The Alchemist of Harry Potter

Chapter 1028: malicious

Professor McGonagall's attitude towards the life bans of Toad and the Weasley brothers shocked many people's jaws.

Everyone thought that Professor McGonagall would do something, but no one expected her to pretend not to see it.

In fact, what if Professor McGonagall really wanted to do something?

Umbridge has passed the Ministry of Magic's education order, depriving the Hogwarts professors of most of their powers, should they go to Dumbledore for help when they encounter problems?

Does it really work?

Just a waste of Dumbledore's time and energy.

After Professor McGonagall smashed, other professors smelled the signal and began to slack off. The only thing they can do now is to fulfill their responsibility of teaching students knowledge.

As for everything else, it has nothing to do with the professors.

Anyway, Umbridge will get out next semester, so let her toss first, even if she really wants to stop it, there is no way to stop it.

It can't be against the laws of the Ministry of Magic.

They are just professors after all.

Anyone with questions should go to Umbridge, or Dumbledore, or write to the Ministry of Magic.

On the night Gryffindor defeated Slytherin, Hogwarts Castle was transformed.

"When do you think Hogwarts will be completely..." George raised his hand and spread his fingers, making an explosive gesture.

Yesterday, the Weasley brothers sold a lot of interesting products, and since Professor McGonagall put it down, the whole Hogwarts castle has become more and more lively.

"When will the toads give everyone a collective confinement."

Fred is looking forward to that day, and he believes that it will definitely be more lively by then.

"When Dumbledore is no longer the Headmaster, Toad will completely free himself."

Albert never thought that Fred and George would be able to convince Professor McGonagall to rot, let alone that the situation at Hogwarts would erode ahead of time.

Now Hogwarts is in chaos. Dumbledore is often absent from the school, and the professors are no longer in charge. Except for Umbridge and Filch, no one in the school continues to restrain the students.


Not even the president of the male and female student council, let alone the prefects.

Now it is revenge for revenge, and revenge for revenge.

The arrogant and domineering Slytherin students who had previously relied on Umbridge as their backer were no longer arrogant.

No way, there are quite a few Slytherins whose heads have been stuffed in the toilet recently, and there is one that has been stripped to the point of only a pair of **** and hung in front of the girls' bathroom door for others to admire.

Umbridge was almost mad at the chaotic situation. She thought that once she took control of the situation, the situation at Hogwarts would improve, but the situation turned out to be more and more corrupt.

In order to prevent the situation from continuing to erode, Umbridge arrested several Gryffindor students and locked them up, trying to kill the chickens and show the monkeys, but to no avail.

Who let Fred and George have a bad start, everyone likes to play **** now, as long as there is no evidence, it has nothing to do with me. Plus there's a Peeves sneaking up on it, and every time Umbridge tries to lock a student, he's in big trouble, and the lock doesn't continue.

At one point, Peeves threw a load of cockroaches into Umbridge's office, triggering a series of screams.

"I just met a toad in the corridor, and she was being chased by a few big dung balls." Lee Jordan happily announced the good news to everyone.

At this moment, Umbridge cursed angrily from outside the hall, and I don't know which bad guy used the curse to trip her up, causing the big dung bombs that were chasing behind to hit her on the back of the head continuously.

"By the way, Peeves asked me to ask when the next batch of dung bombs will be delivered. It's almost out of stock there." Lee Jordan asked Albert in a low voice.

Peeves is having a blast now and absolutely loves this game of bullying Umbridge.

Most of the time, Peeves likes to hide and do bad things, and then pretend to bump into it by accident, so as to laugh at Umbridge and Filch's embarrassment.

With Albert providing toys, Peeves' fighting power skyrocketed, and more than half of the unfortunate things that happened to Umbridge were caused by Peeves.

Not only Peeves, there are a lot of students who secretly spoil the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor, especially the DA members. After receiving Harry's training, there are always a few people who are willing to contribute to the Anti-Toad Alliance and attack Umbridge. That's how dung bombs came about.

If it is a brilliant professor, it is naturally easy to solve these little troubles.

But Umbridge's magic is not very clever, so she can only admit to being unlucky now and silently suffer everyone's "prank".

Some anti-toad coalitions believe that Umbridge will be driven away by crazy shenanigans.

However, the senior investigators at the Ministry of Magic seem to be more tenacious than they expected, and she is still holding on to Hogwarts, and she almost moved people to tears.

