said to the ghost of Gryffindor.

"You really can summon ghosts," Nick muttered, but he didn't say no. Nick actually heard the scream just now. It was too shrill. It was no wonder that Albert would be vigilant, worried that some dangerous elements would break into Hogwarts.

A group of people passed through the secret passage and quickly came to the third floor. As they approached the corridor of the Defense Against the Dark Arts office, they heard some noises.

"who is it?"

Albert gestured for everyone to stop and let Nick help them see what was going on on the other side of the corner.

"It's Filch and a bunch of Hufflepuffs," Nick said to several.

After Albert got the news from Nick, he turned people into the corridor.

At this moment, Filch was hurriedly staring at the group of Hufflepuff students in pajamas and capes, but, strangely, no professor was present.

Seeing another group of students coming, Filch looked even more annoyed, and kept mumbling about staying up in the middle of the night... clearing the confinement or something.

"what happened?"

Albert directly ignored Filch's broken thoughts and cast a searching look at Cedric.

"We heard very shrill screams, and when we came to check, we saw that Umbridge had turned into a toad." Cedric sternly, as if he was holding back his laughter.

"Umbridge turned into a toad?"

Several Gryffindor students also gathered around, wanting to see Umbridge's ugly appearance.

"This look really fits her image." Someone muttered softly.

Umbridge's skin was rough and looked like the skin of a toad, and what surprised them most was that Umbridge's face looked like a living toad.

Everyone started whispering, discussing what happened to Umbridge, how it became such a toad, completely forgetting that people should be taken to the school hospital.

In fact, Filch wanted to do it, but Cedric stopped him, saying that Umbridge might have a contagious skin disease.

Not long after, a group of Ravenclaw students, led by Katrina, appeared in the corridor outside the Defense Against the Dark Arts office, and the originally spacious corridor suddenly became crowded.

Everyone was talking to each other about what was going on here, and murmurs filled the hallway.

"It's disgusting, the toad has really turned into a toad."

"Did she have some kind of skin disease, will it be passed on from person to person?"

"I think it should be the curse of the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor."


Albert motioned for everyone to keep quiet, and then asked them to temporarily leave enough space, not to surround them all, before taking out his wand and using the recovery spell on the unconscious Umbridge.

The fainted Umbridge quickly woke up in a daze.

"Professor, who attacked you, and what happened here?" Albert took a step back, and a ball of light flew out from the tip of his wand and hovered above Umbridge's head, allowing everyone to see the toad clearly looks like.

"Ouch... the more I look at it, the more disgusting it becomes."

"She's really turned into a toad."

"Did she faint her own ugliness?"

"We'd better stay away from her, maybe some kind of skin infection."

"It's probably a curse, and it's not the first time that a Defense Against the Dark Arts professor has cursed."

"Look, she's awake."

Umbridge opened his eyes amid the whispers of the students, and at first seemed confused, slumped on the cold marble floor.

"Professor, what happened, how did you become like this, and who attacked you." Albert asked again.

This time, Albert stepped back further.

Umbridge, who had just woken up, looked around in confusion, and found that the students around were staring at her with a very strange look, and there were whispers from the students in her ears.

"Professor, do you really have no idea what's going on?"

When Umbridge raised her hand to look at her palm, a mirror fell on her palm accompanied by Albert's gentle voice.

Looking at the figure in the mirror, Umbridge was stunned for a moment, then seemed to remember something, flung the mirror in his hand, scratched his cheek, raised his head and let out a shrill scream.

Then, she was so dizzy.

Yes, Umbridge knocked himself out.

Everyone looked at Albert, it was definitely intentional just now!


"Very interesting, isn't it."

Peeves came out of nowhere, and giggled as he looked at the fainted toad over his stomach.

The others couldn't help but laugh.

Albert quietly cast a magic spell on Toad, making her fall into a semi-conscious state.

"Peeves, it's you who did it!"

Filch immediately turned his attention to Peeves.

"There is no evidence, be careful to sue you for defamation." Peeves grimaced at Filch, and circled the void happily like a swimming fish.

