The Age of Rebirth: The Fake Daughter Relies on Cultivation To Become Bigger and Stronger

Chapter 93: How about making fried rice while the eggs are still there?

Chapter 93 How about making fried rice while the eggs are still there?

The fireball seemed to have encountered water, popping out before it even touched the wolf's fur.

 Shen Yun rolled over several times, dodged the sharp fangs, and rolled out of the encirclement.

 Standing up neatly, he saw that the wolves on the opposite side had already prepared an attack posture.

 Maybe a few wolves died, which made the pack of wolves on the opposite side more ferocious. The alpha wolf seemed to be directing the battle and howled more sadly.

  Although the monsters he fights are not high-level monsters, it is still a headache for people like this who are good at group attacks.

 She took out the bell and continued to shake it.

 This sonic attack is very effective against low-level monsters.

 Although there is a wolf's roar that interferes, it is still effective against level 1 wolves.

Since the fireball didn't work, Shen Yun didn't use other spells to attack and directly held the Qingfeng Sword.

Hooking up the sword flower, he fought with the wolves that were besieging him again.

The sword shuttled among the wolves like a wandering dragon, bringing up sword energy. The thick snow on the ground was scattered everywhere by the sword energy.

 The wolf's howl in the distance became even more shrill.

 Shen Yun looked at the wolves in front of him who were working together more and more tacitly, and became more energetic.

 The sword blade left blood marks on the wolf's body.

 She herself was covered in blood.

Looking at the immobile wolf carcasses lying on the ground, the pack gradually began to retreat, and the voice of the first wolf also changed.

Looking at another snow wolf that fell to the ground, the wolves next to it gradually faded away.

Shen Yun held his sword and looked at the alpha wolf in the distance.

 A pair of blue eyes could not see any emotion clearly, but there were only screams, and the wolves next to them retreated in that direction even faster.

 Shen Yun stood still until the wolves over there disappeared.

 Shen Yuncai used his sword to support his body.

The spiritual energy in his body has been used up. Fortunately, he used the eight wolves underground to frighten the wolves. If they persisted in biting him, he would really be in trouble today.

 A cleansing spell, the blood stains on the robes and sword are completely cleaned.

With a thought in his mind, Qingfeng disappeared. Looking at the wolf corpses next to him, Shen Yun sat down and began to meditate.

The aura inside is very rich, and Shen Yun does not need to enter the space to restore the aura.

 Leaving a trace of mental alertness, she directly entered a state of trance.

 The spiritual energy washed over the body rapidly. By the time Shen Yun's meditation was over, the spiritual energy in the body had returned to a full state.

 The body has also returned to its best condition.

Shen Yun was about to get up and stretch his muscles when he felt something was on his knees.

The egg he put in the spirit beast bag ran to his knees at some point, and was now firmly welded to it, motionless.

 The spiritual energy on the side swirled and poured into the egg.

Shen Yun was stunned for a moment. It looked like the egg had not eaten for hundreds of years. This spiritual energy flows faster than when I first started practicing.

Shen Yun looked at it without moving. After a while, he felt that the egg's capacity for spiritual energy was greater than his own at the eighth level of Qi training. Maybe there is a big eater here.

Shen Yun looked at the egg on his knees and wondered whether there was a glutton inside the egg.

Then you won’t be able to raise it by yourself when it hatches.

 Perhaps the whole planet will be dazzled by it by then.


 How about making fried rice with eggs while they are still in their infancy.

Shen Yun sat in the whirlpool of spiritual energy, thinking and feeling the improvement of spiritual energy in his body.

 At this moment, it’s like a plug-in has been turned on. There is no cultivation, and the cultivation level is slowly improving.

While Shen Yun was thinking, the egg suddenly shook on his knees, and the spiritual energy vortex paused for a second.

 The egg seemed to have burped, and the next spiritual energy was not as exaggerated as it was just now, and it slowly penetrated into it one by one.

 Shen Yun won't get any dividends if he's by his side.

"You can really eat it." Shen Yun picked up the eggs with his hands and prepared to put them in the spirit animal bag and move on. This unfamiliar space looked quite big. Thinking about the snow elves in your own space, I wonder if there are any other good things in there.

Unexpectedly, this would not go as I expected. As soon as I stuffed it in, the egg appeared in my hand again.

"What's going on? You're not willing to go in, are you? Since you don't want to go in, why did you stay so honest in there some time ago?" Shen Yun muttered to himself while weighing the eggs.

Of course the egg didn't give her any response, it still occupied her palm like a normal egg.

"Since you don't want to be in the spirit beast bag, then I can't take you with me. You should just stay in the secret realm and absorb the spiritual energy, lest I break you. Then I can't even make egg fried rice. "Chen Yun thoughtfully made a snow nest next to him. If it doesn't hatch, at least it can become an ice egg, which is better than a rotten egg.

"I'll leave this for you." Shen Yun didn't care whether the egg understood or not, and put the egg directly into the snow nest.

 Clap your hands and get ready to get up, put the wolf corpse away, and then leave here.

Unexpectedly, the egg in Xuewowo jumped up as if it had been burned, and jumped directly onto Shen Yun's shoulder.

“Hey, you still have to rely on me now, right? I just said that you can understand people’s words and you still don’t respond to me.

Let me ask you a few questions first. If you don’t answer, I will put them in the snow nest for you. "When I found this egg last time, I knew it was not simple. Today I saw that the amount of spiritual energy it absorbs is not what ordinary eggs should have.

 After a few tests, I realized that this thing was probably not a simple species. Otherwise, how could an ordinary thing look like this inside an egg?

The egg remained motionless at first. After waiting for a long time, it seemed that he understood what Shen Yun was talking about, and then moved it carefully in Shen Yun's hand.

 “Are you a glutton?” Shen Yun was more concerned about this issue. If he made this killer weapon by himself, then he would be both a sinner and a sinner, and he would not be able to pay off the karma he carried in his lifetime.

 The egg bounced again after a while.

"What do you mean? You're jumping around, not just swaying." Shen Yun said immediately.

 Shen Yun is probably the only one in ancient and modern times to point to an egg and ask what species it is.

But this was a smart guy, and Shen Yun was fooled after a while.

Shen Yun breathed a sigh of relief. She didn't think about whether the baby had self-awareness problems. Anyway, if it was confirmed, she believed it.

"Do you eat a lot?" Shen Yun thought it was better to confirm this question first, otherwise he might not be able to afford it if he becomes a big eater.

 The egg shook again after a while, confirming these two issues. Shen Yun was relieved a lot. As long as he was not a glutton and not so edible, it should not be so scary. It's better to wait until we go back and study all the ancient mythical beasts, and then ask again.

 (End of this chapter)

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