At least the Daily Prophet is reporting on these touching stories, but it fails to move the students at Hogwarts.

In the newspapers, the Ministry of Magic regarded the students' "mischief" as an atrocity, and blamed the current Hogwarts Headmaster, who was trying to drive Dumbledore away.

Sadly, they didn't get it.

Dumbledore was also thick-skinned, ignoring these reports directly.

However, the Daily Prophet's touching report resulted in several shouting letters from their editor-in-chief, Barnabas Coffey.

And Fudge received a "thank you letter" from the Death Eaters because of this, and said that the two sides still had the opportunity to cooperate secretly. Angrily, Fudge slapped the table and cremated the thank you letter on the spot.


When the invisible big dung bomb hit his face in front of him, Montage suddenly came back to his senses and reached out to wipe the disgusting stuff on his face. In the whispers of the surrounding students, he was hit by a big dung bomb on the back of his head again, but he could only be helpless and furious. , because he didn't even know who did it.

At first, when the Slytherin students were attacked, they were not without suspicion of the Weasley brothers, but both of them had alibi, so that they could not find their target and were played from beginning to end.

"Did Albert indulge them too much?"

Seeing the incompetent and furious Montage, Hermione shook her head helplessly, "Ever since Professor McGonagall didn't care about the matter, the whole school has been in a mess recently."

"Hogwarts Castle has been smothered by Umbridge," Harry corrected.

"No, I mean people can think of other ways to solve the problem." Hermione explained, she didn't agree with everyone taking such a radical approach against Umbridge.

After all, Hogwarts is a school, a place where people learn, and doing so can leave a horribly bad impact.

"If you have a better way, I think everyone would be very willing to hear your opinion." Ron looked at Hermione sideways and reminded, "If you don't have a better idea, I'll let you know before you think of other better ways. I advise you to keep your mouth shut and remain silent... Toad is not worth wasting your sympathy at all."

"Yes, she deserves it!" Harry agreed with Ron very much. "To be honest, I really want to turn her into a toad and release her in the Forbidden Forest, so that she can live as a toad forever, That way she can't continue to hurt Hogwarts students."

"That's not a good idea Harry." Hermione frowned at her best friend. "You shouldn't think like that, and that's not how polymorphing magic works."

"I remember you keeping Rita Skeeter in a bottle for days." Ron bluntly pointed out what Hermione had done, thinking her sympathy was hypocritical.

"That's not the same," said Hermione angrily. "You'd probably kill Toad by doing that, and she's not worth the risk."

"No, she's worth it," said Harry disgustedly. "I've never hated someone so much in my life. I thought Snape was hated enough before, but now he's the way to go compared to Toad. Side shit."

"We can talk to Fred and George." Ron agreed with Harry. "Let's see if we can turn Umbridge into a toad so she can't continue to harm people."

"If you dare to do this, I will report you," Hermione warned angrily.

"You can report us to Professor McGonagall. Professor McGonagall doesn't care about these things now. She must be very happy to see Toad's bad luck." Harry didn't care about Hermione's threat, and continued, "Fred and When George persuaded Professor McGonagall, I was there, do you really think that Professor McGonagall would let the entire Hogwarts students do this nonsense if there was a way?"

Hermione stared at Harry dumbfounded, as if she couldn't believe what she had heard.

"Dumbledore doesn't really want to, at least this semester."

"Why?" Hermione asked suspiciously. She actually guessed the reason, but she didn't want to believe it.

"He doesn't want to waste his extra time and energy on Toad and Fudge, and they're not worth Dumbledore's waste, do you understand now?" Harry looked at Hermione and continued, "Fudge will step down next year, Toad next year. They're going to **** off, and instead of wasting their time on them, it's better to use that time for something more meaningful."

"I think Professor Dumbledore wants us to witness the stupidity, arrogance, ugliness and madness of the Ministry of Magic. By the way, when you enter the Ministry of Magic in the future, don't be such a person, and don't trust the Ministry of Magic easily, just like Luo Hart." Harry's mouth curled into a sneer, "So, when we hung Umbridge, the entire Hogwarts students and professors were watching from the sidelines."

"Don't look at me like that, that's what Fred said, and I think he makes a lot of sense."

"Are you sure it's Fred's original words, not Anderson's?" Ron wanted to complain. He didn't believe that Fred was someone who could say such things. He probably heard it from Albert. come.

"Maybe, who said it matters?"