"What's the matter with Peeves!" Albert asked.

"Isn't this a little devil?" Peeves flipped somersaults in the air, grinning at the crowd from between his own legs: "I just heard the screaming coming, and I saw her screaming suddenly. Ran out of the office and... fell here."

"I've never seen anyone as funny as her," Peeves said, grinning. "She looks like a... toad now."

"Cough cough, we should take her to the school hospital, Madam Pomfrey must have a way to cure her." Albert waved his wand to make a stretcher, and then moved Umbridge onto the stretcher, a group of people like this The mighty sent Umbridge to the school hospital.

In the meantime, everyone was whispering about what happened to the toad.

As for Filch, he was left aside like that, and no one paid any attention to him.

After they woke Madam Pomfrey and put the person on the hospital bed under the twitching face of the other party, Albert asked Cedric to explain the situation to her.

"Mr. Administrator, please notify Dumbledore. If the Headmaster is not there, notify Professor McGonagall, or other professors, to let them know what happened here."

After giving the order, Albert turned his head and said to the students standing outside the school hospital, "Go back and rest, don't wander around outside in the middle of the night."

"It can't be peaceful for a moment." Albert stretched out his hand to cover his yawn, and beckoned the other Gryffindor students to go back to sleep.

In less than half an hour, the news that Umbridge had turned into a toad spread across the entire Hogwarts like a Firebolt, and even Headmaster Dumbledore was alarmed. When I came to visit, several deans also appeared in the school hospital.

As for whether this group of people came to visit the sick, it is really hard to say.

Anyway, Professor McGonagall kept his face straight, Professor Flitwick and Professor Sprout were talking in low voices, Snape looked at Umbridge on the hospital bed with a very strange expression, and Madam Pomfrey was talking to Dumbledore talks about Umbridge's illness.

"...she may have some kind of skin disease. To be honest, I initially suspected it was caused by a spell, and gave her a small amount of a powerful restorative agent, but it didn't work well." Madam Pomfrey looked at the black man on the bed. Mrich, proposed: "I suggest that she be transferred to St. Mungo's Hospital for Magical Injuries and Injuries for more formal treatment?"

"Can it be cured?"

Dumbledore looked up and down Umbridge's toad-like rough skin, and poked with his slender fingers.

"It will take time, I think it should be fine to cure her." Madam Pomfrey looked disgusted, but did not refuse.

"Then I'll trouble you." After chatting with Madam Pomfrey for a while, Dumbledore walked outside, and Snape followed.

"what have you found?"

Dumbledore deliberately waited for Snape to slow down.

"Her appearance is very strange. It seems that it is caused by incomplete deformation."

"Minerva also said something similar. Even Madam Pomfrey used a powerful restorative agent on Professor Umbridge, but the effect was not very obvious." Dumbledore was actually a little puzzled, but he instinctively felt that St. Nep's words should be true.

Umbridge's appearance is indeed very similar to the symptoms caused by deformation.

Of course, Dumbledore also suspected that Umbridge's appearance might have been caused by some students. Umbridge has had a lot of bad luck lately, and even Peeves is behind her back.

"No, I'm referring to some potions, such as potions," Snape reminded.

"Can the compound medicine cause such symptoms?" Dumbledore asked in surprise.

"I don't know, but I don't think the compound potion can be transformed into an animal," Snape speculated. "And, what are you going to do with the Ministry of Magic? I think Mr. Minister..."

"The Curse of the Defence Against the Dark Arts Professor," Dumbledore said without hesitation. "Until we find the cause, Professor Umbridge's illness is likely to be blamed on the curse."

"As you should have guessed, this is likely to be..."

"We don't have any evidence of Severus," Dumbledore interrupted.


Snape looked at Dumbledore's leaving back and repeated in a low voice.

He suspected that a student had poured Umbridge a toad-laced concoction. Although Snape didn't know what it would look like to use the compound potion to become an animal, Umbridge's appearance undoubtedly matched his guess.

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