Chapter 76 If you don’t regret it, that’s the best!

By the time we got back to our place, it was completely dark.

Looking at the light coming on next door, Shen Yun didn't bother him and pushed his bicycle into his small courtyard.

  After picking some grown vegetables from the space and making a simple dinner, Shen Yun went directly into the space.

Cultivation, physical training, and sword training all filled up his time in one night. As he encountered these few things, Shen Yun had a hunch that his spiritual energy might be revived much earlier in this life than in his previous life.

 She urgently needs to improve her strength now.

 Even if this premonition is groundless, there is nothing wrong with improving one's own strength.

 The next day, Shen Yun came out of the space feeling refreshed. He practiced without any breaks throughout the night, as if he had stretched out all the tendons in his body, making his body feel particularly relaxed.

After having a simple breakfast, Shen Yun got on his bicycle and walked towards the school. This morning, there were more people on the road, so Shen Yun did not go too fast, but slowly moved forward with the army of bicycles. .

By the time we arrived at the school gate, the time was about the same as usual, but the speed inside the school was faster.

 Shen Yun entered the classroom before class.

Just in time to see the monitor over there alone, Shen Yun walked over directly.

"I'm sorry, monitor. That Ji Shen was my former brother that day. I didn't expect him to make trouble with you. I'm very sorry. I've already been to their house. If something like this happens in the future, you should ignore him and let him Just come to me." Shen Yun didn't have time to say anything since he was busy attending class yesterday, and he just wanted to express his apology today.

"It's okay, we don't have any influence. Anyway, you can handle the matter yourself. We are all classmates. If you have any difficulties, just tell us. There are more than ten boys in our class who are afraid of him." The monitor laughed. said.

“It’s been taken care of, don’t worry, our classmates don’t need to take action.” Shen Yun also said with a smile.

 The two of them exchanged a few simple words, and then returned to their seats after seeing other students in the class coming over.

 It was another full morning of classes. Shen Yun was not as uncomfortable as he was in the past few days. However, when the teacher taught him these days, he remembered all the related content.

 Learning this aspect can be considered as getting back on track.

At noon, Hu Yan and the others dragged him to the cafeteria and beat him up. Then, with the persuasion of the three people, Shen Yun followed him to the library.

As a result, we arrived late. The three of them were occupied by someone who often read books together, and Shen Yun had no place.

"How about we find an empty classroom to watch." Hu Yan was embarrassed because she insisted on dragging Shen Yun over.

"No, you three are reading. I'm going to see if there are any books I'm interested in. I just want to borrow a few." Shen Yun waved his hand and walked directly towards the library next door.

The library of Peking University is not small, with several floors and a huge collection of books.

 Shen Yun's current life actually takes up a large part of his time for, which can only be spent in class and between classes during the day. During the rest of the time, he has to study things related to cultivation when he has free time.

She had read many books in the library in her previous life, but she couldn't remember them clearly before. Now as her cultivation level improved, the vague contents gradually became clear, which saved Shen Yun a lot of time.

Shen Yun spent half an hour looking for a book of mountains and seas and a natural history book. He planned to go back and take a look. There was an egg in his spirit beast bag. He didn't know what it was. He hoped that these books could be given to him. A little thought.

 Shen Yun took his student ID card to borrow books.

"You guys look here first, I'm going to the classroom where I have afternoon classes." Shen Yun came to a few people and whispered. "What book did you borrow?" the three people asked in a low voice.

Shen Yun directly leaked the cover of his book. Several people nodded immediately after seeing it. They can read miscellaneous books anywhere.

 “Okay, see you in the afternoon.”

 Shen Yun waved his hand and left the study room directly.

There were not many people on campus at noon. Shen Yun was not in a hurry and walked slowly.

 Her long hair was gently blown by the wind, entangled with the ginkgo leaves falling from the tree, and then separated again. The whole figure looked like a woman stepping out of a painting of a lady.

"Hey, there aren't many people here at noon, so who are you hanging out with here?" A chuckle came from not far away. Shen Yun looked up and saw a big peacock in full bloom, which was a bit irritating to the eyes.

"The adulterer sees adultery, the wise sees wisdom. Obviously this is your idea, not mine. It seems that I will talk to your mother another day. Your desire to get married is obvious, so don't be too busy giving me I, the outsider, introduced me." Shen Yun glanced at Ji Momo and immediately looked away.

“Shen Yun, don’t be arrogant. Do you think you are still the same person you were before? You are a country bumpkin in the valley with no money and power, and you still don’t know a good heart.

You think that if you are more beautiful, you can find a good family. Now our Ji family is giving it to you. If you don’t want it, then don’t regret it in the future. "Ji Momo pointed at Shen Yun's face and said.

"Sorry, I don't like people pointing at my face." Shen Yun reached out and slapped Ji Momo's finger. "I definitely won't regret it. As for whether you will regret it, it's hard to say." Shen Yun reached out and slapped Ji Momo's finger. After Yun finished speaking, he didn't intend to waste any more time with her and walked forward directly.

"Bah, I will regret it. What are you thinking? I am from the Ji family now. I will become a big star in the future. You can only dig graves in the wild. As for Professor, don't think about it. Everything about you is mine. ." Ji Momo looked at the calm-looking Chen Yun with sinister eyes and muttered in a low voice.

Shen Yun heard it clearly and chuckled casually, "It's all yours, everything is yours, but I don't know if you dare to accept it."

Thinking again about the Shen family’s spiritual root test results, Shen Yun couldn’t suppress the smile on his face.

 No regrets, that’s the best!

Shaking away the sound of flies buzzing in his ears, Shen Yun went directly to the classroom where he would have classes in the afternoon.

I flipped through the books and read slowly. It wasn’t until class in the afternoon that I put the books away and started listening to the lectures.

 After a whole day of classes, Shen Yun turned down Hu Yan's invitation from the library and went straight to his home on his bicycle.


Shen Yun was not very fast. Hearing the sound of the horn from behind, he reflexively moved to the side.

 Then he saw a black car drive directly past him, and then turned directly, blocking his way forward.

 Shen Yun braked suddenly and stepped directly on the ground with his feet.

Even though she has a good temper, she is angry now.

"If you have eye problems, go to the ophthalmologist. If you have mental illness, the Sixth Hospital will also welcome you. You are so majestic on the road. You are tired of living." Shen Yun said to the open window.

 (End of this chapter)

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