"If you can get Umbridge out, I think the entire Hogwarts school will be grateful for that," Ron said to Hermione.

"Besides, Umbridge will drive Hagrid away sooner or later, and I don't want Hagrid to be chased away by her one day," Harry continued.

"We'll help Hagrid pass Umbridge's review," argued Hermione.

"Hermione, do you remember when Hagrid's hippogriff was tried and sentenced to death in third grade?" Harry poured cold water on Hermione mercilessly.

Hermione opened her mouth but didn't answer, but she already knew what Harry meant.

"I remember that you spent a lot of time helping Hagrid prepare the manuscripts that will be used in the trial, but it turned out to be meaningless and wasted a lot of time and energy." Ron was also very optimistic about Hermione's proposal. " If Umbridge really wanted to fire Hagrid, she could always find a dozen excuses."

"She already has an excuse." Harry explained when the two of them looked over. "Remember when Toad's office was set on fire the day we won the game and celebrated the party?"

"What does that have to do with Hagrid?" Hermione asked in confusion.

"I heard that the fire was caused by the fire ash eggs. Toad thinks it was Hagrid who got the fire ash eggs into her office." Harry looked at Hermione's shocked face and said calmly, "Do you think you can do anything? "

"Sober up, Hermione, if you still have any expectations of Toad, then Hagrid is doomed." Ron also felt that Toad would find a way to fire Hagrid no matter what.

"You're right," Hermione sighed. "But what should we do?"

Harry and Ron looked at each other, and they didn't know what to do.

"Sure enough, we should find a way to drive Umbridge away." Harry felt that this was the most reliable way. "It's better to have her injured and hospitalized."

"We can get some compound potion, add some toad skin in it, and let her drink it?" Ron suggested maliciously, "So she can be more like a toad, and she can stay in the school hospital. last few months."

"We don't have a compound potion," Harry reminded.

"Fred and George can definitely get it, and I dare say Anderson has some reserves." Ron was sure of this, "As for getting the toad to drink it, it's easier, we can sneak her out, and then we'll see it later. Just pour it in, and then we can spend a fairly pleasant time."

Hermione didn't want to talk to the two of them, but she still felt that Harry and Ron's ideas were too radical.

"Hagrid doesn't seem to be at home?"

Harry stood in front of the hunting lodge and reached out and knocked on the wooden door, but there was no response from the wooden house, not even Fang Ya.

"Hagrid may be out."

The three made a detour to the other side and found that the window was closed and the curtains were drawn down.

"What?" Ron asked.

"Wait a minute!" Hermione said, taking out her pocket watch and looking at the time.

"Hermione, do you really think we've gone too far?" Harry continued.

"That's right." Hermione nodded and said, "Although I hate toads, I still don't want you to do that. I understand you want to fight back, but..."

"You probably haven't heard what Albert said about Umbridge," Harry said suddenly.

"What evaluation?" Hermione asked cautiously.

"Umbridge is a manipulative man who loves to conquer and humiliate others. In her opinion, anyone who challenges her authority and worldview must be punished. She has gone beyond the remit that Fudge has given her, Overwhelmed by her fanatical ego. She's bringing a disaster to Hogwarts, and even if she gets kicked out of school one day, she won't be shaken, won't really does People." Even Hermione had to admit that Albert's assessment of Umbridge was quite accurate, and Umbridge was indeed that kind of person.

"Actually, if it's just that, it's fine, but..." Harry glanced at the two of them and continued in a low voice, "There is a prophecy about Umbridge, which is said to have been given to Umri at the beginning. I learned it at the time of the strange prophecy"

"Prophecy, old liar's prophecy?"

"Yeah," Harry nodded. "Anderson thinks Umbridge will be a disaster for Muggle-born wizards and a lot of innocent Muggle wizards in the next few years."

"Albert's "Guide to Self-Defense" was actually largely prepared for those Muggle-born wizards, and he even predicted what would happen in the next few years." Harry looked at Hermione Said, "It is said that he discovered this later when he prophesied to Umbridge, and you see now why I hate that woman so much."

Hermione's eyes widened in shock, even Ron.

"you sure?"

"The news from Fred and George," Harry recalled. "I don't think it was necessary for them to deceive me."

"They didn't even tell me," Ron complained.

"I bet they don't know much, and Anderson didn't reveal much to them, but it's going to get really bad in a few years, that's for sure." Had a few experiences, ha Leigh is willing to believe Anderson's divination, at least he hasn't missed it.

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